Master Summoner Online

Chapter 978: Spirit Fox Warlock

I was the only one who threw it out to bite the fox demon knight, but the fox demon knight's IQ is not low, and he quickly evaded. Yun Lan's fist made a number of shots in the void. Swinging, the fox demon knight is driven back one after another, and suddenly the shield launches a shield strike to stun it. The fox demon knight is stunned and cannot move!

Immediately following a series of skill group kills, the Fox Monster Knight screamed and fell to the ground. The boar who fell under his knight could continue to fight, but the wild pig was not a BOSS-level creature, and we were repeatedly stunned. Finally fell down.

The guards all fell down. I talked to them in the smoke and rain. They have penetrated the underground of the castle, but they have not found the power core and have been attacked by a large number of guards. It does n’t matter that there is time. The core ’s magic barrier will strengthen the ability of BOSS. We can destroy it before we find the boss.

Close the call and talk about pushing the door, but just blast the door open.

"Energy explosion!"

The door was blasted into fragments. Behind the door was a white jade staircase. Stepped on the staircase and went up. He quickly ran to the end of the staircase. He just stepped on the last staircase and heard only the sound of the wind breaking. With a sound, a sharp sword slashed directly on my armor, bringing out 7000+ damage numbers. My armor has been replaced with the original dragon crystal armor. The sharp sword was chopped on my shoulder. I immediately grabbed the sword with my backhand. Body, the dragon gun in the other hand was sent quickly, and a slap, the barrier broke directly shakes this sneak attacking guy, the other side forced the shot to withdraw, everyone also took the opportunity to rush up the stairs, and the dense guards stood in the tunnel in front. , Are half-human and half-fox creatures holding various melee weapons, the name is the uniform Ice Palace Guardian, 189-level enhanced monster.


Summoned the summoned beast to kill it. At the same time, the momentum rushed over was quite scary. I also launched the Dragon Soul Destruction. This group of guys is obviously more powerful than the Snow Fox downstairs. The Dragon Soul Destroyed three heads and killed him by additional attacks. Four heads, also wounded a lot of heads, in the opening Destroyer Dragon Slash, killed the guard that had lost more than half of his blood, set off air waves and wounded several guards around him.

These guards are not very easy to deal with. They will not only launch melee attacks, but also launch long-range ice edge attacks, but they resist hard and wipe them out completely.

This second round of refreshing played, the second batch of monsters also appeared, but they will not rush up like low-level monsters, but choose part of the front part of the defense, for long-range attack cover, killing a round of guard time is enough The appearance of a round of guards did not have much rest interval, and the experience was also ups and downs. Unconsciously, nearly a thousand guards have been killed. The ground is full of dense equipment and gold coins. Players in this squad have Fortunately, the burst rate is naturally not low, making the players content.

I do n’t have to eat along the way, I packed up the equipment blasted by countless guards. Although there are a lot of explosions, most of them are blue sky and white clouds, and they are worshipped. Among them, you can also see some gold and silver equipment, and take them back. , Sell the debt to repay, properly.

These guys will also burst out some cards. These guard's enchant cards will increase the ice resistance, which is not useful to me, but you can get them back for some pocket money.

Continue to go forward through several corridors, and another gate appeared in front. This time there is still a BOSS guard. This BOSS has a relatively complete human figure. Excluding the three shaking fox tails behind it, it is obviously a very beautiful human female. This fox spirit weapon is a wand, it seems to be a magical BOSS, but what about the strength, there are hundreds of guards around.

"Sisters kill these intruders, and they must not let them approach the Lord of the Palace!" The fox spirit wizard issued a command, and the guards around him summoned a large number of ice lingers, and the icy spears coming from numerous spears would drown us all.

Seeing the locust-like ice and the shield raised by Xueyue, I also called to call the beasts to resist the ice, and I turned on the electric light fire and rushed up. Before I rushed up, I opened the attack and the soul shield.

The shield was quickly turned into a horse honeycomb, but I rushed into my own attack distance by the shield-Dragon Charge!


The body turned into a blue light dragon and directly crashed into the monster group. The dragon gun penetrated and started the red dragon roaring. The soft female body of these guards could not completely resist the attack of the red dragon, and jumped out at least 15000+ damage numbers. These guards Not a complete warrior monster is not bad.

Others rushed up, Xueyue first stunned with a shield, and the giant sword that followed followed a light blue light. The giant sword swept four consecutive slashes at a horizontal level, causing continuous damage!

—22467, —22749, —23010, —23441 The four damage values ​​are very high. The trick just now is the additional skill of the Great Sword named “Horizontal Square Array Chop”. You can launch four slashes with a horizontal line. Affects the damage of the next slash. If the slash is right, the damage will increase in turn, and the error will decrease, so this is a trick that tests the operation skills. In contrast, in the smoky and rainy years, although the weapons of the two **** killing suits also have skills and are an additional continuous attack skill, that skill does not have the same level of guidance as the postgraduate operation.

Killed more than 80% of the health of the defender she fought with in one fell swoop, and added an attack. Without the use of skills, the damage caused by a very ordinary chop can easily harvest its last health.

There are a lot of BOSS brothers, and BOSS is not stupid and won't watch us bully our own brother. When we are confronted with our brother, it will continue to throw ice magic to interfere with us in the back row.

We try to pack the mobs to reduce the interference when fighting the boss. If you want to bring the mobs from the boss, tell you that you are dreaming, and bring the boss from the boss to kill him. So good, let's not mention this advanced map.

After the guards were destroyed, the opponent's boss started to scan, the eyes of fire were golden eyes, this guy is a class 190 elite boss, called the spirit fox warrior, I saw this spirit fox warrior wand.


A loud roar sounded, followed by a magical array, a giant monster emerged from the circle, and saw that it came out of a huge lizard. As soon as the lizard appeared, it shot a huge ice cone. Because the distance was too close, the huge ice cone directly hit the trolls around me.

—24350 Trolls, but the chaos armor skills that reduce 75% of long-range damage, directly lost more than 20,000 blood. I was suddenly surprised that it can deal so much damage. It has the ability to ignore defensive effects or constant damage, no matter which guy is not good enough to deal with.

The fox warrior stood on the back of the giant lizard. The ice cones, ice, frost, and so on were released freely. The endlessness seemed to have no need to care about the consumption of magic at all.

At this moment, we are attacked but the system determines that the position can attack that lizard and not directly attack the fox spirit on the back of the lizard. Since it can only attack this guy, then we want to kill it.

"Fast knife!"

The giant steel blade whistled down and hit the lizard's forehead directly!

—2781 The damage value jumped out, and the fast knife random hemp skill was changed once by the system. The original attack power of this thing's gain, only knocking it down to less than three thousand damage value, it is not very surprising, but it is not too low.

At this time, the black **** came over and knocked him out during the destruction journey. This lizard is nearly two meters long and five meters long, and it is so large that it cannot be avoided, and the IQ does not seem to be high enough to activate the skills.

"Strike hard!"

Stunned him, I sent a full attack order with my mind. Suddenly, the contract summoned beast and the summoned beast were like fierce tigers on the mountain, fiercely attacked towards the big lizard.

"Black Dragon Spike!"

After the stun status of the lizard was lifted, I suddenly stunned a black dragon stab, and once again entered the stun status, but this thing has a high level of dizziness and stuns, and the fox spirit on his back is not integrated with this lizard at all. Can't faint it, standing on the back of the lizard and throwing ice magic to us in a hurry.


The big lizard that was beaten one after the other was a fierce roar on its head. Suddenly, a huge pair of crampons condense under its huge feet. My heart was frozen, and this **** thing was a big trick. "Brush!"

The huge claws rushed past, and because the previous siege was too dense, I summoned the beasts. AI can naturally escape soon, except that the head of the contract beast is not as good as the summoned beast.

The AD half-meat that suddenly came out of the fiend was still standing in the back row and spit out the flame-scented dog. The other wolf emperors and water dragons were directly killed by this trick. However, it is not enough to kill my contract beast. The claws scratched wildly at us, and took out a number of 13,000 ~ 15000 points of damage, plus the magical damage of the fox spirit above. At once, the apparently passive situation encountered this situation, and quickly retreated to reorganize the formation.

"The King of Tautou! Bingzhi!" The contracted beast was still cooling down to summon a new summoning beast, killing the past again, and Xueyue also pulled back, suddenly a charge!


The shield slammed heavily on the lizard's forehead, without being stunned. I flew a triple strike in the snow and ice. The bull's mouth of the mechanical bull's head was opened. A flame swept the big lizard's BOSS on his body, bringing out continuous damage figures At the same time, there is an additional stun effect directly, and even the BOSS is dizzy. The stun time is as long as 7 seconds, which is very valuable.

Death summons and destroys the Dragon Slash to open, and a series of strokes hits it!

—35511, —34855, —34668! ...

A piece of damage blew up. My brother and my sharpest skill set must not be underestimated. This lizard is not BOSS. Ignoring defensive forces causes it huge damage. It also damages the BOSS while weakening its shield. Strength of.

"Roar ..."

The big lizard swept out with its iron whip-like tail in anger, making two "slaps", hitting a ball like a fierce monster and flying it out, hitting the ice sculpture wall fiercely, his body exploded into thousands The spark disappeared into the air.

Immediately afterwards, the big lizard opened its mouth and spit out a large cold!

"Fatal blow!"

Xueyue waved a sword accurately, the big lizard was silenced, her skills were strangled in her belly, and the ensuing Yun Lan shouted a series of dazzling strikes!

"嘭 嘭 嘭 嘭", in the sound of explosions, one by one, the numbers of injuries flew up, and the head of the big lizard was blown by the brain. The headless body fell to the ground softly. Without this guard, the opponent BOSS It can be said that there is a winning ticket.

Go up and use the ripper to break your shield. Although this fox spirit attacks all the cows in front, it has only 2 million HP as a magical creature. The defense after losing the shield is even weaker. After losing the shield, It was a joke if we were surrounded by us, and we couldn't clean it up.

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