Master Summoner Online

Chapter 993: Offensive Blizzard

The next day, the forest was full of silhouettes, and it was about an hour from the start of the war. Through the distance, the bells of the town seemed to sway in the heart.

"Papapa ..."

A group of snow birds startled, and at the end of the sheep's intestine trail, we can see a peaceful city nestled deep in the jungle!

This kind of city wall is made of hard snow-white rocks. The tower is about 20 meters high and three meters wide. At this time, the wall is full of archer warriors and war vehicles such as bow cars and crossbow cars. The archer stands on a tall arrow tower, the height determines the lethality, the arrows are heavy, the wind breaks down, and the range will also increase sharply, which is sure to cause skin pain to the players below.

"Hmm! Hmm! Hmm!"

A group of NPC soldiers walked by holding sharp blades. In the town, it is obvious that there are already many players inside. There are also a large number of cavalry standing under the city. This group of cavalry is divided into two types: horses and horses. The blue-haired warhorse, and the other is just a cow is the guy I have seen before who looks trouble for my little brother last time. It is also a guild of this alliance.

A large number of people, Chen Bing, were outside the snowy city, densely packed, and surrounded the entire snowy city with three layers inside and three layers. The city was surrounded on all sides by the uniformly equipped raptors. Xie Fei, Lao Niu, and other advanced players led the mounts, pulled out their sharp blades, and waited for the time to come.

Ye Shuang said, "Do you have any combat plans?"

"No," he said bluntly.

"Then always choose a main attack direction, focus the main forces on the main attack direction, the other three points of attack or assist." Ye Shuang said.

I turned around and asked on the Guild Channel, "Who are you willing to play an assist?"

"I don't want us to attack!"

"We want to attack too!"

"President gives the main attack."

I laughed and said, "Look at it. If you don't want to play, then we didn't play."

"How do you fight?"

I said in a deep voice: "Our strength is 2.35 million. Although the defender ’s strength is claimed to be 5 million, which you know is the water content, you know how many real high-end players, so all assists are the main ones. But there is one thing you should keep in mind: I do n’t add people, I do n’t add a gun. The word change is murderous. Give me my spirit! ”

"it is good!"

My mouth fluttered and I laughed: "Brothers and sisters, the war has begun. Our dragon tooth and this earth alliance have always been well-watered, but they came to dig our alliance during the preparation of the whole people. You said How to do?"

"Break them down!"

"Yes! Dig our alliance, if you don't dare to put a fart, that's a man. For our alliance, we can safely participate in the game. This battle will win!"

"The dragon will win!"

"The dragon will win!"

"The dragon will win!"

"That's it! Action is better than empty talk, let the killing begin!" Lie Xuefei growled.

As time approached, everyone couldn't bear it.

Looking at the city in front of him, he said to himself, "Earth Alliance, soon you will eat the evil results."

At this moment, the city suddenly stepped out of the front line of more than twenty people. A 25-year-old man suddenly raised his sword in his hand and came out and shouted, "The beast **** comes out to speak!"

I walked forward without permission, and the two beautiful bodyguards of the black **** Tianzhao followed, and stepped forward and asked a magic megaphone to come around and shouted, "What's the matter?"

The man smiled lightly: "Beast God, you are under pressure for a subdivision. You also know the three guild alliances of the Earth Alliance, Ruby, Temple of War, and the Holy Emperor's Way. We only want to develop the territory, and we do not force it. The hearts of the fierce, the fiery sponsors and we also have a very good relationship of cooperation, they can join you or not, at that time, we will unite with China, who else can compete with us, as your famous player like the beast god, in the game There is no justice at all in this battle. If we and the United are fully willing to give the Alliance's leader to you Beast God, then there is no need for two people to meet each other. "

I took a smirk and said with a chuckle, "That's good, I will help you engraved on the tombstone." After speaking, walking back to the crowd completely ignored his shouting. With the rest of the crusade order cleared, the war The prompt also flew out.

"Ding ~! The Dragon's Tooth Guild will attack the Blizzard City Exhibition !!! The time limit is 10 hours. The victory condition is to destroy Tongtianzhu. The failure condition is the end of the time limit and the attacker is completely destroyed."

"Ding ~! Territory War Begins! Territory War Begins! Please Evacuate Immediately! Please Evacuate Immediately!"

"Ding ~! Territory War Begins! Territory War Begins! Please Evacuate Immediately! Please Evacuate Immediately!"

"Ding ~! Territory War Begins! Territory War Begins! Please Evacuate Immediately! Please Evacuate Immediately!"

Hearing the war reminder, he immediately said on the guild channel: "The **** flying, the rain and the rain, the dark night, the Superman brother, no tears, the warriors of all our main leagues, listen to me, waiting for the time has passed, Now we are going to kill, attack, and never stop before killing them! "

After speaking the low howling sounded around, the raptors roared and rushed out, and the other party also rushed out a large number of cavalry to meet us, while the mage, priest, etc. remained in the city, and the high-level casting and healing were stable. Avoid the attack of the other soldiers, this is the advantage of the so-called city defender.

In the distance, the killing sound is so loud that the cavalry regiments on both sides have already engaged in a firefight!

I did n’t go up and still stood where I was. Zeka had to drift slowly. His injuries had been recovered, but he had just recovered from a serious illness and had not returned to the state of complete victory. He said to me: "Commander we When to set off?"


"Wait?" Zeka was puzzled.

"That's right, it's not the time yet, Zekka, you are my best deputy in this battle. When I give you an order, you will bring your Protoss troops up. Your team will be the key to this battle." I said.

"Understood." Zekka had to bow back respectfully after answering.

Back on the main battlefield, the cavalry of the two sides fought hot and hot. A bull cavalry player launched the additional skills of the weapon in his hand. A sword light fell and brought down a raptor.


Ye Shuang's spear did not have time to be happy, leaving a large hole in the chest of the opponent's armor, and suddenly pushed the gun, a triple blow broke out, directly killing the other side!

The core raptors of the main league are basically everyone wearing photon suits that have been brought back, one by one blushing and sprinting while slashing. The original strong attack power combined with the best equipment killed the earth. A group of iron riders in the alliance fell to the west.

On the other side, the old cow yelled. This guy really changed his mount when he came back. The original local dragon didn't know if he was really cooked by him. Now this guy is riding a triangle dragon that is twice as large as that one. Three sharp horns resemble three spears. They broke into the crowd and were unstoppable. They wore photon smashing suits and smashed the warhammer. "Boom" blew a burst of cyclones and tore the seven or eight cavalry around directly into pieces. , This is the additional skill of the Warhammer Smash, howling, a powerful AOE skill.

"Go to death!"

Just as the old cow smashed a bull cavalry's head with a hammer, someone was stabbed in his waist, and the old cow was attacked and fell off the mount. This is when twenty people around immediately came to pick up the bargain. , But was rushed out by a raptor around him, and the photon giant sword in his hand beating the thunder and lightning. It was the wind and the moon, the sword was dancing, the thunder and lightning were raging, and the players around him were forced to return with a humming hum, and they were afraid to go forward. .

"Thank you." The cow thanked him when he stood up.

"You're welcome." After speaking, I rushed into the nearby crowd, rushing into the crowd with a photon giant sword. If I entered a no-man's realm, my arm lifted up and the thunder and lightning fell. The strength of the wind and moon is generally from the professional, but She is also hard at practicing techniques, these shrimp soldiers will not be able to help her.

"Hmm ..."

The cavalry of the two sides collided together, and the pros and cons were judged. The advantage of the Raptor Cavalry was that the attack power and our hedging were completely death hunting. Both the cattle and the horse of the Earth Alliance cavalry were shaken, and their feet were shaken. For a while, after the faction detached, they turned around and prepared to charge again. In the center of the two positions, the ground was full of dead bodies. Most of the dead bodies were enemies. Of course, there was no way for the Raptor Cavalry. Raptor The cavalry has high attack power and low defense, and it is easy to hang up after taking two more strikes. However, the strong attack power makes them feel very strenuous. Attack is the best defense. As long as it is defeated, there is no need to consider defense.

The Raptor Cavalry opened its way and the impact sounded endlessly. Twenty minutes later, the opponent began to fight a little and started to retreat to seek rear fire cover.

I shouted, "The road has been opened. The Dragon's Tooth is obedient and ready to siege the city. Everyone will give me one, without leaving. The name of the Earth Alliance will be erased from the map of the Dragon Capital to let these idiots know. Annoying our end, give me-kill! "

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