Master Summoner Online

Chapter 990: Unexpected new head teacher

Another person broke through the barrier of strength. It seems that he is a strong person who may break the limit. In addition, if I remember correctly, this person should be a rose player, a master of digging for allies, I am not so unruly.

Continue to level up, a group of monsters who do not know life and death came out and shouted. I didn't use a dragon gun to take out the wishful rod and smash the heads of this group of mobs. They were almost killed. The other mobs also admit to counseling and all returned. Next, I took Nirvana to fight against the holy waste road outside the dragon city. The monsters outside the dragon city were very high. I did n’t dare to go into this place deep in the nearest holy waste road, and took nirvana outside. The killing of monsters here is very rich. Those few distances from level 160 are also filled here. After rising to level 160, I want to rise to 161. I do n’t know if the year of the monkey is going to be a monkey. The experience value is too great.

When it ’s time to eat at night, we ’ll take the Dragon City off the assembly line, take off our helmets, wash our faces, and then go to buy food. Like the last semester, their money rushed on the road of my meal card. I went for errands except breakfast , The guy who helped the beautiful girl errands is unwilling, and it is estimated that they are willing to die.

"Lovely princesses can eat!" Carrying a box of lunch boxes and shouting on the second floor, the MMs came out of their room one by one and gathered in my room. There is no way, although my location is large.

Everyone find a place to sit and distribute the lunch.

Xiaoguang ran beside me with his meal and said, "Can Brother Longling trouble you?"

"what's up?"

Xiaoguang smiled sweetly, "Feed me for a meal."

"Ah! I feed you for dinner?" I began to wonder if something was wrong with my ears.

"Okay, just once! Dragon spirit brother! My best dragon spirit brother!" Xiao Guang leaned on his arms and began to coquettishly.

"I said, don't do this well." Looking at the goals of the MMs around me, I couldn't help flushing.

The eyes of the MMs around me surrendered: "Okay, I will feed you, but there is no next."

"Eun!" Xiaoguang nodded quickly.

Open the lunch box and use a spoon to take a bite of rice and order with chopsticks. "Come open your mouth."

"Ah!" Xiao Guang immediately enlarged his mouth so that I could send this spoonful of food in. "Woohoo!" Chewing the food in the mouth, those beautiful eyes were lined up. . Very happy, although this is not a mountain or sea taste, it is just ordinary food, Xiao Guang looks very intoxicated.

When I picked up the second spoonful, Yinyue suddenly ran over to eat the food, and then the student congregation MM came in order. After the round, I was still intoxicated.

"How about we feed Dragon Spirit together!" Fire Dance offered.

"Okay!" The MMs didn't give me a chance to refute at all— "The desolation of the Arctic snowflakes, Lordaeron's childhood, the distance remembered by Rune Jianguang, the hope of the holy light, the smile of lovers." Just when the MMs were about to start "feeding", the music sounded exactly as the cell phone sounded.

This **** destroys the atmosphere and makes everyone feel depressed. The owner of the mobile phone is depressed, because Yun Lan is the owner of the mobile phone. Yun Lan took out the phone and said, "Who are you?"

Everyone also quieted down, there was a voice on the phone, and the clear female voice said, "Lan is me."

"Sister!" Sister Yun Lan hadn't seen in a long time.

"Sister, aren't you traveling abroad?"

"I came back early, I want to talk about the things at home." Wushuang Jian Ji Road.

"What did you say?" It was Yun Lan's voice that suddenly became cold at home.

"Parents are worried about you ..."

"Cut! They also know that they are worried. The only thing they worry about is stock." Yun Lan and her parents have a worse relationship than Xueyue and her father.

"No, they are really worried about you."

"Tell them that their worries are superfluous. I'm living very well now, 10,000 times better than at home." Yun Lan said: "It's easy to say, what's the matter with them?"

"They want to talk to you."

"Talk, I see it as an excuse to drag me back and tell them to stop thinking!" Yun Lan's tone was firm.

"Lan is not what you think. After that, my parents also regretted it, so ..."

Before waiting for Wushuang Jianji to finish speaking of Yun Lan, he said straightforwardly: "It's useless to say more, tell them not to disturb my life, otherwise don't blame me!" After hanging up the phone, put the phone back in his pocket.

"What's wrong?" I asked.

Yun Lan shook her head and said, "It's all right."

Just now the phone completely disrupted the lively atmosphere before. Now we don't know what to say. Fire Dance stands up at this moment to break the deadlock and says, "No matter what, let's continue." After finishing speaking, plug a spoon of rice Into my mouth, everyone saw that the dance of fire was back, so "feeding" continued.

The next day, I got up to go to class as usual. Today is the first day of the official class. Naturally, I can't be late. In the classroom, the students are talking about the game and other problems.

I sat on the seat with my buttocks, and Ye Shuang came together: "Brother you don't know."

"what do you know?"

"Our class teacher changed."

"Changed, where did that run before?"

"It is said that I am going to pay first grade."

I said, "Who is it?" That blame Shudao will supervise us in this classroom yesterday. It turned out that the head teacher ran away, and I said that the class teacher was the head teacher and he worked as a math teacher.

"I don't know. It is said that I came here today. It seems very mysterious." Ye Shuang laughed.

"You said that the head teacher might not be Teacher Liu. If so, then it would be great." Xiao Ai committed nymphobia on the one hand, and the woman who was not a **** in Shu Road had to be changed for him.

Feng Xiaoyue came over and said, "I have a little news, it is said that our head teacher is also a woman this time."

I said, "Women? Here's the female teacher who counted with just a few fingers. I don't know if this female teacher looks like a dinosaur?" Nothing is on the side YY.

"Who knows?" Ye Shuang said with a twisted nose. At this time, the bell rang, and everyone quickly returned to their seats and sat down.

"Who do you say is our new head teacher!"

"The head teacher should be very knowledgeable people. I don't think the old man is Obasan."

"I hope Mr. Liu will be the head teacher!"

"Mr. Liu is good, but I would like to be a beauty teacher."

"Please come to our college, there are only a few female teachers. Last time, the one who did a good job was unfortunately going to the first grade. It was really cheap for the freshmen."


No matter where the freshness is, it is the most missing thing. At this time, when a new class teacher meets, it is naturally talkative.

It was also when everyone was talking into the class during the discussion. At this moment, everyone was shocked, and even the spiritual pressure skills unique to the king and above were applied by a spirit-level boss. lay down.

"Hello everyone, everyone should remember me!"

"School Supervisor--"

"It's the school director—"

"The school superintendent has come to our class—"

"what's the situation--"

"The superintendent of school made us the head teacher. Am I crazy or is the world crazy--"

In the classroom, a sudden “bang—” screamed like a blasting pan. The movement of the tables and chairs sounded at the same time. All the students stood up. Both men and women screamed.

That's right, the director of the school supervisor who took the exam last semester. I remember what I wanted ... Oh yes, Ling Xin, Director Ling. Teacher Ling should be called now.

"You are right. I am your class teacher this semester. Are you welcome?" Teacher Ling asked.

"Welcome!" Who doesn't welcome beauties? The one that doesn't welcome is brain damage.

Some people raised their hands and asked, "Do you not know the teacher, then? Why did you come to our class to teach?"

"Yes, yeah, isn't the director's salary higher?" Someone asked.

Teacher Ling said: "It is true that the salary is high but it is very tiring. Every day I have to face the colors of those nasty senior officials. I am annoyed. people."

"Why do you come back to my class, teacher?"

"That's because there is a very interesting person in your class." Teacher Ling smiled.

"Interesting person?" Everyone started to look at each other to see who the teacher was talking about.

Teacher Ling also said, "If there is no problem, if there is no problem, we will start the class."

"Yes! Let me ask first, teacher, do you have a boyfriend? Are you married?" A boy stood up. "Please, the teacher is not as likely to get married as you did, boyfriend? Haven't thought about it."

"Teacher, where do you live? Can I go to your place to ask you for advice?" Asked another.

"Of course the nonsense is a dormitory. Is there any vacant land and a house within a hundred miles of this place?" As a result, the teacher did not answer but was glared by a boy next door.




After half a class, I was asked to finish the lesson. It was very unexpected that she would run as the head teacher. Letting senior officials do not run as an ordinary teacher. Maybe I really wanted her to be leisurely.

We were going back to the dormitory for a day of school. When I was going to buy food, the college horn suddenly sounded.

"Mr. Yunlan Lan, Class 11 in the second year, please listen to the radio in the guest room on the sixth floor of the main building and your parents will wait for you again!"

No! Come here!

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