Master Summoner Online

Chapter 991: New Skills of Biochemical Dragon

Reception room on the sixth floor of the main building.

I stood outside the conference room and didn't go in. I was watching outside the meeting room. Because the outer wall of the reception room next to the corridor is a thick layer of transparent glass.

Of course I can see people. I know that I have a driver in front of me. The driver is not very burly, but rather thin, of various heights and ordinary looks. However, this person's eyes are as sharp as an eagle, which gives people an invisibility. A sense of oppression.

Although the eyes are very sharp, if I let the brother take out the longan, it will be much sharper than his. Unfortunately, until now, I will only show the longan when it is soaring. There is no other way. For this guy It's not that I'm worried. My worst fear is that Yun Lan's mother quarreled with her, although the relationship should not be too low to fight. Fortunately, I haven't been born for half an hour, but most of the time I saw Yun Lan's parents talking, and Lan Lan kept shaking his head and saying a few words, and Wushuang Jianji rarely spoke.

I have been chatting for half an hour and I see nothing happened. I am not in a hurry. The driver seems to be in a hurry. It is estimated that it is almost time to get off work. After another ten minutes, Yun Lan stood up and said a few words. come out.

"That's it," I asked.

"Well, we can go." Yun Lan said, holding my hand.

"Don't need to be individual?" I pointed to Yun Lan's parents and sister who had just stood up.

"No need," Yun Lan said coldly.

On the way out of the main building and back to the dormitory.

I asked with concern: "What do you think of Yun Lan?"

Yun Lan smiled softly at me: "It's okay, I just talked too much, just a little tired, just go back and rest for a while, it will worry you."

I said, "Nothing, what did your parents say?"

Yun Lan turned her head and watched the car made by her parents and sister slowly drove away from the college and disappeared into the field of vision. The transfer said: "My sister has convinced them not to disturb us, they have agreed, and now I only hope that they Being able to say don't let me down, at least not this time. "

"Don't worry, I'm here." This sentence was not spoken out loud, just muttered in his mouth.

I didn't continue to ask her what she told them along the way. I knew it would be best if they could maintain the status quo. I don't want anything to happen before the World Series. And Yun Lan didn't tell me anything, and naturally I wouldn't follow up. I'm not the kind of person who asks questions.

After returning to the dormitory, her room did not go online but chose to lie in bed and rest for a while. Xueyue stepped out and closed the door and asked, "What did her parents say to her? Yun Lan looked helpless. "Although the two usually die alive, they are still very concerned about each other's long-term contact and have sent out a lot of things. It is estimated that they have already accepted each other but they are unwilling to express it on their mouths.

"As for what she talked to her parents, I don't know her, don't look at her now that she's mentally out of my mind, tomorrow morning will be fine," I said.

"You think she's as rough as you, just sleep all night." Xueyue looked at me and laughed.

"Maybe, we grew up together." I said Xueyue laughed: "Cut less and grow up together. When you meet, you do n’t even know who else is, and you ’re embarrassed to say that you grew up together."

"That was when she grew older. I didn't respond for a while."

"Where did it get bigger?" Xueyue squinted, showing a bad expression.

I stood up, walked behind her and said, "It's here!" I reached out and grabbed her two Yufengs from behind.

Xueyue shook like a shock at this moment and quickly said, "Fool! Take it down!" His face became red, his hands pressed on my hands, but they didn't tear.

"Don't, it's pretty good." Then he touched it lightly and turned around to stun.

Xueyue gently held in her arms full of happiness, what could I do besides pity and love for this girl?

"I said that the two of you were happy in the corridor during the daytime, shouldn't we consider the feelings of our singles and leftovers." At the same time, we watched Guardian and Yinyue appear at the entrance of the corridor. Speaking was relishing while watching.

Xueyue blushed suddenly and shyly, "I blame you." After that, she buried her head in her arms and dared not to lift her up. I was embarrassed and didn't expect them to appear suddenly.

"I won't bother you if you two go on," said the guardian as he walked by.

Yinyue also walked with her hands behind her head and said, "Don't do that kind of thing that is not suitable for children at night."

Seeing the two walk into the room, Xueyue in the arms of the closing door shouted, "Quickly break up! Fool!"

"Oh." Released her hand, Xueyue took a big breath after she broke free, her face flushed. This was not shame, but she won too much. She just held it too hard.

After happiness, we returned to our room and started to practice today. Before we left, we kissed her little mouth gently.

——- Go back to the line and go to my maple leaf stand first. Take off the line yesterday. The wheel was sold in the past. I wonder if it was sold? I saw that it was sold in the shop that came, and it was very sought after. Some of the gold coins that were harvested today were partly returned and some were left on the body and some were brought back to the resident.

Return to the station and continue to produce new units. After Zekka had entered the station, a fork-fork-manufacturing option appeared in the column of my station. However, this fork-fork was not a flesh-and-blood fanatic but a mechanical fanatic. I can also produce Dragon Knights. To be precise, Dragon Knights and Immortals are one thing. Immortals are an improved version of the remaining Dragon Knights. However, I can produce both types of arms here. Compared to them, I am a mass production mechanical fanatic. , Zealots are very powerful meat shields, it is very important to protect the output units at the back.

A dozen mechanical enthusiasts took them to Houshan to clean up the resource blame. The Houshan came to see a blue-skinned troll with a group of young men who were bullying my explorer. Xiaoguang was an elite class 145. The level is lower than mine. This is very vulnerable.

One-handed, summoning the biochemical dragon, this guy has not acquired new skills for a long time, so let him eat more.

Ready to fight, the biochemical explosive dragon came up first, two missiles flew close to the crowd and immediately killed and injured some trolls, and the rest immediately howled to avenge their companions. I immediately attacked the fork and fork soldiers, and the charge skills were already in There was nothing to do before. The next moment, the enthusiast turned into a hurricane-like raging wave. For a time, the enthusiasts waved their energy blades and chopped down the trolls.


BOSS held a sledgehammer and blasted at one of the fork fork soldiers. The fork fork soldier's energy shield flashed. The fork fork soldiers were shocked by this attack. Although they retreated, my fork fork soldiers were very fleshy. This kind of resource blame even the BOSS can not be compared with the real BOSS, obviously this kind of parallel BOSS can already be suppressed.

Let the biochemical explosive dragon step forward, the fork fork soldiers surrounded, this ordinary 150 level parallel BOSS can not bear immediately, less than 10 minutes, was killed by a group of fork crazy fork!

Picking up the dropped resources, this guy gave me 10,000 gold coins. These gold coins can only be placed in the territory and cannot be carried on the body. There are also some mercury, sulfur, and crystal. At this time, the biochemical explosive dragon is finally full. So, click on the item of its learning skills. Unsurprisingly, you have four new skills, and then you need to choose two of them.

[Shock the Earth]: Slamming the ground brings a strong impact, causing damage to all enemy units in the vicinity and slowing down for 4 seconds. Cool for 16 seconds.

[Furious Rage] (Passive): Use the claws to deeply tear the enemy's wounds. Continuous attacks on the same enemy will cause more damage. If the same target is not attacked for 6 seconds, the bonus damage will be lost. The effect of Rage Bash does not stack with other attack effects.

[Reality Fissure]: Create a crack between you and your enemy. Your next attack will deal additional damage to the target through the crack. Cooldown: 30 seconds, [Black Hole]: Summons a strong gravitational vortex to **** enemy units. Units affected by a black hole cannot move, attack, or cast (BOSS only receives immovable effects). And the closer to the center point, the greater the damage. Cool for 180 seconds.


Not bad, very practical four skills. I decided to choose Shock the Earth and Black Hole. Shock the Earth is a range of deceleration skills. It is very useful for hunting or retaining people. Needless to say, black holes are not selected. My head twitched, and the reality gap was not bad. It was the unique skill of the Yin Man, but the cooling was a bit long, and although the rage was very good, it was a bit redundant for me, because I chose a king Blade skill, that skill also has an effect skill and Fury Strike are conflicts, so kick it out.

At this moment, a "drip", a message came from the rain and rain-"Beast God! The fierce blood flying guy has just hit a crusade order, he asked us when to go to the hometown of the Earth Alliance!"

I was a little surprised that the crusade was really hit, so I replied: "I just said whatever you said, you really take it seriously. I remember that after you came back, you did n’t go to hang them. There are no four or five leveling teams. It is compiled by a group of less than a hundred people. It ’s a good idea to stay alive and let them learn. If your crusade order is kept, it ’s not too late for us to copy their home. ”

"Okay! I'll call him the warehouse first!"



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