Master Summoner Online

Chapter 995: Rushing

After breaking the outer positions, I did not direct the attack immediately, but took the time to defend. I gathered the team first, the priests healed quickly, and the rear leaping prism folded away and flew forward. The coming city gate was opened again and the backpack was taken out. Dimensional anchors swept towards the void, and a number of scouts and golden beetles came out of the nest. The golden beetles could not be leapt and they could only be brought over with the dimensional anchors.

The purpose of bringing the explorer is to place the crystal tower. The portal at home is full of horsepower to pass on troops, but only the units in the portal can be directly jumped. Although the immortal leaps over, it is already at home. It's made by teleporting.

It takes a certain time to deploy the crystal tower. We try to launch some harassment attacks. We can just throw a few fireballs and shoot a few arrows. We don't need to cause much damage, as long as we don't let them idle.

Open the guild channel: "How is everyone?"

"Our east gate has broken through the city wall and started to deploy the crystal tower." Xueyue Road.

"The South Gate has also broken through, and the jumping prism has begun to unload the exploration aircraft." Yun Lan said.

Yanyu Liunian said: "We Ximen just broke through, we are cleaning up the disabled party, and we can start deployment soon."

"Speaking of which our NPC is too powerful, this city wall is almost the same as paper, a shot is a hole in the past! Too much more than a stone fork!" Lie Xuefei laughed.

"Please, this is a high-tech product, what a catapult really explodes in front of this." Tears laughed without a trace.

I said, "Everyone takes a break to eat and drink, wait for the crystal tower to build and start storming. Give me a breath to pierce him!"

"it is good!"

Our plan here is very simple, there will be masters, soldiers against soldiers, there must be masters on the other side, but they have not yet appeared, and most NPC troops have not been transferred. After all, NPC troops are very precious in the early development. Sent to join the battle, so although it seems that the number of players in the Earth League is dominant, it really is going to be a fight, there is almost no chance of winning, only because of the many of our masters and many NPC troops are even stronger than them. N grades, the end of this war is almost doomed.

Five minutes later, the crystal tower was laid out, and a piece of energy magnetic field dyed most of the land under our feet into light blue.

"Start jumping!" The magnetic field flashed quickly. Phantoms were produced, the first batch of enthusiasts completed their jumps, and the first time they sent 50 enthusiasts wielding energy blades to launch an assault, the speed is really frightening.

At the same time, players around Dragonfang have launched attacks invariably.

The immortal in the rear and the slow-moving gold beetle also started, and finally there was the colossus of my big guy. This thing is my most advanced unit. The speed of leaping is very slow, but it doesn't matter.

In the city, a magician dressed in a dark red magic robe, holding a magnificent magic, opened his shield, and loudly said: "Baptize the cavalry of the beast **** with the magicians. They have high attack power but weak defense, bows and arrows. The long-distance professions with hands behind them, don't panic that we have an advantage. This snow-capped city will survive, and the Earth League is the same! "

With this person ’s words, the surrounding magician begins to act. First, a huge earth and rock flow, the most defensive ability is the soil system. The soil system gives people a sense of stability and solidity. Although it is dazzling and gorgeous, the effect is always the best. The most reassuring.

Hundreds of soil magicians cast yellow spring swamps together, and the ground immediately turned into an earthy yellow swamp area. The quagmire trembled and formed a wavy surge. The enthusiasts rushed up first and stood steadily. With damage but great deceleration ability, more than 20 enthusiasts are as fast as snails at the same time. I was seen by the thunder and lightning, fireball, and wind blade. Gone.

However, the transmission speed of the magnetic field is even more fierce. Waves after waves have no sign of rest. Fans are a group of people who do not know what it feels like to die. They only know honor and battle. Not to mention that these mechanical enthusiasts do not have the word back in their programs.

However, my zealots are not vegetarian. This guy, Zekkad, has a high AI. When he sees the zealots in the mud, he immediately directs the detour. He is unable to bypass the hard punch, the main defense of the zealots. Rely on ion shields to withstand shocks.

Whether it is the burn of fire magic, the impact of ice magic, the cutting of wind magic, the bombing of thunder magic, the plasma shields of zealots can withstand it, we have succeeded in paying hundreds of zealots and thousands of soldiers, and we have succeeded Advancing to our attack range, in an instant, countless magic arrows were sent to the dead city, and the two sides were confronted by a long-range attack, which was very fierce.

More than a dozen gold beetles were erected at a distance of about 250 meters from the city. The next moment, the energy beam of the head of the gold beetle gathered into a sphere. On the wall, the power was huge, and the players on the wall were directly blown apart.


The energy ball exploded, and countless wall players screamed. The gold beetle trajectory was very unstable like the catapult, so I did n’t use the gold beetle to siege the city. Instead, I used it to kill. As soon as it was blown to death, you could still leave a shocking pit on the wall!

Although the gold beetle's power is very strong, ammunition is limited, and it cannot be loaded on-site like in the interstellar space. It must be returned to the city. People on the city wall saw the gold beetle's shells burned out. It's time, set fire to kill those robots, don't let them be ammunition again. "

Immediately again, a large number of magic arrows fell in the air, and at the same time, the thick iron cables rolled, leading the iron gate to slowly open, and a group of iron riders like wolf and tiger rushed out quickly!

"Since you dared to rush out! Some of us, brothers! Kill!"

Let the black gods lead a group of cavalry to step forward to defend their enemies. The brave men meet on the narrow road. The two cavalry pierced and smashed the horses. The sound of the horses' hoofs was very messy.

"Boom boom boom ..."

In the city, the mages threw maggots into the crowd one by one, and the archers did not slacken off. The troops in front of them were impacted on both sides, and the Raptor Cavalry was very brave. They continued to chop off the opponent players, and they also appeared. Damage, although the opponent's double attack was fierce, but I did not intend to retreat.

"Zecard, where is the Dragoon!"

"The dragon cavalry is ready for the commander!" Zekkad's voice came to his mind. Next, he saw a robot monster like an octopus and a spider. The dragon knight belonged to a long-range unit. The upper limb had a charged particle cannon. One dozen was one. Phase split bombs fell on the wall.


Countless white bright shells swept through the void and fell like rain. The appearance of the dragon knight provided stable DPS output for the dragon knight. The range of the dragon knight was very long. The time of "recruiting hard" (actually the opening and closing action of the muzzle) is a disadvantage, but because of the unit's unique "no need to turn direction no matter which direction you go," in the interstellar period There has been a relatively pleasing operation called "Dragon Riding Dance", which can't be done here, but you can also play "Tianma Meteor Boxing" and volley.

Dragon Knight's attack target is basically precise shooting, not as uncertain as the gold beetle.


The original gain of some advantages disappeared after the Dragon Knight joined. When countless split bombs whistled away, over time, the opponent could only leave a piece of body, although the opponent also attacked the Dragon Knight, but In addition to the plasma shield, the dragon knight has a layer of energy shield. After you break the two layers of shields, the dragon knight itself has up to 50,000 health. Pay attention to people's desire to cry without tears.

"Commander, the Colossus has already jumped. Will it be dispatched to join the battle?"

"Go into battle right away." It has been two hours now. I don't plan to drag the battle too long. The colossus will be sent immediately after the leaping. The colossus' power is not a joke. Three colossus lasers and six lasers. The light swept through the enemy's positions in turn, no matter whether the enemy players on the city wall or under the city wall turned into a sea of ​​fire, the debris, potions and equipment exploded by the players completely formed a hill.

The immortal continuously bombarded the city wall and finally the city wall was smashed. The cavalry attacked in rounds as a unit. The other soldiers drilled out from the collapsed city wall and resisted it. But our firepower was too strong.

Finally, the other party's high-level officials couldn't help it, and said loudly: "The Emperor of War cannot fight anymore. The high-tech troops of the beast **** are too terrible. We lost too much in the past two hours. We must withdraw immediately. I suggest leaving a part of the elite hall, evacuate the core area, and defend it with a magical cannon that protects the tower. "

Another high-level player nodded in the same way and yelled, "Yes, don't hesitate, retreat immediately, or everyone will be out!"

The emperor wearing a black armor, called the Emperor of Battle, focused his head: "Okay, after leaving two 10,000 people off, the others will retreat into the core area and move fast!"

Most of the opponent's troops began to retreat, and the long-range profession was the first to withdraw. A hundred high-level players above 155 took tens of thousands of players to stay and resist the raptors of the Raptor Cavalry and Protoss Legion swarming in the city. , A body with rolling heat fell into a corpse.

The army retreated like a tide, still leaving countless corpses. The city was in a mess, wandering around incomplete corpses, nailed to the ground by arrows, burnt to ashes, and utterly horrible.

Our North Gate first broke through. Before the North Gate attacking troops attacked in a roundabout way, the South Gate was a loud noise and the South Gate was also breached. Next, the West Gate, and the four walls in the East Gate were completely destroyed. The enemy guards panicked. , Quickly gave up the city wall, contracted the defense, the siege forces screamed into the city from both sides.

This battle suffered heavy losses. At least 100,000 people were left at our North Gate, but the number of enemies killed was four or five times as much as ours. The other party's core area was withdrawn. The war came to an end, but the situation will soon return. .

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