Master Summoner Online

Chapter 988: Brother is in trouble

After a one-minute meeting, Zhao Bo was always so embarrassed, and it was easy to go off the topic. The Mount Everest talk went to Mount Fuji, and his words had a hypnotic effect. I listened to the sleepy death, but did n’t dare to sleep. Because the Shudao guy stared at himself, NND, so many people in the class just stared at him, there was no way.

Finally, Zhao Bo's nonsense was over, and finally he was able to return to the dormitory. After a big stretch, he was ready to leave the classroom, but was asked by the Taoist **** to stay clean. Although he was very ruthless, he was a teacher but he had no choice My couple sent me back as a little beauty. They didn't suggest me to hold them at the same time, but I was embarrassed in front of so many people, so I let go and let go.

After sweeping the floor, left the classroom and returned to the dormitory. Xiaoxi leaned over the road and said, "Long Brother."

"Why?" I asked.

Xiaoxi said: "When does Long Brother call his younger brother?"

I said, "What to teach you? Don't tell me it's learning, you know my grades."

"Of course it's a pick-up." Xiaoxi said.

I laughed: "Look for Ye Shuang."

Xiaoxi laughed: "Look at him for his shitless love poems. If he wasn't slapped by someone else's MM, it would be a good temper."

"Then you go to the guild and post a post, and they will tell you." There are a lot of guys in the guild who claim to be holy, especially the dancer Wu Hua who talks about MM everywhere in the guild, especially those who have just joined the guild Players are not scourged by this guy.

"People say that things on the Internet can't be believed, it's better to listen to Brother Long." Xiao Xi said.

I said, "Well, tell me who your goal is?"

"This ..." He was a little embarrassed at first, and indeed saying the name of the person he liked was indeed a matter of courage, just as I had the courage to confess to Xueyue.

"Hey, call you, did you hear me?" While we were talking. Suddenly someone clamored in front!

"Look at it." Nothing to worry about was awakened from sleep.

Xiaoxi and I ran up and saw the tall boy shouting at a little boy! This tall guy is quite tall with a height of 1.8 meters, one head taller than me. The short boy with a trash can in his hand more than one hundred and sixty, apparently formed an oppressive advantage in height.

"You're **** trash and dirty your brother's shoes. Clean your shoes!" This product is so loud that I am not familiar with the two. It is obviously a freshman this year. The freshman is so arrogant when he comes in. Pay it back later.

"Hey, who is the classmate over there, bullying is not a manly style." He took a step forward and said.

"You **** care about you shit. It's a nosy business." When I heard this, I heard that the arrogance was not the young master or the one who died in a fight. It doesn't matter if it doesn't matter to me.

"How did you talk to the senior elder?" I haven't spoken yet, Xiao Xi first looked at him, and he was the most disgusting of such things.

The short boy shouted as if he had caught a life-saving straw at the moment: "Senior, this man is bullying. I accidentally splashed his shoes when I took out the trash. I have apologized, but this man is unwilling to spare."

"Stupid boy, you fight!" Shouted the tall boy.

I chuckled aside, "Your boy is looking for a fight! The senior is asking who has allowed you to intervene." The fight came, when you were beating dozens of people by yourself, you were still extorting pocket money for your friends.

"What the **** do you want?" This guy is a bit dim, and if it gets bigger, our side will have an overwhelming advantage.

"What's the matter! What's the matter!" The ubiquitous school guard came back again.

I clasped my arms and said, "Nothing bullies this classmate. I just came to see the fun."

"Look at the excitement? Who believes it! Honestly explain to the Security Section of me!" Said the school guard.

"Department of Security? What am I going to do? Find your Captain Magui to have tea!" I know the leader of the Division of Defense, a representative of a Chinese class in Class 7. I played with him once last semester, although It ’s not a real fight, but Mr. Cheng called him fighting and practiced with him. This person is also a good kung fu. I remember that he kicked a rib out of a slight fracture because he was too hard and lost 10,000 medical expenses. , Extremely depressed.

"How are you familiar with our captain?" The school guard was clearly puzzled by his name.

"Your captain is my younger brother!" This sentence is true. After that, the goods actually made it run. If I accept him as my younger brother, but I did not agree, nor did I refuse, but just made him an ordinary friend by the way. Let him teach me a few tricks.

"Ah!" He was clearly surprised.

I didn't continue to pay attention to the man and said to the tall freshman, "It's time to solve your problem."

"What advice does the senior have?" The short boy asked.

"It's arrogant, but it must have arrogant capital. Moreover, it is best to speak through the brain. My advice is just that! Everyone goes back to each house and finds his own mother." Tall hands behind his head said the tall boy looked Seeing that I looked at the short boy, I was a little uncomfortable, but couldn't say, "Let your kid be lucky ..." Leave a word and leave.

"Since it's okay, then I'm leaving too." The members of the school guard saw that the incident was over and left.

"Be careful with the garbage next time." After speaking to the short boy, he and Xiaoxi continued to walk to the dormitory.

"Thank you, senior!" The short man shouted gratefully in the back.

"You're welcome!" Waved the watch-type reply.

After this little interlude, Xiaoxi and I were on the sidewalk to let go. I went back to my room, took out my helmet, put it on, and lay on the bed to connect with the second world.

Mirror Synthesis!

"Congratulations, your auctioned item 'Tianji suit' was sold successfully. Player: Titan Warrior, the highest bid is 28.21 million gold coins. After deducting the 3% auction fee, you will finally get: 27,363,700 gold coins. Already transferred to your game character. "

Whoops! Two thousand pairs of me would be worth ten million at most. This guy named Iron Man is still really rich. Of course, having money is a good thing. More than 20 million is enough to pay off the gold coins I owe.

I collected the coins and returned to the Dragon City. I gave the money to Rebecca and then mailed 10 million to my old owner. More than 100 million of the money to buy Longhuijia was borrowed from the guy in Assassin's Creed. .

After passing the money, Nirvana's angry voice came: "Brother, where is it?"

"In the city, why?"

"Big brother helps !!!!"

"What's going on?" I chuckled in my heart. Who dares to bully my little brother, leveling first is too leisurely.

Anger could not be restrained: "I now have the general tomb as a quest. I didn't expect to run out of another group and they also took this fundamental quest! They asked me to hand over the quest props, I didn't give them, they wanted to hang me because the quest couldn't use the City roll, I can only keep running. "

I took a deep breath and said, "I'll be right over and give me the coordinates. Bullying my younger brother, it's against him!"

"Here are coordinates xxxxx, brother xxxx. You have a time limit for this task."

"I'm here to hold on!"


Teleport to the city closest to the general's mausoleum. The general's mausoleum map is not a very advanced map, but this map has a feature that it is easy to have a chance to randomly trigger a mission and start a unique hidden mission. Players came back here to try their luck. Soon after, the map of our general's mausoleum can be heard from a distance. The noise was loud and there were screams.

As the voice chased, several figures ran straight up and ran over while fighting. These people, each one of them, are very agile, and at a glance you can see that there are no weak people in this group.

"Don't run if you have something! Give it up!" Suddenly, someone in the crowd drunk.

The three of us approached, and soon, all of these people appeared in my sight. The person who had just been drinking was burly and had an iron mask on his face, but it happened that the goods were sold towards me. Celestial Set.

Wear my suit to hunt down my little brother, who gives you courage.

There are seven people chased after this guy with an iron mask, and all of them are soldiers. The mount is a creature like a buffalo. As for the chased, there is only one person, this person, it should not be a wolf, this one The wolf is my little brother Nirvana. The four-legged incarnation of the giant wolf runs a lot faster than the guys in the back of the cattle. Although it is fast, it is annoying to get rid of it.

I immediately succeeded in getting nirvana, and it turned out that nirvana was lucky to get a trigger mission, but K did not expect that these guys actually ended the mission. There was only one mission prop, so they started playing. Nirvana did n’t know thing. Until these people quietly covered up and launched a sneak attack on Nirvana, if it was not because the mech dragon beast and power tool dragon had run out of blood when they hit BOSS before, they would fall asleep, otherwise he would have escaped from the air without having to be chased So hard.

However, Nirvana is not the weak who has mixed with himself for so long. The strength has grown a lot, and he is not without a little resistance. At first, there were actually ten people in the opponent. Nirvana killed the other two priests and added an archer. The next seven people just fought while fleeing and fled here.

It was wise to kill the other priest at first. If there is a priest on the other side, they can recover their health, so that they dare to fight with injuries. If they have been entangled for so long, Nirvana's health will continue to consume potions, but there will be only one.

When I rushed over, a golden eye on the fire revealed that Nirvana's health at this moment had fallen below 400 points, and the situation was very bad.

"Go to death!" Coldly. The dragon gun in his hand had been thrown out fiercely, as if lightning, nailed one of the seven men to the ground from the mount.

"I said that my brother is back and you can't do it." Nirvana said, jumping to a big rock.

"You won't be able to save you even if your big brother is here! Iron surface, you take steel to solve the druid, the others and me are the other three!" The other soldier did not get impatient and calmly assigned.

With his shouting, two of the seven soldiers had screamed at Nirvana, and the rest ran over to me, and the person I nailed to the ground pulled out the dragon gun and tossed it to the side, more than the other four. People came over later.

"The wolf emperor comes out, Tianzhao the black god! Kill them all!" Panwang remarked, he recalled the dragon gun again, and the two wolf emperors around appeared with the Tianzhao black **** and rushed towards the four men, rushing towards him Nye there.

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