Master Summoner Online

Chapter 976: Ice Valley Monster

Take a night off, return to the station, and see the results of one night's work. A total of five robots and compressed packages were made in one night, the robots were compressed in, and the machine was turned off.

Next, open the newsletter. Today I am going to complete the task of the Queen of Snow and Ice. This task is shared and the SSS level is not something I can complete alone, even if I have now exceeded the limit.

Send a message to everyone, I want to send a message not to everyone, but to everyone else, namely, Xueyue, Yun Lan, the rain and rain, the flying blood, dark night, Superman Brothers, Tears No Trace, Erica, Mo Yan, small street building, with AP, AD, and treatment, I can go to MT with a group of summoned beasts, what a scientific match.

After receiving the news five minutes later, everyone showed up. Next, I took out the latest masterpiece, the robot beast, which can carry people. For the robot beast I took out, my companions showed incredible expressions on their faces. After all, this cold weapon era There is such a high-tech product, it is just like seeing aliens. The next step is the ownership of the assigned robots. The five robots were sent to five of them, each one carrying one person, one in Xueyue Yunlan, and one in the night. The rainy year and a small street building, Erica and Mo Yan, Superman Brothers and Tears without traces at the same time, they are either male and female, or lesbian, these two old men protested this allocation, but The protest was invalid.

Next, everyone took out the crystal and went to the Dragon City, and then moved to the Ice Palace. I have to say that the speed of the beast is fast, it is almost the same as flying, but the road also alarmed many local aboriginal protests. We haven't rushed before they even rushed over.

All of us walked into the Ice Palace, and the two giant guards were still standing there. The guard on the left immediately stepped forward and shouted, "Who is coming!"

I stepped forward: "I want to see your queen, please let me know."

"It turned out to be His Royal Highness Prince Dragon City. Please wait for me to report." He turned and entered the Ice Palace, and the guard came out five minutes later: "The queen is reading in the study, please come with me." Said to make a please action.

We immediately followed the guard and walked all the way straight into the palace. No one here is guarded by magic or elemental beings. After a few laps, we come to the study where the ice queen is.

"Queen, His Royal Highness the Prince of Dragon City and his companions brought it!" Outside the study, the guard lowered his head and said respectfully.

"Oh, hard work! You step back and let them in!" Came the cold, majestic female voice behind the door.

The door opened and everyone entered the study.

The study is not as glorious as the emperor in the dragon capital, and there is not much book atmosphere. It's all ice, and it's not like thinking about an ice bank in the study.

Stepping into the room, I saw the Ice Queen who was sitting and reading at the white jade table at a glance. A white suit with a touch of makeup on her face looked very pure and simple.

"You're here!" Frozen Queen closed the scroll, looked at me, and asked lightly.

"Hmm!" I nodded.

"Why is Your Royal Highness here today?" The Ice Queen smiled softly and said kindly.

"?????" Rarely she forgot to give me the task? So he said, "Of course, it's to help you get rid of that fox. You also went to the empress to tell me where the fox lived?" Even if you forget, I still remember to go straight.

The Ice Queen nodded and said, "Yes, it's time to make that fox spirit pay. But before leaving, I still have to tell you that the fox spirit was originally an ordinary snow fox in the ice of Death Glacier. Practiced for thousands of years, very good at ice magic and charm, especially its foxfire, its foxfire is hundreds of times more powerful than ordinary foxfire, which can be melted away in an instant, very powerful, you thousands Don't take care. Well, the others are fine. Your prince is already a strong person who has broken through the limits. There must be a way to deal with it. However, if you are not prepared, you must be very difficult to fight. "

I frowned slightly, and said, "Is there any magic weapon for it?"

The Ice Queen continued: "The fox spirit hid in the Arctic Ice Palace was originally a fortress of the Demon Army. The fortress devil had previously fallen into a magic barrier to protect it. Being unable to approach the barrier would strengthen the fox spirit's abilities. The needle is borrowed from you, so that you can break the barrier. However, remember that the barrier will be repaired after a certain period of time. If you ca n’t find the core and break, even if you kill the vixen, you will only be trapped in the Arctic Ice Palace for a lifetime. ! "

"Ding ~! You get quest props: seamless stitch ~!"

Accept the mission props and thank you, "Thank you Queen! My companion and I are going to get rid of the fox essence, and you are waiting for our good news!"

I said to the Ice Queen: "Ask where is that place?"

"Ice Palace is in a valley twenty kilometers away from here, you go!" Said the Empress.

"So, I will say goodbye, and go to that ice palace now!"

Out of the ice palace to find the machine beasts, our group of "trotters" began the hurricane again.

The horsepower of the robot is infinite. The 20-kilometre distance is nothing at all. It reached the valley in a blink of an eye. This is a very huge frozen valley. The intersection of the valley is relatively narrow. The noise of the robot is too loud. Just come down slowly and kill the monsters by the way.

After walking about a hundred meters away, a turtle-like monster was exposed to everyone's vision. This turtle is about two meters tall, covered with blue and white, covered with thick frost, and a turtle shell on its back still has one. An ice thorn, lying on the snow in the valley, did not move, a closed blue eyes full of blue scales. It feels very deadly if you touch it, but this guy seems indifferent to our arrival.

Slowly walked past, after entering the investigation range, suddenly peeped at it!

Ice Valley Vicious Beast, Level 186, strengthen the elite monster. Introduction: Ice domain is a special environment constructed by the ice of the sky and the water system. Under these conditions, various life forms have been bred. Ice Vicious Beast is the evolution of the ice turtle. Coming from the ice, the energy of the ice is so strong that it inhabits the ice valley. Don't look at it's quiet surface. In fact, it is extremely cruel. The territories have a strong meaning.

"The 186-level monster must have a good experience. I'll bring it in." Dark night said that he was invisible, the side of the monster of the Ice Valley that came instantly, and the dagger swept across its turtle shell.

—100 Hundred points of damage, and the eyes were widened in the night. How could my own attack power hurt this point? There is no way.

Was scratched by the dark night, the ice beast of the valley, immediately stood up, eyes opened, revealing a pair of red eyes. Facing the dark night is a mouthful, a huge air conditioner, suddenly vomiting!

Facing the oncoming air conditioner, the night did not panic, and the body fled away, and then hurried back to us. Our soldiers rushed away with their weapons!

The evil beast sank, with a roar erupting in his mouth, and dozens of ice spikes on his body flew out at the same time.

Everyone was horrified. This spike was not only aimed at the front people. We were attacked at the back. Erica, Superman, Xiaolou, and Mo Yan immediately opened the magic barrier, and I opened the attack.

Dozens of serial explosions are sounding and the magic barrier is smashed, but fortunately everyone is okay, which is more fortunate.

We are lucky but the monsters do not want us to.


With a roar, the monster's hind legs suddenly kicked and slammed hard at us. Don't look at this guy who is very clumsy and runs slowly.

"Giant Doorman!" Li Ye was dazzling in the dark, and her sacred bracelet blazed out, followed by a huge iron gate emerging from under the snow, and the beast slammed against the giant gate, unable to shake the slightest, followed closely. Mouth wide, spraying a lot of ice mist, but still helpless.

The night's skills blocked the attack, and everyone in other melee professions rushed out, following the Ice Beast to attack. I followed the throwing of the dragon gun to start the Red Dragon Roar. In addition, other people also Attacks were carried out frantically from all sides.

"Flame bomb!"

"Ice Cone!"


"Spear of light!"

The magical attack was reached first. Four different series of magics hit the beast fiercely. The huge body directly hit back and forth several steps, but the damage was all one hundred. My red dragon also started. On my own attack, the dragon's claws deal a hundred points of damage very much, and I see that the frost on the evil beast begins to fall continuously.

"Sword Qi aspect!"

The sword in the hands of Yan Yuliu Nian and Lie Xie Fei suddenly blasted the sword at the same time and hit the monster directly. The huge attack power not only caused damage to him, but the frost on his body also dropped sharply, and it also caused him to fall into a rigid state for a second.

The two of them are equipped with a photon killing suit, a proud attack set, and the ability of both to have dual wield weapons, plus an additional weapon attack power.

"The speed of light!"

After watching the two of them shot Xueyue, the giant sword fell, and the speed was dumbfounded. Xueyue's equipment is the photon slash suit. Although the attack power is not as good as the killing suit, the attack speed is very fast, even the giant sword can wield. Like a sword, Xueyue's sword completely broke away from the frost on the monster. At this moment, Yun Lan slammed the punch in the past to bring out over 10,000 injuries. Everyone understands here. The frost on the monster will Forced absorption of damage, just like the Shield of the Immortal, damage is only 100 points higher.

Without the protection of the frost, this guy is a paper tiger. Although the health value, attack power, and defense power of this thing are very good, today it is facing our group of abnormalities, which basically cannot resist our fierce attacks. . Its greatest reliance has been unable to come out, it is almost powerless to resist!


With a fierce roar, the Bingguo Beast sent out its final roar before dying, opened its mouth wide, and sprayed the cold air, which affected us but was far from enough. Without the protection of frost, it was under our shameless siege After killing this guy perfectly like a dog abuser, after the killing, he had no time to lose the loot. Suddenly, dozens of Ice Valley monsters popped up in the surrounding snow to surround us!

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