Master Summoner Online

Chapter 994: Break through the walls

The crowds of players are flooding in, and the players in the various leagues and main leagues do not distinguish each other, such as siege ladders, siege carts, etc. I did not bring one, and I did not intend to produce this kind of thing, because I am more advanced arms.

"Zekar has to turn over the prism and jump over the immortal. Give me a wall!"


A huge spaceship popped up in the clouds around the city wall, and the bow flared, followed by a huge, very large fan spread out at a distance of 600 meters from the city wall, and the geomagnetic field below flashed rapidly. Phantoms are produced. Energy transfer is being implemented.

"Woo" energy transfer produces a strong weird sound, like a motor turning.

A huge immortal stepped out of the magnetic field. I always wanted to see the power of the immortal when siege. Now I finally have a chance to summon the amber dragon to sit up and come in front of the immortals, carrying them The dragon gun drank lowly: "Listen to my command, the knights all put on their shields, give me the first front to protect the immortal, and once they make a gap, they will rush up, and the priest will follow the knights and push forward!"

"Zekade commanded the immortals to enter the area and face the city walls. Once the city is broken or the gold beetle is broken, don't save resources, throw me the scarab beetle to fill it up, and back up when you run out."

"Mage, archer, full output, arbitrary attack! Never let them approach the city wall!" A high-level player stood on the wall and shouted suddenly, the mages in the city chanted spells together, large thunderbolts, wind blades , Fireball, ice rain, falling rocks and other skills fell below the city, the area within three hundred meters became a blocking line of wind, fire, and lightning. Many siege players fell to the ground in this firepower net. After all, it is beyond doubt that the siege side will inevitably suffer damage before breaking through the wall.

The Dragon Tooth player's own quality is very strong, only slightly inferior to that Scarlet Death. When he feels stronger than these guys, although the Raptor Cavalry has a strong attack and lacks defense, this problem has been a problem that I have to solve, but There is no 100% perfect mount in the second world. Perhaps the system does not allow this kind of thing at all.

The metamorphic mounts in the joint battle zone in the previous ruins are not without weaknesses. Although the attribute is blessed, the mount's toughness is less than half of the ordinary mounts. The opponent's cavalry only needs to gather a sufficient number of long-range firepower to blast them and pull them. Dismount can deal with it.

Well, I will return to the main battlefield. The arrows in the city are falling like rain, and the magic energy is like a locust shower. The trembling shake is on the shield of the magic knight below the city. The knights open their stance and slowly advance to protect the behind them. Immortals and priests, and another beckoning beast was sent to the forefront as a meat shield, which can withstand the attack on a BUFF.

The time and place occupied by the other party are covered by a large number of high-level long-range occupations in the city. The soldiers are constantly falling, and the soldiers in the back are constantly rising. No one is willing to step back.

The defender.

"This group of people are crazy, and they are attacking regardless of their casualties. Will the beast **** fight this war?" A warrior carrying a sword looked at the player who sent down and did not want to rush up, he couldn't help but say.

"What the **** is a beast god? What does he know? His warfare is exactly like a fight with children." A person laughed around him, seemingly confident in his team.

Another player wearing a black armor said: "Do n’t think he ’s young and small, as far as I know, the beast **** is a very messy guy, playing as he pleases, without rules, and attacking ring fortifications as usual , He should focus his firepower on one of them, but he was like a madman attacking from all sides regardless of the primary and secondary. And he still has that high-tech army, hehe, this battle is really interesting! "

About 150 meters from the city, the immortals stopped and a large number of players gathered around the immortal. A pair of guns of the immortal faced the wall in front of them, and several arrows flew towards the immortal in a hurry.

"Ding Ding Ding ..."

Light blue plasma shields condensed around the immortal body, bouncing the weak arrows one by one. The shield of the immortal had to be astounding. I am afraid that this shield will cause a lot of headaches for many people. .

The blue light flashed inside the muzzle, a blue light bomb flew out, and a dozen huge energy bombs flew towards the city wall!

"Boom boom boom boom!"

The energy bomb slammed heavily on the city wall, causing the entire city wall to tremble, and a cannonball instantly blasted the walls out of the pits. The energy cannon of the immortal passed away. The thunderstone is extremely difficult to aim at, and the stone filled by the trebuchet is more limited. Even if the skill of the expansion and expansion is upgraded, it may not be able to be loaded.

After the energy bombs of the immortal kept bombarding the city walls, the walls were left with shocking pits. The immortals are worthy of heavy armor. The walls are the defense type of the building units but heavy armor. The immortal's terrible attacking power appears to be in danger, although the opponent continuously drops magic arrows from the wall to attack our immortal and the players who protect the immortal, it may help to restore the impending wall.

Eventually, the commander of the other side couldn't stand it. The black-armored fighter, Jian Feng lifted up, shouted: "Come, drive the cavalry to rush out and destroy those mechanical units!"

During the talk, the cavalry who returned to the city before the gate opened had already whistled. They moved very fast and reached 100 meters away from our line of defense. Naturally, we couldn't make them succeed. Since they are willing to rush, come here. The dragon cavalry came forward, and the rear magician and archer were in place. Fire and rain, ice blades, storms, thunder, meteorite, and other mixed arrow rain poured into the iron cavalry of each other!

The cavalry of the two sides collided again, and countless crazy magic and skills attacked each other at the same time.

"That high-tech army is something that the Beast God is proud of. Let us defeat the source of the enemy's confidence in one fell swoop! Brothers rush!"

The opponent is not stupid and does not only know how to rush forward, seeing hundreds of ice-colored horse cavalry screaming at a leading high-level player, the cavalry are dancing with sharp blades, killing from the left and right flanks, they can't resist us from the front. Attack, choose to sneak attack on the warhorse from the flank faster, even faster than the Raptor. The rear are fragile long-range occupations. To prevent the need to divide, in this way, they are right in the arms of the opponent. They can use this. Supporting high mobile units to constantly restrain us will also reduce the pressure on the front-hitting teams to a greater or lesser degree, and our long-range long-range firepower will also be forced to transfer. I have to say that this group of guys are not good at strategic deployment. .


I whispered, "The soldiers on the front continue to charge forward the enemies who don't care about the wings. The immortals continue to bombard, and the walls fall down!"

"Guardian, Silvermoon, Fire Phoenix, the three enemies on the right will be handed to you, and the left will be on me!"

"Don't be stubborn when it comes to blocking the big stupid dragon!" Yinyue shouted.

"It's okay, the person who can kill my beast **** is not yet born!" Then, letting the amber dragon pounce on it, he locked the opponent's front knight from a distance, and kicked off the amber dragon with a kick, suddenly Launch the Dragon's Charge, and personalize it into a blue light dragon and instantly turn the person it hits!

"Everyone!" The beasts around Li Xiao summoned one after another, their dragon lances pierced into the ground, and dozens of cavalrymen were plunged into the heavenly dragon air, causing Biochemical to throw out a black hole skill, a 20X20 circular space. The cavalry that rushed in was attracted to its place by huge gravity. Those who were near the center were directly hanged by the black hole. For a time, the damage was severe, and I brought the summoned beasts to cut into the crowd of the opponent.

Garulu rushed in, and absolutely frozen gas was sprayed from the group of humans. My little rabbit also sprayed zero breath, and immediately followed, within dozens of meters, a giant ice wall came out, and a dozen cavalry, Regardless of strength, he was frozen, followed by the King of the Bull's Head, raised his tomahawk and cut it down. He did not respond at all, so he looked at the tomahawk and fell into the ice.


The king of the bull head weapon opened his mouth wide, the flames burst out in the crowd, and numerous injuries flew up. This flame comes with a dizzy effect. Seven or eight cavalry soldiers fell into dizziness and were immediately taken away by the soy sauce water dragon. Those lucky did not trigger. The cavalry to the dizzy effect was frightened and stunned, and backed up. I didn't dare to take a step forward. I immediately threw an armed storm into the group. Many escaped the sea of ​​fire and were shocked. The cavalry was immediately strangled in the violent tornado. The vague fell to the ground at this stage. At this stage, the soldiers are bloody. The swordsman can wear blood suits up and down at 3W to pile up to 50,000. The blood of the mad soldiers and knights is about 40,000. Many people have already reached 50,000. The knights are now basically I was embarrassed to go out with no more than 50,000 blood. Even so, I couldn't resist the onslaught of summoning beasts. Of course, there were lives to survive.

Right in front, someone blocked the flame of the Taurus King and the armed storm, and survived successfully, but his face was not in the slightest glory, because in his pupil, a black armor with a shadow appeared, holding it The sickle that represents the **** of death, the whole person stabbed over like a **** of death, the sickle easily cut his body open!

"MD, return my brother!"

The knight raised his sword and rushed towards the black god. At the same time, a huge tail slammed on the back of the man, and his body flew out like a kite out of danger, and he had no time to stand before falling to the ground , The huge metal ox hoof stepped down. Great damage numbers fly up-24891!

This is the advantage of large size. You can also step on a person if you step on it. In the end, this person is really unlucky. After flying a tail of the amber dragon, he flew out so that he would fall to the side of the Bullhead Machine, and the meat delivered to his mouth would not eat. I'm a little sorry for him.


With one hand raised, the next moment, a meteor burst into the crowd, and it was raging. It was just a moment when more than ten enemy iron riders turned into corpses!

On the other side, the three beautiful MMs on the other side of the MM are love and hate. The loved ones have a good temperament and hate them is too hard. The team of nearly a hundred people is almost killed by them. .

Yinyue shot off an iron rider's head, and saw some people bypassing the players who rushed to the back: "No, they ran over ..."

A giant monster made of flames and lava appeared, a huge arm swept through three cavalry soldiers, and Ziyue came out: "Don't forget that I am also a member of the Student Union, and I will leave these missing fish to me."

The other party is not stupid, knowing that they will choose a circuitous way when they rush over. In a short period of contact, those fish that missed the net killed many of our remote players. Even so, they could not cause an effective blow to our rear, because most of the troops were killed. Under our sharp blade.

About ten minutes later, the huge city wall was bombarded by the energy of the immortal. Many unplayed players were buried under the city wall. More than 70% of us who attacked our opponent were killed. The rest had to be evacuated otherwise. It will be destroyed.


"Papapa ..."

The mounts collided with each other, various magic skills, and bombarded each other. The players in front were caught in countless magic skills of various departments, and they were broken out in the direction outside the city under the concerted efforts of everyone.

"The city walls fall! Everyone retreats, everyone retreats, retreats to the inner city walls and reconnects the defense, immediately!"

Under the command of a high-level player, the opposing team left without saying a word, and the group of red-eyed guys on our side rushed towards those who walked a little later, and dozens of backward players immediately died.

I rushed into the city to see the corpses on the road, and I couldn't help but secretly startled. Sure enough, the intensity of this battle was too fierce. Although not as expeditionary, it was equally tragic.

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