Master Summoner Online

Chapter 971: Magnato Destroyer

The hangar door was pushed very rudely, and thundered and fell to the ground. From the back of the hangar door, a giant centaur appeared. The lower half of the centaur was not an elephant or an elephant hegemonic mammoth. It was tall and stout. His four-toed, white body, grew a pair of curved front teeth on both sides of that face. Holding a five-meter-long spear, nearly ten meters high, full of fierce light, he yelled at him with a murderous look.

And beside this guy there is a large group of brown and black hair guys of various heights and shorts, brown is about three meters high, black is about five meters high.

"Well? You clowns haven't left yet! Believe it or not, crush me into winter food, hahaha ..." The giant white half-man laughed.

Tianzhao stepped forward and shouted, "Hey big guy, you are so embarrassed to take people away, do you have a conscience?"

The half-man smiled, "What is your little girl, human? What was yours before? They were incapable. They were occupied by me, so it was mine. Rarely have you heard such a sentence? I am the one who is capable, so I can live here, and they must leave if they are not. "What a monster full of bandit logic.

Zekka had to clenched her fist at this moment, and said very unwillingly: "If my soul was badly damaged when the Virgin Ship was destroyed, this guy and I can have the psionic storm to kill the ashes."

The human figure shouted, "Humans, I advise you and these weird clowns to leave here immediately or else ..." The spear in his hand struck a metal wall with a dazzling spark, while leaving a deep crack.


I was also a little surprised. Under the golden eyes of fire, this half-human figure data leap in front of you-Magnato Destroyer, Level 177, King-level BOSS, Introduction: Tribal intelligent creatures living on ice sheets. They have long hair for warming, and two sharp long teeth for self-defense and ice cutting. They overcame all the evils of the natural environment and survived their own way in the ice and snow, thinking that they were the true masters of this ice field. The white Magnato Destroyer was the core of the entire tribe's battle.


Although the level 177 king-level boss is a bit surprised, it can be received as long as it is a spirit level. Next is the younger brother next to him. They are the Magnato samurai and the Magnato ripper. The former is a level 170 enhanced monster. The latter is a 170-level elite strengthening monster.

Our high-level Templar is a 155-level elite boss, the zealot is a 160-level enhanced monster, the hunter is a 167-level elite enhanced monster, the sentry is a 150-level elite beast, and the immortal is a 166-level quasi-boss, regardless of the number We also do not have an advantage in the level, and none of us are full of blood. Although the shield is full, once the shield is consumed, the remaining blood volume is not enough to look at.

I said to Zekkad, "Let your mechanical sentry use a stand to separate the surrounding guy from the big guy in the middle, and attack them from a long range to destroy the surrounding enemies. Give the guy in the middle to me, and you and the fanatics will assist me."


After the charge was complete, I greeted, "Everyone come out! Let's go!"

He summoned the beast to show himself, and rushed after me. At this moment, the Magnato Destroyer had a long name called half-human elephant. This half-human elephant yelled, "Humans who don't know how to live or die, come, I am brave People kill all these guys! "

A large group of half-human elephants rushed around, followed closely-"Papapa!"

A series of stances separated these guys from the central BOSS. The stance cannot block the BOSS because it is too large. The stance will be stepped on by it, but it is possible to block the surrounding BOSS brothers.

I commanded the beasts to fight the boss of the boss, and I rushed towards the middle boss.

The Protoss side was not too slow to see Zika yelling, "Protoss warriors, drive these ugly guys out of our sacred mothership!"

"EnTaroTassadar !!!" A group of enthusiasts rushed over with arrogance, although they didn't know what they meant by saying that, but they were very spartan.

"You clowns, after challenging like me, I want to let you know what is stupid !!" Angrily growled, and rushed out with a spear!

"Dora ..."

A bit of lingering ice energy shone on the spear. This guy is indeed a very powerful being. Five fanatics who were swept up by the huge spear were shot out at once, but they There was a shield so it was not spiked.

After sweeping this group of enthusiasts, they followed the spears from the top to the bottom, and a violent air flow ripped through the air and stabbed them down!

Even if I am wearing Long Hui armor, I can resist such a boss attack, just one hand!


Soul Shield!


I had two layers of shields full of hope, and I still could not get a blow from the boss, and it was torn to pieces in an instant, but the blow from the boss was also resolved.

"break the limit!"

There was a long howling violently, and he rushed out and rushed at a nearly ten-meter-tall humanoid figure. The figure was one point, two figures were separated, and the two became one after the other. The strength soared in an instant and reached an incredible state. , Began to speed up the sprint.

"Go to death! Dragon soul destruction!"

The dragon gun pierced into the ground, and the ground cracked in the next moment. Countless light blue dragon-shaped air surged up the sky, covering the boss!

In the sound of "铿铿", the dragon-shaped air waves walked side by side, soaring up to the sky, and immediately followed, the dragon gun was lifted again and shocked the BOSS body, and a series of injury numbers jumped up --- 70031 —70240—70582—70225—70836 Obviously, the defense of the BOSS is too high, and even in the bursting personality state, it is far from the expected effect.

However, with a powerful blow, he even took a few steps back, without any mention of directly opening the summoning of death and destroying the Dragon Slash, and at a moment, the entire body of the BOSS was swept by a raging thunder.

Zekade's psionic storm can cause continuous damage, but this move angered the Centaur and only heard a roar, it has turned into a four-footed hoof and rushed to the past, but I was thinking about letting it Close to Zekkad behind me, the spear in his hand sparkled with blue light and dragged a long trail, and the wind came!


There was a sharp pain in my chest and I lost my blood!

—3985 ...

Don't look at the damage. This is the only thing to know. I now have a personality burst when I have Long Hui armor on my body. Without these two, the BOSS attack is estimated to be enough for me.

Seeing his attack only caused this harm to the humans in front of him, the half of the man seemed obviously incomparably angry, with one hand holding a sharp sword, and shouted: "The great ancestor of Magnato, the gift to your descendants, defeated The strength of my opponent in front of me! "

A beam of blood fell on the guy through the thick rock formations.

"Ding ~! Magnato Destroyer uses the skill [Magnato Soul Runaway] to increase all attributes by 200% within one minute ~!"

by! Is there anything wrong with the 200% increase? !! Wouldn't it last a minute longer than my personality burst! I loop around you.

"Humanity, I want you to pay the price!" Half-human elephants came with a spear. "No way, fight!" If you don't go backwards, even if you increase by 100%, there must be a period of weakness in such skills. After this time you will be on the chopping board.

"Zhen Longyin!"

The clear dragon yin rang, and the BOSS was dizzy on the spot.

Call of Death!

Destroy Dragon Slash!

Broken Army Dragon Slash!

Zhenlong strike!

The four moves are even the king-level boss can't stop it. This kind of attack almost didn't fall. After a few steps, the guy barely maintained his shape because of his four legs, and was still dizzy in the boss!

"Zhen Longteng!"

Countless dragon-shaped air waves rose into the sky, and the boss was shrouded in it. This dragon air was many times stronger than the dragon spirit destroyed by the dragon soul. I finally passed through the dizziness, and spears swept, and I retreated back and forth, but This is an ice cube that hits himself very precisely!

—19031 days! After the attribute is increased, the attack power is very high and it brings about nearly 20,000 blood to oneself. Of course, it does not rule out that there is constant damage in it. A half-man smashes himself like an ice cube and rushes up again. The stock psionic storm raged, and immediately made the BOSS stop charging.

It was a starfall that once again killed up to 30,000 points of blood on the BOSS! Immediately following was another move of Red Dragon Roaring. The Red Dragon opened its teeth and claws against the BOSS, grabbing and biting it. After killing a lot of BOSS's blood, the BOSS flashed in his hand at the moment, and a wave of air was flowing across the river. The red dragon was cut in half, and at the same time it was hit **** my Longhui armor!


—5967 At the same time that the damage was floating out, the guy had been galloping past, and at this time had already raised his spear, and it was a chop down!

"True and fake!"

With a low drink, the real body flashed off the substitute and was cut open. The next time the attack was cleared, Zeka got it. Would I let it succeed? I swam to the side of the boss, sent by the black dragon stab, and the black dragon was stunned by the black dragon. After all, the thorn is not a super skill like Zhenlong Yin, and the stunned BOSS is recovered within half a second.


The spear fell fiercely, and I crossed the red-eyed dragon gun in front of me to resist, and the whole body shook. Although there was not much damage, this guy's powerful force slid himself out for a distance of four or five meters. The soles of the boots were hard enough. , The ground is harder, the boots and the ground produce fierce friction, the harsh sound brings out a dazzling spark, at this time Zekka suddenly burst into a psionic storm skills!

The dragon gun was nailed into the ground, and the destruction of the dragon spirit was launched again. The BOSS was once again clearly in the monstrous dragon gun. The dragon gun lifted up and turned into a giant soldier. The ten-meter-long dragon gun "Boom" roared loudly, and the waves were pounding on all sides, just boiled After the end of the dragon spirit, he could not escape, but he could only watch this additional attack. The hair on his body collapsed instantly, and a deep blood hole was cracked on his body.

"Roar!" Growled in pain.

—70484—70484 The additional damage is only once, and the appearance of two damages obviously increases the effect of the attack! And knock its huge body to the ground!

Zeka had to take this opportunity to have a basic psionic storm. The storm instantly swept through the boss's body, and once again caused the tragic sound, and at this moment my personality burst apart and the explosion value was completely consumed.

"Roar roar!"

This guy suddenly stood up, raised his sword high, and actually began to sing obscure spells, NND, which is super magic!

I immediately sank: "AMP!" The light blue light mass appeared in my hand, and then sent out with my whole strength!

"Bang!" With a muffled sound, the boss's body shook, AMP miraculously interrupted this guy's skills, and the boss who had been interrupted by the skills, rushed to death in anger!

"Splash!" A curved water whip was thrown out, but this guy, the spear would break up easily, flashing frost! But this guy got too fast and didn't freeze, just when I was about to cast my next skill, I was already hitting it hard.

The speed of flying could not be avoided. Immediately, the body was like a disconnected kite. It flew away from the distance, fell heavily on the ground, and stopped after turning over seven or eight heels. The blood volume was full from the moment. Furiously reduced tens of thousands of points, wearing Long Hui armor and was hit into such damage, this guy's explosive power.

After knocking himself, BOSS was ready to win and chase Kezeka. Another psionic storm interrupted his pace, and at this time-"Ding ~! The end of the maintenance, Magnato Destroyer's attack and defense decreased by 50 % For 200 seconds ~! "

Haha, the key moments are over one by one, and the mountain road turns!

Seeing that there is no reason to beat the water dog painfully, a carp fought up and flew forward, throwing all the tricks available to the brain, after killing a large amount of blood and killing the boss, then gave it a black dragon thorn, BOSS Into a short dizziness!

"Galactic Storm!"

After I sighed, a tornado rose up, BOSS was enveloped instantly, the tornado was spinning at high speed, and a huge storm formed in a moment. How powerful the BOSS was, but it could not stop the holy weapon. His skills have been shrouded in the storm at this time, and a series of explosions rang through the world!

After all the surrounding brothers have been solved, they summon the beast and other Protoss units to join the battle. The battle lasts for about 10 minutes. This once-impossible BOSS is finally brought down by us. Ten minutes will bring down a king-level BOSS. If not, It is absolutely impossible to equip it with the support of the Protoss troops.

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