Master Xi Wants To Make Official Announcements Every Day

Chapter 1004: Hit the rankings while **** (one more)

  Chapter 1004 Shit while hitting the list (one more)

  Linzhi never thought that his younger son, Ember Sky, would recover so quickly one day. After all, so many well-known experts are helpless, so she can't even think of "rehabilitation".

  But since the last time Ruan Qi was treated once, Ember Tian’s physical condition has begun to improve at an incredible speed.

  Because of such a big tumor on his head, Ember Sky used to have headaches that were commonplace. In severe cases, I could not sleep for days and nights. But during the recent period, he has been awake every day, and occasionally pain in his head, which is within the range of his body.

  Looking at the little son who had endured countless sufferings finally got a good night’s sleep, Lin Zhi cried with joy. At the same time, infinite gratitude to Ruan Qi rose in her heart.

"It's a good thing to gain weight." Ruan Qi was also very happy that Ember Sky could recover. "When a child grows up, he has a good appetite and his body will be strong. But you should also pay attention, don't give him anything. Beware of deficiencies."

   Lin Zhi and Yu Yurong nodded quickly, taking the little girl's words as imperial decree.

  Accompanied by the husband and wife, Ruan Qi walked into the villa.

  It may be that Ember Heaven has recovered, and this family is a bit more lively and popular than when she came last time. And the little boy who could not get up in bed last time is sitting on the carpet in the living room, playing with toys with the nanny Aunt Liang.

   "Xiaotian, who do you see is here." Lin Zhi smiled and reminded her little son.

  Ember Sky, who was sullenly assembling Lego, raised his head, and his clear eyes caught Ruan Qi standing at the door for the first time.

  Suddenly, his small face, which was squeezed a little ugly by the sarcoma, showed a big smile because of the surprise.

   "Sister Ruan!"

  The little boy threw away his beloved Lego very decisively. His small body jumped up from the carpet and rushed into Ruan Qi's arms like a small cannonball.

  Ruan Qi hugged him firmly.

  She raised her hand and touched his deformed big head, her pink lips flowed out with a chuckle.

   "Xiaotian's strength is much stronger than last time. He is growing stronger."

  Ember Tian, ​​who was in his arms, heard the praise, and his shy face turned red.

   Ruan Qi took him by the hand and took him to the sofa to sit down.

  The little boy sat next to her obediently, looking at her with big eyes, full of admiration.

   "Sister Ruan, are you from the crew?"

   "That's right." Ruan Qi smiled and nodded, "How did you know?"

  "I saw it on Weibo! I follow your itinerary! Sister Ruan, I've also made a list for your Madam Yu!" Xiao Jintian said, "please praise".

  Ruan Qi imagined that a ten-year-old boy was shrunk under the covers, holding a tablet computer, and beating her in an unfamiliar manner. He couldn't help but feel warmth in his heart.

  She touched his head and said, "Thank you. Madame Yu is in the fire. You have a credit. But your body hasn't recovered and you can't face the electronic products for a long time. You can play for three hours a day at most, you know?"

  Ember Sky immediately tapped his head obediently.

   "Sister Ruan, don't worry, I will abide by discipline!"

  Ruan Qi looked at his shiny eyes, and suddenly felt a little pain.

  When the children of other people's families were ten years old, they were disgusted by cats and dogs. Angry parents wanted to have a cerebral hemorrhage. However, because of the suffering, Ember Sky became mature and sensible prematurely.

  This kind of experience is fortunate and unfortunate for a child.

  I hope that after he recovers, he will be able to live smoothly and worry-free for a hundred years.

  Ruan Qi thought this way in his heart, and the look in his eyes when he looked at Ember Sky became more and more affectionate.

  But at this moment--

  A flower suddenly appeared in front of her eyes, and a piece of blood slowly appeared all over the ember sky.


  The Koi skill that has disappeared for a long time is turned on automatically again!

  The little girl opened her eyes suddenly.

  At the same time, countless images rushed into her mind.

  Fire, explosion, car accident, ambulance...Finally, a **** face freezes in the picture——

   is ember repair!

  The big brother of the Internet celebrity doctor in Ember Sky!

  Ruan Qi ‘teng’ stood up from the sofa.

   Yu Yurong and Lin Zhi, who were sitting next to them, were taken aback.

   "Miss Ruan, what's wrong with you?"

  Ruan Qi could not explain, and asked directly: "Where is the ember repair?"

   "Axiu?" Yu Yurong was taken aback, "Axiu...should be in the hospital, right?"

  It’s not that Yu Yurong, the father, doesn’t care about his son. I was in the hospital an hour before, and I might go to another place for a meeting in the next hour.

   Therefore, the Yu family can't say where their son is.

   "If there is nothing unexpected, Ash should be in the hospital. Miss Ruan, what do you want to do with him?" Lin Zhi asked cautiously.

  Ruan Qi recalled the picture he had just seen in his mind, and turned to Lin Zhi and said, "Ms. Lin, please call Echin Xiu now. He should not be in the hospital."

  "???" Lin Zhi asked with a question mark in his head, completely wondering why Ruan Qi suddenly cared about her eldest son.

  She glanced at her husband Yu Yurong suspiciously, then hesitantly took out her mobile phone and dialed Ejinxiu's number.

  The phone rang a few times and was picked up.

   "Mom?" Embenxiu's voice came from the other side of the phone.

  "Ah...son..." Lin Zhi held the phone, so at a loss that she didn't know what to say, so she could only look at Ruan Qi for help.

  Ruan Qi stretched out his hand and motioned to call her.

  Lingzhi quickly handed the phone over.

   "Mom? What's wrong? Is something wrong at home?" Emben Xiu's voice kept asking.

  Ruan Qi took the phone and put it to his ear.

   "I am Ruan Qi."

   "!" The voice of Ember Xiu on the other side of the phone stopped abruptly.

  He was still for two seconds before regaining his voice.

   "Ah... Ruan, Miss Ruan..."

  Ever since the last time Ruan Qi was treated as a liar but was slapped in the face, Embenxiu has developed a habit of ‘following Ruan Qi’s dynamics on the Internet every day’.

  These days, he who has never paid attention to the entertainment industry, the first thing he does when he opens his eyes every day is to scan the hot search on Weibo.

  And Ruan Qi did not let him down. You can see news about her, Madam Yu, and the movie "End of the World" everywhere.

  Ember Xiu also has a deeper understanding of this little girl who can heal his brother.

   Then, as he learned more and more about her, he felt more and more...that he might have been blind at the beginning, so he felt that Ruan Qi was a liar.

  How can such a little girl with connotation, culture, temperament and acting skills look like a liar? !

  Then, Doctor Ehinxiu was really smashed.

  He even secretly learned the steps of playing the rankings after seeing his little brother playing the rankings for Ruan Qi.

  Although I usually don’t have much time at work, at least it’s okay to help the little girl make a list when going to the bathroom!

    today's five watch, don't forget to turn back! ! ! !



  (End of this chapter)

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