Master Xi Wants To Make Official Announcements Every Day

Chapter 1010: Ruan Qi and the man kiss closely (two more)

  Chapter 1010 Ruan Qi and a man kiss in a veneer (two more)

Ruan Qi knew that Jian Guoqiang was doing her good, so he didn't feel wronged, but worked harder instead. In this virtuous circle, her acting level can really be described in the words "rapid progress".

"I'm considered an old man in the circle, but I really haven't seen anyone who has improved in acting faster than you." Female No.2 Su Ai gave a vicious bite of beef jerky, "Student Ruan Xiaoqi, you are just for the fight. Are we born?!"

  Ruan Qi, who was immersed in the yogurt cake, made two perfunctory snorts.

  Suai was so cute by the little girl's appearance that the snack goods, she endured it for two seconds, and finally couldn't hold it back, and stretched out a sinful hand to the little girl's face.


  The sudden phone ringtone made Ruan Qi lift his head from the little cake.

  Suai's guilty conscience ‘swish’ and retracted his hand.

  Ruan Qi gave her a funny look, and then took the phone on the table.

  Caller ID—Ember Repair.

  She presses the connection key.

   "Miss Ruan!" Embenxiu collapsed and an unbelievable voice came from the earpiece, "My test results are out, the prostate... really has a problem!"

  Three days have passed since Ruan Qi went to Yu's house last time.

  In the past three days, Emben Xiu was hesitant to check his prostate every day.

  Finally, out of trust in Ruan Qi and responsible for his own health, he ran to the hospital where he worked this morning to have a B-scan.

  The results show-mild prostatitis!

  The moment Ehinxiu got the B-ultrasound report, he was completely confused.

  Prostate really has a problem!

   is exactly the same as what Ruan Qi said!

  Ember Xiu went from dumbfounded to collapse, from collapse to unbelievable, and finally, unbelievable became intense excitement.

  Yes, Doctor Yu Da is excited.

  Ruan Qi can see that there is a problem with his prostate by just relying on the ‘wang’ in ‘Wang Wen Asking Qie’. This kind of medical skills, I am afraid that many well-known experts can't match it.

  And the higher Ruan Qi’s medical skills, the more likely his brother Ember Tian’s body will recover.

  Can ember repair be unhappy?

  As for my prostatitis, it’s okay, little meaning. It's not a big deal to have Miss Ruan here!

  Yu Dashao has completely turned into a brainless Ruan Chu.

  His excitement and incoherent expression ability, he told Ruan Qi the process of his prostate examination and the report results.

  Ruan Qi was not surprised at all that this inspection result was completely within expectations.

   "Your prostatitis is very mild, so the treatment is easy. I don't have time to film on the crew. You can go to the Daxian store to find my junior. This minor illness can be solved with a few needles."

  Hearing the little girl say this, Ehin Xiu's last worry about his condition disappeared.

  He thanked her, and then hesitated, "...Miss Ruan, I have a request, I don’t know if you can agree to it."

  Ruan Qi noticed that he was using ‘you’, and his little eyebrows picked up in surprise.

   "Mr. Yu, you can talk about it first."

   "That...that is..." Embin Xiu babbled and babbled for a long time, "It's just...I don't want your brother to treat me. Miss Ruan, can you do it yourself?"

  Ruan Qi didn't expect Ember Xiu to make such a request, so he couldn't help but feel a little puzzled.

  "Mr. Yu, although my junior’s medical skills are not as good as me and my master, they have already surpassed the expert level. It is completely sufficient to treat a small prostate..."

   "No, no, no, I don't mean to look down on your junior, Miss Ruan, don't get me wrong!" Yu Jinxiu explained quickly.

   Ruan Qi: "Then why do you have to treat me personally?"

   "Uh..." Embenxiu began to hesitate again, "Actually...actually...actually, Miss Ruan, I just want to meet you and talk about something."

   Ruan Qi blinked: "What?"

"Yes, it's a business." Ejinxiu may be afraid of her misunderstanding, and explained in detail, "I have some medical problems, and I want to ask Miss Ruan. But these things are hard to tell on the phone, so I can only talk to you in person. Miss Ruan, is it okay?"

  Ruan Qi finally understood a bit.

  She had heard the pomp before and said that Ehinxiu is a medical genius and a medical idiot. After living a little half of his life, apart from obsessing with finding objects, he was most addicted to various medical researches.

  Now, he has witnessed the rapid improvement of his brother’s condition and experienced the prostate incident. As a former Chinese medicine practitioner, Yu Dashao's knowledge of medicine must be shattered and reorganized.

  So Ruan Qi guessed that the reason he wanted to meet with her was probably related to this matter.

  He wants to explore the field of Chinese medicine and rebuild a correct view of medicine.

   Teacher Ruan expressed 10,000 welcomes to such a diligent Sao Year.

   "Okay," she replied with a smile, "then this weekend, at two o'clock in the afternoon, we will meet at the Daxian store."


  After finishing the call with Ejinxiu, Ruan Qi sent a message to Nie Heng, telling him that he was going to the store on the weekend.

  Nie Heng, who was so busy that he couldn't wait to practice avatar, immediately sent an emoticon pack of [Kneel Xie Dao.jpg].

  Ruan Qi smiled and turned off the phone, got up and went to film.

   Just when the little girl was busy with the crew until the day and night turned upside down, a photo on Weibo attracted the attention of many people.

  The person who posted the photo was a passerby, whose Weibo name was ‘Watermelon Dalang’.

  【Watermelon Dalang: I went to see the premiere of "End of the World" some time ago, just in time for the premiere, and I saw a lot of stars. I secretly went to the backstage and took a few photos while people were not paying attention, and I will give you benefits! [Photo]×9]

  A total of nine photos, all of which were taken secretly.

  For ordinary netizens, the entertainment circle is a relatively mysterious place. Everyone wants to know what this circle is like, and even more interested in the private lives of those glamorous stars.

  So, as soon as this group of secret photos was posted, many netizens were attracted.

  Everyone clicked on the photos one after another.

  The location in the photo is indeed the backstage of the premiere of "End of the World". This "Watermelon Dalang" candid shooting technique is very good, there is no extra staff, and all the protagonists of "The End of the World" can be captured.

  In the first photo, Ye Ran is wearing headphones, lying on the sofa with his eyes closed.

  In the second photo, Zhang Yao, the female actress, is discussing the process of the premiere with her agent.

  The third photo...

  ? ? ? ? ?

  Wait a minute!

  What happened to the third photo? !

  Netizens opened their eyes wide and put the third photo to the largest.

  The place in the photo should be the backstage dressing room.

  In the dressing room, the male No.1 Zhan Rong sits in front of the dressing table with his head slightly raised.

  Beside him, there is female No.3 Ruan Qi.

  Ruan Qi’s waist bends slightly forward, and her lips...seem to be pressed against Zhan Rong’s cheeks!

  (End of this chapter)

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