Master Summoner Online

Chapter 977: Polar snow fox

The experience value of this group of evil beasts is very good, and the explosion rate is also passable. After killing for nearly two hours, a dark gold armor was exploded, and then all the gold and silver wares were spread. Generally speaking, it's not bad, after all, no one came here, and it's not the BOSS explosion rate.

After traveling for nearly five hours, we finally came to the end of the Ice Valley after killing countless monsters. There is actually an ingenious building here, and it has to be amazing.

This is a giant palace building that looks exactly like an ice block, and stands high above the mountain at the end of the ice valley. This is the mysterious "Arctic Ice Palace" full of legends.

"What a magnificent palace!" Mo Yan's two eyes were staring.

"Yeah, it was unexpected that such a magnificent palace was a war bunker." I said.

The fierce blood flew: "There doesn't seem to be any magic barrier here?" He walked forward without saying a few steps.


"It hurts!" The painful back again and again, as if just hit a wall.

I stepped forward and stretched out my hand, and it was accepted that when I saw the invisible transparent wall when I came out, I still tried to knock and make a gurgling sound. It seems that there is a magic barrier here.

Remove the mission props. This silver-sized palm needle was thrown at the invisible magic barrier. The silver needle immediately flashed a dazzling light when it came into contact with the magic barrier. After the light flashed, it was prompted to detect-"Ding ~! The Arctic Ice Palace ’s magic barrier is broken, and there is 4 minutes and 58 seconds before the barrier is restored! "

"Ding ~! Your team broke the barrier, the monsters in the ice palace and found you, please prepare ~!"

Seeing the prompt I said, "Go!"

A group of mermaids rushed in. Before arriving at the palace, they saw a staircase made of ice thousands of meters long. The ladder extended to the gate of the palace. Everyone rushed up without hesitation. Next, the white jade gate, I Going up is a stroke of the dragon and rushed over!


Baiyumen was smashed. Although this thing used to be a warring bunker, it has not been maintained for thousands of years, and the gate was completely vulnerable.

I ran open the door and said with great regret at the back: "I said," Why do you hit such a beautiful door? Why is it so bad? "

I laughed: "It's okay."

"Yeah, this is the monster's nest. Why are we here to copy others?" Tears were invisible.

"Woo, you guys are so rude." Xiao Lou said with a grunt.

Entering the Ice Palace, I said, "We are now divided into two groups, one group is to crusade the boss, and the other is to destroy the core and destroy this magic barrier."

"How to divide?" Dark Night said.

I said, "You and the fierce blood fly, and Superman, no tears. Erica and the small building. You guys will destroy the core. The others and I will kill the boss."


After the distribution, everyone spreads out. The BOSS in this area is definitely a spiritual one. It is definitely not easy to deal with. According to general management, the BOSS will live in high-level places, so we started to find the way to the high-level.

"I found an intruder!" Just as we were looking for the stairs leading to the upper area, a female voice suddenly sounded. Listening to this voice should be a nice woman, but when I followed the voice, I saw a large group of tall women. One meter five or six, two or three meters long, snow-white foxes rushed towards us. This group of foxes should be here to welcome us warmly, residents.

Polar Snow Fox, Level 185, Elite Beast, Introduction: The fox living in the ice valley was called by the owner of the polar ice palace to enter the ice palace for cultivation. After training, he has learned a lot of wisdom and learned to speak. Human words, it is said that some of them have been removed from the animal shape into life.

After knowing this monster's information, I didn't delay anymore. I ordered the summons to show up, and immediately rushed towards the nearest polar snow fox like the tiger came out.

The Trolls first rushed up and launched an invincible charge, but this guy did not have a low AI. Then he kicked very quickly from the head of the Trolls, jumped behind him, but skipped but ran into the head-on. Snow moon's shield.

"Bang!" Directly knocked.

Immediately after being battered, she was almost tossed to the ground before she let go of her stance.

The fastest running Snowflake died, and the guys behind stopped it. It seems that our toughness has increased the vigilance of these guys, but they are alert that we can't wait for a while and throw the dragon gun at a Snowfox immediately. Started the Red Dragon Roar, these guys dispersed immediately, and I immediately summoned the beast to come forward, and they just broke one by one when they separated.

But they are not just beaten points, they opened a fox mouth and spit out a bunch of white energy **** flying towards everyone.

Fist-sized energy **** flew over, a few were blocked by Xueyue's shield, a few were broken by Yun Lan's fist, and the ice ball flew towards me to open the attack. Two energy hockey **** flew towards the sky, but she flickered lightly, smashing in vain on the icy ground and burst out two white mists. One of the energy hockey **** flew to the black **** and was immediately cut off by her. The two halves of the ice hockey flew out and burst into two ice mists!

The ice hockey was still hitting my summoned beast, but the damage was not high. After one round of counterattack, the fate of the polar snow fox did not change at all. They tried to continue to launch a new round of attacks, but in our more sharp skills In front of the attack, they were thrown down.

The last Snow Fox's head was crushed by a biochemical dragon, and at the same time he was thrown out, fell to the ground, twitched a few times after rolling, and never moved again.

Several gold coins burst out at the same time.

After packing the ground booty, I set off again and continued to penetrate the hinterland of the palace. These foxes were not difficult to deal with, and sent out the sky to open the road to attract strange creatures. When she returned, she had attracted a large group of foxes with more than 100 polar snow foxes, etc. When she returned to her own camp, the white shadows on the snow **** in the distance were trained into a piece.

"Quite good!" I said cheerfully standing in the middle of the team.

The command of my scent dog first fired, releasing a meteor fire rain, a large cloud of red clouds suddenly gathered in the palace, the next moment the fire rain fell down instantly, the means of attracting strange monsters was good, and a large number Snow Fox's attack array is relatively dense. Although the area of ​​the palace is quite large, when they are aware of the attacks from the air and respond, there are still many foxes in the coverage of the fire and rain!

A fist-sized fireball whistled down from the air with a powerful fall impact. Almost 20 snow foxes were unable to dodge and were hit hard. The hot fireball exploded on its body.

The fox's attack was blocked, but our attack was unimpeded, and MM and the summoned beasts rushed into the fox group. The fox was not the kind of guy who was waiting to be killed. A group of cold ice **** quickly flew over and sprayed like raindrops.

This attack was relatively intensive, and blasts of ice and mist were blown up on us, and everyone was attacked by seven or eight cold ice balls. Even Mo Yan who was standing in the end was hit by one or two. This ice hockey ball has limited damage and cannot cause much damage, but sometimes it ’s unlucky and some froze. This group of foxes are spell-type monsters. We are near The fighting behind them was completely one-sided, and even though they resisted with all their strength, they were still killed and flew, and they fell down one after another.

After nearly five hours of slaughter, the foxes in the hall and surrounding corridors were finally settled. We also found that we almost turned the place upside down. Eventually, our gate appeared in front of us, and we saw a circle of snow foxes larger than the average polar snow fox around the gate. And in the middle of this group of snow foxes, there is a huge wild boar, but this wild pig is riding a female warrior, but the head of this female warrior is a fox wearing a white armor and a sword and shield. There are three fox tails.

Scan the past-Fox Demon Knight, Level 187, BOSS, Introduction: The Fox Demon Knight is a powerful subordinate trained by the Lord of the Ice Palace. These snow foxes took off most of the beast body, and also tamed the creature like the Ice Demon Pig. Mounting yourself has a high status in the ice palace.

"The intruders appeared, kill them!"

The fox knight's sword pointed at us, two feet, one mount, two ribs, and a roar charged at us, and at the same time, a group of large polar snow foxes next to it rushed over quickly, one by one. Tooth grinned.

"Destroy the Dragon Soul!"

The dragon gun pierced into the ground, and the ground collapsed in an instant, one after another, the dragon-shaped air waves cut from the ground and cut the earth and stones soared into the sky. They crisscrossed, leaving deep cracks on the ground, and a large number of dense injuries. Floating up from its head, and then chopping off the dragon gun, many foxes were shattered by the impact of dragon-shaped air waves and dragon waves, and pieces of flesh and bones shattered.

The command summoned to deal with the group of foxes to pounce on the boss.

Charge of the Dragon!

I hit hard and hit the Fox Knight! Huge impact damage, the fox demon knight was knocked back, at the same time a black dragon stab to send over the fox demon knight over the head of a dizzy mark, and then began to fight.

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