Master Xi Wants To Make Official Announcements Every Day

Chapter 1009: Weng-in-law staged a full martial arts trip (one more)

  Chapter 1009 Weng-in-law staged a full martial arts trip (one more)

   Ruan Qi: "!!!"

  How could she send the message for Jiujiu to Dad’s WeChat? !

  The scared hair of the little girl exploded. She hurriedly exited the chat window of Father Ruan and returned to the main WeChat interface to take a look——

  Xi Jiu’s chat interface is just below Ruan’s father!

  As for why the wrong message...

  It's all because when Ruan Qi was on the phone with Simon, Ruan's father happened to send her a sentence, "What is the baby girl doing?" This message directly pushed down Xi Jiu's chat box, and Ruan Qi didn't know that his father sent him WeChat, and he thought that the first dialog on the main interface was Xi Jiu's.

  So, she didn't even read the remarks name, so she clicked in.

  ...This is how the tragedy was caused.

  The little girl understood all this, she couldn't help crying.

  She sent the message to Jiujiu to her dad, and she also said, "I love you so much".

  What a big watermelon!

  The little girl was in a terrible breakdown, and when the father Ruan on the other end of the phone saw that his little daughter didn’t reply to the message, he started to swipe the screen frantically.

   [Dad: What happened to my daughter? 】

   [Dad: Why did you suddenly send this message? Is something wrong? 】

  [Dad: Girlfriend, you won’t be kidnapped, right? 】

【dad:! ! ! Girl, don't scare me! ! ! 】

  【Dad: Girlfriend! Girlfriend! If you are kidnapped, you blink! 】

   Ruan Qi: "..."

  My own father, as always, leaned over.

  The little girl sighed with exhaustion, staring at Papa Ruan’s dialog box and hesitating for a long time, and finally typed a line of words tremblingly.

  【It's Xiaoqi: Dad, my message was sent to Sister Wanwan. It was sent to the wrong person! 】

  Sister Wanwan, Liu Wanwan of the myq game team, Ruan family knows that the little girl has a good relationship with her.

  For this reason, Ruan’s father did not suspect that his daughter was lying.

  【Dad: Oh, I sent it wrong. [I'm wrong.jpg] It turns out that Xiaoqi is not me. 】

   Ruan Qi: "..."

  Ruan Qi once again sighed for his old father who has a public mind.

   While sighing, she sent a [亲亲.jpg] in the past.

  【It's Xiaoqi: I like Dad the most! Dad, what a fuck! [Tutu Dangling Feijiao.jpg]]

  Papa Ruan received a kiss from his little girl, the whole person instantly became energetic, and he sent eight [Benghu pen cores.jpg] in a row.

  Ruan Qi twitched the corners of his mouth, completely unable to connect his father to the Tiger.

  What kind of tiger?

  How can there be a forty-something old tiger who is okay and crying like a baby?

  The little girl spit out her father secretly in her heart. At this moment, the mobile phone in her hand vibrated again.

  [Dad: Girlfriend, next month is your birthday, will you go home? 】

  Of course Ruan Qi wants to go home, and even dreams of it~

  She calculated the time carefully, and then sent Ruan’s father a [Tutu nodding.jpg].

  【It’s Xiaoqi: Dad, I’m going to have a birthday party next month and I will invite many fans to attend. After the birthday party is over, I will take Coyotito back to see you~]

  Papa Ruan saw this message and knew how happy he was without even thinking about it.

  [Dad: Good girl, dad is waiting for you at home to make delicious food! 】

  [Dad: My Xiaoqi has a birthday party, it’s amazing! 】

  [Dad: My daughter, what is it~]

  Ruan Qi replied again with a ‘me-mada’.

  Then, the father and daughter cycled eight hundred times between "you what me, me what you", and finally ended the chat reluctantly.

  Ruan Qi looked at the last sentence sent by Ruan’s father, "Little Qi is a sweet little cotton jacket", and sighed deeply.

   "Uncle Bai Li, I may become a little padded jacket in August."

  Bai Li in the system has just witnessed the whole process of Ruan’s father and daughter humming each other, and now the whole person is not very good.

  Hearing Ruan Qi said this, he didn’t care about it, ‘huh? 'There was a cry.

   "What is the little padded jacket in August? You want to smother your father?"

   "..." The little girl sobbed.

  Bai Li, who was still out of state, saw her reaction and finally pulled her attention back.

  "You..." His brows wrinkled, a flash of light in his mind suddenly opened his eyes, "Ruan Xiaoqi, you are not going home after your birthday party to announce your love affair to your family, right?!"

   Ruan Qi: "..." A whimper was heard again.

   Bai Li: "!!!"

  He guessed it right!

  No wonder this girl said that she would become a little padded jacket in August!

  For Dad Ruan, who is controlled by his daughter, having his daughters in love is more disintegrating than covering him to death with a big padded jacket? !

   "Little girl, have you really decided? Don't think about it again?"

"...No." The little girl pointed her fingers pitifully. "The master is right. I will be at the legal age of marriage soon, so I should be responsible. Moreover, I have been concealing my love affair with Jiujiu and my father and the others. In fact, it's all unfair."

  Bai Li: "Are you not afraid of your dad's anger and crippling the boy from the Xi family?"

   "..." The little girl was silent for two seconds, and said slowly, "My father can't beat Jiujiu."

  Bai Li: "..."

  He seems to have seen Ruan Jia Weng’s first meeting with his wife and he has staged a full martial arts scene.

  Seeing the old white man who is used to the world, silently wiped the cold sweat on his forehead, and then asked: "Then after your birthday party, are you going to go home by yourself, or take the Xi family back with you?"

"I must go back by myself." Ruan Xiaoqi opened his eyes, "How can Jiu Jiu be able to face the Shura field of announcing a love affair with my family? Of course it is to wait for me to take care of everything, and then take him. Go back to see your parents."

  As a responsible fiancee, the little girl always feels that her boyfriend is a delicate flower that needs to be taken care of.

  How can Jiaohua bear the stormy problems of the century like the relationship between Weng and Son?

  Of course she has to solve it!

  A true warrior has the courage to face the tragic life alone, and he also has the courage to resolve conflicts between family members.

  The little girl straightened her chest out very tragically, and she had a taste of going to death bravely.

  Bai Li: "..."

  It seems that Ruan’s father’s playfulness factor has been inherited.


  A few days later, Ruan Qi once again resumed his dire filming life.

  The shooting progress of "Blade's Edge" is very gratifying. Everyone wants this drama to be broadcast smoothly in the eleventh prime time, so they work very hard.

  In this concerted and positive atmosphere of the crew, Ruan Qi’s acting skills have once again been improved.

  Finally, she realized some deeper things in the "Creative Class for Actors" awarded by the system, and applied these insights to the actual shooting.

  Director Jian Guoqiang discovered the change in the little girl's acting skills, and he was pleasantly surprised and excited.

  Because of this, his requirements on her have become more stringent, even to the point of harshness.

  (End of this chapter)

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