Chapter 1058

  "Miss Ruan, please have a drink." Mother Su brought a glass of juice to the little girl, "I don't know what you like to drink, so I just made some juice."

   "Thank you, Mrs. Su."

  Ruan Qi took the juice with both hands and took a sip, then raised his head and looked around, "Where is Su Yao?"

   "Small Yao is in the bedroom." Su's father's expression was slightly embarrassed, "I'm really sorry Miss Ruan, Xiao Yao's personality is a little autistic, and he doesn't like meeting strangers. So..."

Ruan Qi nodded in understanding.

   "Mr. Su doesn't need to apologize, I understand. Well, I want to go to the bedroom to see him, can I?"

  Su's parents will naturally not refuse.

  Two people led Ruan Qi and others to the bedroom door.

  Ruan Qi stopped, turned and said to Mo Lan, "Sister Lan, don’t come in. Too many people may irritate the patient. As long as Ah Xiu and Mr. Chen follow me."

   Xi Xi thought of Xi Jiu's explanation last night, and opened her mouth to follow up.

   But Ruan Qi didn't give him a chance to speak, and directly led Yu Jianxiu and Chen Yu to push the door and walked in.

  The heavy bedroom door slowly closed, isolating all sounds.


  In the bedroom.

  The windows are bright and clean, and the breeze is slow.

  Different from what Ruan Qi imagined when he came here, Su Yao’s bedroom is not only not dark, but also cleaner and tidy than many ordinary people.

  The furniture is warm beige, the walls are white, with creamy coffee-colored curtains and a few bright sunflowers, full of vitality everywhere.

   Kaka Kaka... A faint sound of typing on the keyboard came from the back room.

   "Xiao Yao, I'm here." Chen Yutong shouted at the back room.

  The keyboard sound in the room stopped abruptly.

  Not long after, a thin, pale, but tall teenager walked out of the house.

  He walked to the door, and his godless eyes looked in the direction where Chen Yutong was.

  "Cousin?" The boy's voice was as cold as snow.

   "It's me." Chen Yutong walked over to support his arm, "Didn't Sister let you rest? Why did you start coding again?"

   "Just in time for inspiration, just write for a while." The boy said, turning his head to the direction where Ruan Qi was, and asked, "Cousin, did you bring someone in?"

  Chen Yutong couldn't help but let out a "hey".

   "Your ears are too good? You found out Miss Ruan before she said anything?"

  The young man pursed his lips and smiled faintly.

   "I have been blind for so long, and I have practiced listening." After speaking, he reached out in the direction of Ruan Qi, "You should be the expert my cousin invited? Hello, my name is Su Yao."

  Ruan Qi walked up to him, stretched out his hand and shook him.

  "Hello, my name is Ruan Qi."

  Su was about to hear the little girl's soft voice, and a touch of surprise was flashed in the godless eyes.

   "Miss Ruan is very young, not the same as the experts in my imagination."

"Mr. Su is also different from what I thought." Ruan Qi smiled and curled his eyes. "I thought you would be a gloomy and gloomy autistic teenager who didn't dare to see the light. nice."

  Su rarely comes into contact with young people of the opposite sex, and has never been so bluntly praised by a little girl.

  His pale cheeks are slightly flushed, but he still maintains a cold tone: "It used to be very gloomy and low, but then slowly came out. I don't want to live like a waste."

  Chen Yutong didn’t want his cousin to bring up those sad things, so he quickly changed the subject.

  "Small elites are not rubbish. You don't know Miss Ruan, my cousin is amazing. Great writer! I have published several novels! More than five million fans! Many male and female fans chase him and call her husband!"

   "Cousin!" Su was so ashamed that he had been knocked off, his face flushed with cold temperament, "Don't talk nonsense, I'm a code farmer."

  Chen Yutong rolled his eyes in disapproval.

  "Code farmer? Is there a code farmer like you with an annual income of tens of millions? If you are a code farmer, I will become a lemon, and it will be sour every day! Miss Ruan, are you right?"

Ruan Qi smiled and nodded.

   "Mr. Chen is right. Mr. Su is so young, he can make such a big achievement, it is really amazing."

  The face of the cold boy turned red.

  Chen Yutong saw that his cousin finally stopped paying attention to the unhappy past, and he was calmly relieved.

  He helped Su Yao walk to the sofa and sit down, and at the same time did not forget to entertain Ruan Qi and Yu Jianxiu.

  "Miss Ruan, Ashiu, you all come and sit down. You are welcome. Miss Ruan, would you like to take off your mask? How hot it is this day."

Ruan Qi nodded.

  Although she is not afraid of heat, it is really uncomfortable to keep the mask on her face.

  Anyway, there are not many people in the house, so she took off the mask very neatly.

  Chen Yutong, who had just sat on the sofa, raised his head and saw her face.


  He almost slipped from the sofa to the ground in shock.

  Just as Su Yao, who was sitting next to him, picked up the water glass, before he had time to drink, he was shaken by the voice, and most of the water in the glass was spilled on his body.

  Su Yao, who is a bit hygienic, has a cold face.

  He turned his head in the direction of Chen Yutong, "Cousin, what are you shouting nonsense?"

  Chen Yutong, in shock and fright, had no intention of comforting his cousin at this time.

  He looked at the little girl who took off the mask in horror, and raised his head tremblingly to point at her.

"you you you you you……"

  Su feels that his cousin’s voice is wrong. But he couldn't see it, so he could only ask confusedly, "What's wrong with me?"

  "I'm not talking about you!" Chen Yutong finished speaking, and started to stammer again, "I, I, I'm talking about Ruan, Miss Ruan."

   "Miss Ruan?"

  Su was even more confused, "What's wrong with Miss Ruan? Cousin, can you speak well."

  I want to talk hard too!

  But I can’t do it!

  Chen Yutong is about to cry.

  He looked at Ruan Qi in shock, ‘you, you, me, and me’ for a long time, and finally found his voice.

   "Ruan Qi!!!"

   "???" Su asked a question mark, "Isn't Ruan Qi the female star who sang "War Song"? Cousin, what did you call her name suddenly?"

  Chen Yutong swallowed hard, "Because, because, because..."

   "Because I am Ruan Qi." Ruan Qi couldn't listen to such a stutter, so he finished the sentence directly for him.

  Chen Yutong's mouth squatted shut.

  The water glass in Su Yao's hand also fell on the coffee table with a bang.

  The room is extremely quiet.

  Only the birds outside the window are chirping and singing.

  I don’t know how long it took, Su Yao was the first to wake up.

  He stretched out his hand, lifted the water glass poured on the coffee table, and then nodded in the direction of Ruan Qi.

   "It turns out that Miss Ruan is Ruan Qi, she was rude just now."

   Chen Yutong who is still in shock: "???"

That's it?

That's it? !

  Cousin, can you kind of react to a big star? !

  (End of this chapter)

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