Master Summoner Online

Chapter 996: Flat snow city

The remnants of the enemy occupies a brick-built building in the center of the city's core zone, which is surrounded by attacking forces.

The enemy defenders do the battle of the trapped beasts. The core is really the hardest to fight. The system has magic guides in the core area of ​​each city. The magic guides are very expensive and high-quality goods. Players cannot buy them at all. Players can make at least absolutely nothing now.

The magic artillery, elemental energy and arrows form a dense fire net. The attacking troops have suffered several attacks and suffered heavy casualties. This magic artillery is too terrible. The destructive energy ejected from the muzzle swept across the area. Players in that area Suddenly Fei Hui could not stay at all.

The most terrible thing is that this thing ignores the shield, which means that the immortal's fortitude shield is useless, and it is only spiked when it comes across.

Feng Xiaoyue Qingjian smashed the past, and with her were dozens of other Raptor Cavalry.

However, at this moment, a magic cannon shot out and swept away. In a moment, just a moment, more than a dozen raptor cavalry hummed to the end, all fell into this devastating energy "Woo ... "

Feng Xiaoyue was shot by energy with only a trace of blood left, and ran desperately back. Fortunately, her skills died and she was rescued at the moment of crisis, otherwise she could not escape at all.

"Everyone stepped back and rested!" This magic guided gun is too powerful and has no choice but to die. After retirement, the core players will come to me.

Lie Xiefei looked at the turtle-like wall and scratched her tongue, and said, "A group of shrinking turtles."

"There is no way we are too strong, they are scared by me." Lao Niu laughed.

Yanyu Liunian said: "We are not strong who is strong, but the question now is, how to break through these magic guide defenses, how does the beast **** plan to fight?"

"This ... Anyway, you ca n’t just force it hard. The attack of the Magic Guide Cannon is too strong. You will die when you hit it. The last time you broke through the defense of the Magic Guide Cannon, it ’s totally a pile of people. It ’s almost the start of the game. I ’d rather have the rest of the time to rush and not make up there. ”I said in a deep voice.

"It's true that the rushing casualties are too big. How about using the Protoss troops to stand in front?" Yun Lan said.

I shook my head and said, "No, the Magic Artillery ignores their plasma shields and sends them when they run up."

Xueyue said: "In my opinion, Dragon Spirit uses super fusion to fuse an anti-sky gadget."

"Please, it ’s not every time that things will be out of the sky, okay." Although my super fusion made me summon the two gods, Sky Dragon and Winged Dragon, but when no one was there, I found a place to summon. I didn't find out anything against the sky.

And once I send the fusion, then the Protoss army will definitely be merged into it. After the dismissal, except the summoned beast, I can't get out, and the gadgets can't fit anything. That's not a big deal.

We are discussing how to break the enemy. At the same time, the other side is discussing some things. One said, "What should we do now? The battle will only take four hours and six hours. If we attack, we cannot rely on these magics. Guided guns lasted for six hours. "Players around Tongtianzhu looked at opponents who might rush out at any time, their eyes were full of despair. Everyone in this world was undead and hung back to the city. After a few minutes of weakness, he was another man.

What worries them is this exhausted city, which is well established in the ancient poems: before he died, he died before his heroes burst into tears. Finally managed to lay a station. Before we have enough time to develop the generals, we will lose a lot of achievements in the national war.

The player named War Emperor pondered for a long time before he said, "The beast god's army has surrounded us, and frankly, we cannot reach the end of the siege."

Another said, "The Emperor of War you rarely want to surrender?"

"No, I am a veteran. The instructors in the army never gave me what to do in surrender. We will fight to the last soldier. The problem is that I want to keep the city." The emperor of war said with some frustration The man who spoke in the city was angry: "To be honest, I want to keep the city, the bosses who are dying. Are they brains or paste in their heads? Is it okay to dig into the beast god's alliance? Now the **** is not yet It ’s going to be hot for others. "

"By the way, how much information is there in the beast **** we collected?" Zhan Huang asked.

The human just said, "Information? He's just a little ghost. What's his information used for? What kind of relationship do you want to take? Negotiate with him. Please know that there is a Tianjiao Guild. You should know that when the beast **** attacked Lingyun Pavilion, Lingyun The president of the court continued with the president of Tianjiao, because the president of Tianjiao and the beast **** knew each other in reality, so he asked him to negotiate with the beast god. What was the matter, the beast **** wiped out Tianjiao and Lingyun Pavilion together. "It's a good time to make a past."

The emperor Zhan changed his face when he saw the data: "Why are there only these fragmented data?"

"Do you think that Dragon Soul's player confidentiality measures are directly intervened by the state? It is also possible to check the game data, such as directly checking the actual data. Please, I want to live another two years."

"From this information, he is really a taunting guy. Scarlet is the owner of the beast god. Maybe this is a breakthrough."

We are still discussing whether to attack or change the method. Suddenly, a bamboo pole is sticking out of the enemy's "turtle shell", and a white towel is shaking on it. The voices of players around it come to an end, and the battlefield becomes quiet. of. There was a shout from the other side.

The male player in the black armor stood on the city's head: "Brother of the beast god, for a long time, the bloodthirsty war emperor, the president of the path of the holy emperor, please listen to me for a few words. I have deep feelings with Brother Huohuo. I know that you were mixed together in the early stage of the game. I have a few words. Brother Xian may wish to hear that the reason why Teng Yue divested is because the Teng Yue Consortium has been acquired by other companies as a natural force. The acquisition of a company can be terminated if you do not want to. "

"What do you want to say, I will focus on Lao Tzu!" I can listen to him here in my mood.

"The acquisition of Tengyue is the background of the Earth Alliance Alliance Yuesheng Group, and Yuesheng Group has a good relationship with the **** elite sponsor Huanyu Group. We do n’t look at the monk and look at the Buddha. If the beast **** is willing to leave this snowy city, I will We are grateful. As a thank you, we will bear all the costs of this war. With your beast **** ’s name, word of mouth, and sponsors of rare strengths, you ’re a rare beast god, and please ask the beast **** ’s sages to consider. ”

The other party spoke very politely. It seems that the investment in this resident must be very huge. It actually took the old owner out, and it was not as if you had come to this relationship. I replied: "It is impossible to retreat. I not only want your city, but also the experience of all your members at this level. Unless you surrender unconditionally, I can consider letting you go. Your boss ’s backstage is strong. Do n’t worry about it. Of course, you can give it to me. I can save a little money, and it ’s a big deal to take my premises to the auction. Buying a billion yuan at such a large premises should not be a problem. Okay from now on. I stopped the fire for three minutes, you can think about it, after three minutes, you take care of yourself ... "

The other side smiled coldly: "Beast God, you can rest assured that active surrender is impossible."

"Then there is nothing to talk about, focus your forces, prepare for the offensive, lay down your territory and buy back everybody's money!" I said.

The other bloodthirsty battle spirit facial muscles were convulsing, and his teeth were rattling. Everyone understands that the situation is very grim. Although the magic guided artillery is very powerful, after all, its combat power is limited. It is not a joke to force the other party to focus and attack.

Standing on the head of Amber Dragon with both hands on his chest, he seemed calm: "There is still one minute left, and it is too late to surrender."

The voice of the bloodthirsty war spirit on "Turtle Shell" was also calm: "Come on."

The dragon gun lifted up and shouted: "Everyone, dragon tooth, ready to attack, the mechanical sentry opens the shield, and the summoned beast that can fly can carry all the players to the sky. Although the magic guide can hit the sky and the ground, the number is limited. In the shortest time, I broke through the Celestial Pillar that was destroyed by the city wall. "The magic guide gun is a fixed defense facility under the system layout. It cannot be moved. Therefore, concentrated attacks will cause more casualties than attacks from around. Reduce the damage. The sentry shield has the effect of reducing the damage and not blocking the damage, so it will not be ignored by the magic cannon beam.

I took a deep breath, and then turned into an ark. Players who attacked with the attributes of the ark can basically ignore it, but the magic cannon can do the damage. The damage of the magic cannon is constant, depending on whether I can stop the fire and focus the attack. .


The priest piled various BUFFs on him and killed them!

A bright dragon chant was issued, and the huge body of the Dragon's Charge Ark was opened first, such as electricity. Next moment, a pale light in front of the eyes and various magic elements were woven into a huge firepower net, which almost covered the vision in front. God knew this around In the end, how many hostile players roared, and opened their mouths to spit out dragon-like breath.

"Boom!" "Boom!" "Boom!"

Instantly, the dragon's breath collided with the beam of light that came from the dense accumulation, and burst into the air with countless explosions. At the same time, he turned on the sparkler fire followed by the black dragon armor, but in this blink of an eye, he was hit by seven or eight beams of light. Medium, even if the black dragon armor reduces the damage by 80%, the blood and blood will continue to decrease madly.

"All the priests treat the president!" Mo Yan gave a coquettish applause, but she was the leader of the priest of the dragon tooth, and her appeal was not ordinary.

The intense firepower blasted on the body. The light of the priest's treatment also continuously appeared on the body. This distance was not very long. He completely carried it in front of the opponent's wall. Dragon Breath spiked a dozen people on the wall and suddenly changed the human form. On the crowded ground, the next moment-"Breakthrough!"

The same avatar came down, and the deity and the avatar merged into one. Then Death Called and Destroyed the Dragon Slash, and the purple and black dragon energy raged in the crowd. All of them were doubled attacks, and a death zone was created in a blink of an eye. If you encounter it, you will die. Whether it is a high shield mage or all the knights, they are torn apart in this dragon spirit. The two-in-one attack of the deity incarnation is too high, and they are not able to resist it at all.

Not only that, jumping into the crowd, flash frost burst, water resonance, armed storm and other skills all came out, killing hundreds of people around, and then, under the bombardment of a group of mage, I still did not fart, take out Ruyi The bar starts to make a big noise, and suddenly, a group of players in the Earth Alliance are broken.

Immediately afterwards, the light of "Brush Brush" flashed continuously. Despite the huge casualties, the player's enthusiasm remained undiminished. The colossus embarked. The laser rays fell on the densest part of the crowd, and the large group died in an instant. It's too powerful. The gate here doesn't have a facade. It rushed in under the attack of the magic cannon. The fastest rush was the zealots, and then the players, like the zealots, rushed into the crowd and slashed and killed.

Faster, hunter, dragon knight, immortal, gold beetle and other units also came in, and the opponent players hit each other ecstatically, crying father and shouting.

The slow movement of the gold beetle is easy to be attacked, the shield light flashes constantly, and several super scarab bombs are thrown in the crowd, making everyone silent.


The bloodthirsty battle emperor held the blade and shook his head and said, "It's over." After that, he rushed up bravely and fearlessly, and was drawn into the vortex of energy. After killing people, he wrote down and destroyed Tongtianzhu. Tongtianzhu shared Ten million points lasted, but the crazy bombardment of millions of players and Protoss troops took less than ten minutes, and the entire bunny finally collapsed and completely collapsed.

The system bell echoed in the air-"Ding ~! Fengtiancheng Tongtianzhu was destroyed! This war is over! Time taken: four hours, fifty-six minutes, thirty-two seconds!"

"Ding ~! The Dragon Tooth Guild successfully captured Fengxuecheng and acquired the ownership of Fengxuecheng!"

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