Master Summoner Online

Chapter 975: Weiweilong, accelerate!

Ghostly, ghosts are crying, blood is soaring, arms and legs are flying.

In less than two minutes, all the fish had been lying down.

I do n’t know if there is a follow-up team, but divide the hole first when it is occupied, summon the birth blaster, and let it find a huge rock to block the hole.

After plugging the mouth, I returned to the station and started to produce my robotic beast. The primary F-class beast requires: energy ore x500, steel x100, magic nut x200, refined oil x50, and low-level magic core x1.

Energy ore and energy spar are actually one thing. The former is obtained by purifying the latter energy spar. It can be done in my gold refinery. The same is true for refined oil. It is carried out by ordinary oil in the gold refinery. Alchemy sublimation.

Needless to say, steel. I went to the official website to search for magic nuts. I can buy them in some alchemy shops. The final core of manufacturing magic is this thing. I can do two hundred or two in my technical workshop. Energy spar is the core of magic.

After all the materials are ready, tap on the touch screen and start working. First, throw the energy crystals into the gold refinery for purification. When you see a circular hole on the side of the gold refinery, you will constantly spit out fist-sized diamond crystals. This should be the energy ore, but the number of energy ore is not the same as the energy spar I put in. There are only dozens of energy ore. The touch screen knows that not all of these crystals will be purified successfully, most of them are Damaged during purification.

So I used the manual method to operate it by myself, and then let Tian Zhao throw the other energy crystals into the core of the science and technology workshop to produce the magic oil to refine the refined oil, and the black **** to help me order the number of steel and magic nuts.

Recalling the operation method, press the button on the keyboard, and stared at the spar in the isolation room. The two laser pointers began to slowly polish on the spar, but I just cut off the spar layer to indicate the time. It was a sudden shake, so that this laser pen struck a bite on the surface of the spar "Ding ~! The energy spar is damaged! Unusable!"


The ruthless prompt of the system, throwing this spar to the waste area with some pain, back to when the fuel burned out, and using the mechanical claw to take the second spar from the spar space, the second time I have changed You have to be careful and slowly polish the surface of the spar to avoid such a cup from happening again.

As the irregular surface of the spar was polished and smooth, I gradually completed a small progress, but as I continued to drill down, I suddenly drilled through the spar because of too much force. As a result, different cups Gu happened.

One spar was reimbursed, and the corner of my mouth smiled bitterly. Then I took out a spar and put it on. After two lessons of failure, I became more cautious.

Failure is the mother of success. In the end, the surface of the spar is polished. A transparent liquid flows into the hole along the test tube, and the crystal is solidified in the cooling zone. Five seconds later, a diamond is a stone from the hole. Spit it out, the energy ore that you made yourself is fresh out of the oven, and has a great sense of accomplishment.

"Ding ~! Energy ore has been successfully manufactured. Technological engineering skills experience +10."

Automatic generation does not increase the skill experience. It is only manual. It wipes the sweat from the head and continues. Put the second crystal into it. Carefully grind, inject, and cool about two and a half hours, 500 pieces. Energy ore has been refined, compared to my beauty bodyguard work as usual.

Collect all the materials in the lost parts manufacturing factory, scan the drawings with a scanner, copy the contents of the drawings to the computer, and then click production.

This huge modern machine immediately started to operate, and the blue chimney burst instantly in the circular chimney on the top. After ten minutes, the progress bar was 100% full. My first beast was finally born.

The gate on the other side of the factory opened slowly, and suddenly a strong white light burst out. In the portal formed by the light, an object was pushed out, and I stayed for a moment when the light dispersed.

This appeared to be a black heavy motorcycle, with beautiful lines and a domineering appearance. The so-called machine beast is actually a motorcycle, which is a bit unexpected. The shape is not important, good properties are king.

F-Class Beast, Model: T-V2, Completeness: 100%, Damage: 0, Energy Residue: 100%, Bringing Skills: "Accelerate"-the speed is instantly increased to five times the original, instant skills, Lasts 30 seconds, energy consumption: 30 points, cooling time: 5 minutes. Introduction: Machine beasts are the crystallization of magic and technology. They were widely used in the ancient Titan civilization.

Next, there is an instruction manual. When the switch is turned on, the holographic light screen is immediately displayed in front of everyone. The three-dimensional image above explains the use of this animal.

See the last item. I ca n’t help but read it out. The beast is driven by elemental energy. Driving in the wild may cause mutant monsters to attack. Please be vigilant. Do not use it if you are not in a group or on a long-distance stance. I will also attract monster attacks if I go. Wrong, be alert? There is a hair for you! The monster ’s attack is extremely difficult to prevent, and you ca n’t use any attack method while sitting in the car. In a certain perspective, this is a kill device. Think of it from another angle. The system will not create a completely useless thing. Fool players. If I produce a large number of such robots, and a large number of players use and gather together at the same time, high-level monsters will not come to die, their AI is not as low-level monsters as they know they are dead and will rush at night.

Well, not much to say first, I ’ll drive the thermal scan and fire eyes all the way, and then I will produce a deformed compression package with an anti-gravity backpack. After all, I ca n’t possibly put such a big guy into me This dimension package is obviously unrealistic.

Compress the motorcycle into the anti-gravity bag, and then pack the anti-gravity bag into your backpack. Then go to a place to train the car. The room will be set up for automatic production immediately. Although I have no experience in taking it, I can produce some robots with me. At that time, it would be very exciting for the guild to have one.

Teleport to Tianlong City and then go to the blood wasteland outside Tianlong City. There is a level 20 or higher level map, and it's very quiet at this late night. Even if any monster is shocked by me, we are afraid of our strength. These twenty or thirty level mobs.

In an open space in the blood wasteland, take out the backpack and take out my robotic beast. This thing should be called a motorcycle more accurately.

Sitting in the car, although there is no helmet, my dragon-printed helmet is much stronger. The engine started and the motor made a loud roar.

"Boom!" The roar of machinery sounded, and two white mists were sprayed out of the two air holes at the back of the car. Since I was not driving for the first time, I could only take two MMs for a ride after getting familiar with them. .

Angry at the throttle, the locomotive slammed out of the way like an arrow off the string. "I rub it, whoever tells you that the instructions will drive!" He drove the beast himself and drove fast on the highway like a drunk man. I couldn't help scolding and grinning, but because the speed was too fast, the car suddenly turned over after crushing the rubble on the road, almost biting my tongue out. I was so scared that I immediately set the speed to the lowest gear, and I dared not to take any more interest, so I started to concentrate on driving.

This **** wasteland is dominated by the plains. There are few trees, and it is convenient to drive the machine and the animal to the ground. It is very convenient, but this thing will be strange. The machine and the animal will make a loud noise along the way. , A lot of sleepy monsters, it seems that the final mark on the manual description of the robot is very correct, unless it is such a very confident existence or I run low level training area, it is better not to use it casually.

When the acceleration skill is activated, the speed of the beast soars instantaneously. Due to the excessive torque, the tire cannot produce sufficient friction with the ground, and can only keep turning. The front wheel will jump as soon as the brake is pressed, possibly overturning the person riding it.

I am perfectly driving this uncontrollable mechanical monster to go all out. After groping, he was able to manipulate the motorcycle freely. The magic jets on the back vents drove the mad body on the road, applying all the horsepower to acceleration.

This is not so much the use of skills as it is closer to using more power to dodge the beast. After starting the acceleration, I was almost lying on the engine covered by the resin pressure pump, holding the steering wheel and being forced to withstand the intense vibration caused by the large exhaust volume. That position was almost like a child desperately lying on the back of a beast.

However, this test is not painful for me, but it stimulates fighting spirit and excitement in the body.

After running for an hour, the gadget went out, because at this moment the energy of the beast was exhausted, but it didn't matter that I brought over the spare refined oil. As long as the guy filled the tank with fuel, he could use it again.

The maximum displacement of a motorcycle in the world will be as high as 12000cc. The guy I drove has an acceleration of over 12000cc after turning on acceleration. At this moment, the black **** drove over the chariot. Tianzhao laughed: "Master, let ’s Let's play. "

The Black God also said, "Yeah, I want to see if my chariot runs faster or the owner's locomotive runs faster."

"This ..." Can these two be compared? One is an ancient chariot, and the other is the crystal of modern technology and magic. But the natural look of their expectations cannot disappoint them.

I said, "Be more than."

"Okay, we'll run before anyone else, the blood altar!" The blood altar is the highest level in the blood wasteland, which is not enough for me at all.

"That's a good start!" The black **** shouted and pulled the reins at the same time: "Drive!" The two giant cows roared, the four hoofs stepped out to start Mercedes, and Tian Zhao grimaced at me while I was still at the starting point.

"You two are cunning." Speaking of stepping on the throttle, the two-wheeled beast uttered a brave roar. The roar of the engine was like a lion made of steel-similar to a large roaring carnivore, violently shaking the silence of the night.

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