Master Summoner Online

Chapter 989: Eclipse circle

Turn on the electric light fire, the speed quickly blocked Zainieh.

"Some of them are the same!" The guy wearing the Tianji suit that I sold, raised a huge Tianji battle blade, and screamed out the overall additional skill of the Tianji suit, "Breaking the Wind"! Suddenly, a huge hurricane tangled around a great sword and raged at us.

"Red Dragon growls!"

The power of this strong wind is not small, I can fight without intending to use my body to stop it, I immediately screamed, the dragon gun threw out, and when I saw in mid-air, there was a sound of a long chanting dragon that caused the mountain to shake, the red dragon Rising into the sky, turning back, and rushing into the wind-stemmed wind pillar.

The dragon waved the claws of the dragon, tearing the wind pillar outside. The collision between the dragon claws and the hurricane caused a scream of thunder, the wind pillar was torn, and the red dragon turned back into a dragon gun. The riding mount rushed over, a few steps behind due to the use of the skills of the celestial blade, and another cavalry made a two-handed sword. The two men rushed up and left. The player with the two-handed sword came first. The bleeding red light on the sword launched a "bloodthirsty blow!"

As soon as his left hand was stretched out, he started to attack, and a transparent shield emerged. This man's severely cut sword fell outside the transparent shield. The five thousand points of the attack lasted to less than three hundred points in an instant.

The attack was blocked, and the man was stunned for a moment. At this moment, my body burst out of heroic charge and slammed into his mount. The bull was smashed into a bloodstream, fisted, and his left hand was severely beaten. On this cow's forehead, two guys and two eyes were suddenly blown out!

In a blink of an eye, this man's mount was abolished, and at the same time, the slower player, with a loud roar, the celestial blade of the sword glowed. The sword's body was amplified a lot. The swordman's "thumb fencing" stirred up layers of air waves, lightning-like splitting. Cut it over.

Taking this step into his heart long ago, a real and fake action flashed away. This man stabbed me in half with a sword. When he saw the avatar turned into smoke, he saw a fog of water.

When he covered his head and head, I already rushed to the Berserker, turning his hands into dragon claws and pressing it into the Berserker's chest. At the same time, he launched the energy explosion and grabbing the cannon. The Berserker who opened the three auras had the same attack power. When pushed to the peak, the defense is also reduced to the bottom. The more the defense is lowered, the higher the attack power is. The effect will become very scary as the level and equipment increase. Similarly, none of the skills are perfect. The extremely low defense makes it easy to be spiked. In a split second, my combo bombarded the soldier's chest.

"Wow!" The Berserker roared, and the blood on his chest exploded in an instant. The entire chest was smashed by the power of the three skills of energy explosion, grappling artillery, and dragon claw. A big transparent hole, and his body, even the big stone on the stone machine, flew away from a distance.

After falling to the ground, the blood of the Berserker is very thick, coupled with the good equipment of this person, the combo can not completely kill, I can let Nirvana accompany me to make up the knife, throw the dragon gun in my hand to start the Red Dragon Roar Hit the swordsman in my celestial suit.

This swordsman saw his companion being thrown out by the flesh and blood that I hit, and his heart was cold, and he couldn't help a roar. He double-handedly gripped the blade and cut it into a dragon. The celestial suit is an offensive equipment defense that is not so outstanding and has strong attack power and insufficient defense power. This equipment is best worn on the knight instead of the average swordsman. Although this man is burly, he is only a few dozen meters away Compared with the long dragon, it is almost like an ant compared to an elephant. It is vulnerable to an attack and immediately tumbling and flew out.

The moment he landed, I still came quietly. Both hands emit a purple and black light, turning on the call of death, and countless 70% defense hits to launch an energy explosion. The energy explosion cooling is very short and very practical. When this person has not responded, his hands with fists will hit him very hard. head on!

The swordman murmured, the red and white objects on the top of his head spouted, and the two fists summoned by the **** of death were very horrible. The two fists directly broke the person's head. He shook two steps without a head and finally fell. On the ground, no more moving. Just now the man was taken away by Nirvana, and I immediately lifted the lance and rushed towards the other group.

Long storytelling, in fact, it was just less time to breathe. The two second-order strong men who rushed to stop Shi Xuan ended up in such a bleak end that they could not stop Shi Xuan for more than five seconds. On the other side, Ma Sheng and Pale Youth, etc., looked greatly changed.

On the other side, the captains of the two sides, I have seen in the past that one of the five players was unable to dodge, and was stunned by the black god's journey of destruction, followed closely by the sky, and leaped with two swords. Immediately from head to toe, they were split in half in an instant!

One of them screamed, "Damn! Who are these people!"

"Ahhhh," followed by another scream. It turned out that another player retired a little later, but also encountered an unexpected event. The power of nine tigers and two tigers was killed and one of the wolf emperors was killed. After being hit by the other end, he fell tens of meters away from the mount and fell to the ground. The wolf emperor rushed over and pressed him to the ground. One wolf kept rolling, and the wolf emperor bit his neck. Depending on the situation, this man is inevitable.

"Boss can't beat it!" The young soldier, the seven of them are not low in level, well equipped, and not weak in technology. They belong to the upper and middle players, but now they are hung by four people in a blink of an eye. He shivered with cold heart.

The old man called is unwilling. He is very unwilling. You can see by looking at his blushing face that he has broken four people in such an instant and his heart is broken, but what about unwilling?

A roar: "You remember to me!" Riding on the mount and turning around, he ran away.

"Well, a group of greedy life is afraid of death!" Nierengheng: "Brother why don't we chase?"

I said, "Okay, you have to deal with others. They have already run away. Even if there is no deep hatred between us, why not kill them?"

"Respect the elder brother's teachings!" Nier laughed. After speaking, change back to human form, summon the beast to take it back to sleep and restore its health.

The three ran away and left four corpses. All four corpses were left with equipment. The one wearing the Tianji suit had good luck and did not explode. The parts of the suit exploded, which is also a 7% drop chance of the effect of the Tianji suit. It seems that this person is of good character, although he left a bracelet instead of the suit parts.

Soul Corruption Circle, Grade: Dark Gold, Magic Defense +2800, Magic Specialization +32, Dexterity Specialization +28, Magic +4000, Increase the maximum magic value of the user by 4%, Skill cooldown-12%, Additional skills: Eclipse Soul, consumes 700 mana. You don't need to consume mana for your next ability. Cool down for one minute. Requires level: 150, reputation required: 5000 This equipment is very good, adding 4,000 mana points and 2% of the maximum mana limit, although 2% is not a lot, it is very important for warriors who lack extreme mana. Good equipment, the most important thing is the additional skills, the use of skills is not consumed, for soldiers with large skills but because they do not have enough magic value, it is definitely good news, turning back to my maple leaf station should be very popular .

Nirvana cried suddenly when I put this equipment in my backpack: "Brother, come here."

"What's wrong?" I saw Nirvana holding a certain blue cloth hat, smirking there, and then shared the attributes of this hat.

Beloved Laureate, Grade: Platinum, Defense +450, Magic Defense +540, Magic Specialization +50, Qi +3000, Magic +3000, Skill: Ultimate Summon +1, Skill: Transformation +3, Special Attribute: Summon Beast skill cooldown is reduced by 40%. Requires level: 148 "Why is there a Summoner's Equipment on Man?" Nirvana asked in a quizzical manner, this equipment exploded from the guy who was split in half by the sky. from.

"I think he should finish the reward equipment of others, otherwise it is too abnormal for a soldier to bring a summoner's equipment." The black **** gave a more reasonable answer.

I said, "Maybe, Nirvana is yours."

"Thank you, brother."

After I went to see it, I went to the mission with Nirvana. Soon we were on the high ground west of the general's mausoleum. Here I saw a group of undead cavalry. Nirvana came to one of them and pulled out a gray spar from the package. And said, "Captain, look."


The undead knight took the spar, looked at it and said, "Thank you very much, human friends, this is your deserved reward!" After speaking, I chanted some mantras to clear this spar, and flew away shortly afterwards. Become a little bit starburst.

At the same time Nirvana's mission was completed, and he gained experience points and running expenses. And this group of undead knights said to leave here after receiving Nirvana from the spar. The NPC was also withdrawn after this mission was issued. Even if the next undead knight emerges, it will not paint a same mission. .

After I finished the task, I decided to go to leveling, just when we were going— "Ding ~! Player: Starfire Rage (Shadow Dancer) successfully broke the barrier of strength, broke through its own limits, and realized its exclusive skills-[Soul Destruction] ]! "

[Soul killer]: Effect: Normal attacks will cause additional magic damage to targets with less than 50% health, the damage value is equivalent to 18% of the target's maximum health. This effect can only be applied to the same target once in 10 seconds. (BOSS is invalid)

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