Chapter 1005 Car accident (two more)

  Doctor Yu Da did not feel that there was anything wrong with hitting the list while shit. He chasing stars is upright, and very tasteful.

  However, at this moment, after hearing Ruan Qi's voice on the phone, Emben Xiu felt a little bit vain inexplicably.

  He coughed like a cover, "Miss Ruan...that..."

  I didn’t finish speaking, I heard Ruan Qi eagerly ask: "Where are you now?"

   "Huh?" Emben Xiu couldn't react, "Me? I... a meeting."

   Ruan Qi: "Deep Water Road?"

  "How do you know?!" Embenxiu widened his eyes in surprise, "I'm indeed in the Guangming Mansion on Deep Water Road, but the meeting has ended and I am about to drive home."

  "!" Ruan Qi was surprised.

  In the screen she saw in the Koi skill just now, the place where Embers repaired the car accident is in front of the Guangming Mansion!

  In other words, this kid was hit as soon as he drove out!

  "..." Ruan Qi sighed, sincerely thinking that the brothers of the Yu family might be the reincarnations of depraved gods.

She rubbed her forehead speechlessly, and took the phone to Xiu Xiu solemnly, "Mr. Yu, listen, don't leave the Guangming Mansion or drive now. Within twenty minutes, please don't have your **** Get out of the chair."

   "?????" Emben Xiu looked dazed.

  The Yu family who heard Ruan Qi's request were also full of question marks.

  But Ruan Qi couldn't explain that much, and there was no way to explain things like Koi skills. She can only say to Ember Xiu ambiguously: "I can tell the fortune."

  Ember repair: "?"

   Ruan Qi: "In the next twenty minutes, if you leave the Guangming Building, there will be a disaster of blood and light."

  Ember repair: "???"

  He took the phone from his ear and glanced at the caller ID uncertainly.

   is a call from his mother.

   is not a liar, and the phone should not be crossed.

  So... Now telling him that the little girl who has the blood and light disaster is really the genius who can heal his brother, the famous academic circle and the music circle? !

  This big guy not only does research, plays musical instruments, and plays TV dramas, but can he also tell fortune-telling? !

  Girl, are you so versatile!

  As a good young man in the new era, Embenxiu does not believe in Feng Shui and numerology.

  However, when he thought of the last time Ruan Qi was slapped in the face when he despised Ruan Qi...he silently swallowed the questioning words back.

   Forget it, anyway, it’s only 20 minutes late.

   Just as coaxing his idol to be happy.

  Ember Xiu sat back on the chair in the conference room with a honey mentality of ‘I don’t believe in metaphysics but I believe in idols’.

  The other people in the conference room had already gone away, only one uncle cleaning man was mopping the floor.

  In order to make room for the uncle, Emben Xiu directly dragged the chair to the window and sat down against the window sill.

   "Miss Ruan, are you still there?" He asked with his cell phone.

  "I'm here." Ruan Qi's soft voice came from the phone, "Don't worry, Mr. Yu, I won't hang up until 20 minutes have passed."

  After finishing speaking, Embenxiu listened to her again, "Xiaotian, stretch your hand over, I'll give you a pulse."

  Hearing that Ruan Qi was about to check his brother's pulse, Embenxiu immediately closed his mouth.

  The phone is silent on both sides, until——

   squeak — bang! ! !

   A loud and deafening noise, accompanied by a harsh brake sound, cut through the peaceful sky.

  The window of the conference room was shaken by the loud noise, and Embers almost slipped off the chair in fright.

  The cleaning uncle who was mopping the floor was so frightened that he threw the mop in his hand.

   "What sound?!" The uncle looked terrified.

  Jinxiu quickly got up and opened the window.

   Before he could see the situation outside the window clearly, another louder bang exploded.

  The dazzling fire and heat waves, accompanied by the hot summer wind, roll in.


  Jinxiu couldn't help but cursed, and hurriedly closed the window.

  He didn't have time to look outside until the closed windows cut off the hot waves.

  The meeting room is on the second floor of Guangming Building. The floor is relatively low, so you can clearly see the vehicles passing through the deep water road.

  And now, the spacious road has become a mess.

  Several private cars collided with two large trucks, and the bumper and road guardrail were broken.

  Among them, a black car was squeezed among several cars, and the front and rear of the car were completely deformed. Probably because the fuel tank was hit hard, the car had exploded and burned.

  The fire blazed into the sky, and the car whistle and wailing sounded together.

"My God!" Uncle Cleaning saw this scene and couldn't help but gasp, "Is that the people in the car are too choking? The front of the car and the SUV are rear-end collision, and the rear of the car is hit by a large truck. If the fuel tank does not burst, the people in the car will also be squeezed to death!"

After he finished speaking, he patted his chest in fear, "Fortunately, I came ten minutes early today, otherwise God knows if I will be affected. So many cars rear-end, there are explosions, tsk tsk, I am afraid that there will be a lot of people. injured."

  Ember Xiu's face turned pale when he heard this.

  If he didn't listen to Ruan Qi's words just now, he stayed in the meeting room, but insisted on driving away.

  So, the time required for the whole process from going downstairs, picking up the car, driving, and leaving the Guangming Mansion is almost just in time for the car accident!

  Looking at the flames soaring on the road and the wounded who were rescued from the car, Embers repaired a sudden chill from his back.

   just a little bit, he became one of these people!

  Even, he might become one of the cars behind the rear!

  At the thought of passing by the **** of death, Ehin Xiu's legs began to tremble.

   "Mr. Yu? Are you still there, Mr. Yu?" Ruan Qi's anxious voice came from the phone.

  Ember Xiu put all his energy to put the phone to his ear.

   "Miss Ruan..." His hoarse voice was trembling, "...There was a car accident downstairs."

  "..." Ruan Qi was silent.

  The accident was something she had expected. But even though I was mentally prepared, I still felt a little uncomfortable after knowing that this happened.

  From the screens of the Koi skills, we can see how tragic the car accident is, how many people will be injured, and even some will die.

  But, she is a human being, not a god. She couldn't tell everyone that there would be a car accident on the deep water road, and she couldn't prevent everyone from passing on that road.

  All she can do is to stop Ember Xiu and save him from this disaster.

"You have done a good job." Bai Li felt the little girl's sadness, and couldn't help but comfort him, "Even a god, it is impossible to change the fate of everyone. At least you saved the embarrassment. Saved. The ember repair is equivalent to saving the Yu family."

  (End of this chapter)

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