Chapter 1059

  Su must of course react.

  He opened the drawer of the coffee table, took out a notebook from it, and handed it to Ruan Qi.

   "Miss Ruan, can you sign me? I like your song very much."

   "Thank you for your like."

  Ruan Qi took the notebook with a smile, and wrote an exclusive to sign very thoughtfully, and also attached two sentences.

  After finishing writing, Su wants to reconnect the notebook. He touched the page that Ruan Qi signed with his hand, and then stabbed Chen Yutong with his elbow.

   "Cousin, you help me read what Miss Ruan wrote."

   Still shocked by Chen Yutong, he took the notebook in a daze.

  He lowered his head, his face changed slightly when he saw what Ruan Qi had written on his notebook.

   "Cousin?" Su wanted to see him silently, and couldn't help urging, "You read it soon."

  Chen Yutong glanced at Ruan Qi with a complicated gaze, hesitated for a moment, and then slowly said each word in Su Yao’s puzzled gaze——

   "The sun will eventually penetrate the dark clouds, don't let the cowardice... destroy your life."


  Su suddenly stretched out his hand, grabbed the notebook in Chen Yutong's hand, and closed it with force.

   "Small to..."

   "Miss Ruan," Su Yao's face was cold, and he looked at Ruan Qi's direction with apathetic and cold eyes, "What do you mean by this?"

   Ruan Qi put down the water glass without any haste.

   "Literally." She said, "A very common sentence, Mr. Su should understand it."

  Su must of course understand.

  Because I understand, I get more angry.

   "Miss Ruan, how hard I have been through these years, only I know best. You have never experienced anything, what right do you have to say that I am weak?! You—"

   "I know." The little girl interrupted him gently.

  Su Yao did not react, "What did you say?"

Ruan Qi did not answer his question.

  She turned her head to look at Chen Yutong and Ejinxiu, "Two, I want to chat with Mr. Su alone."

  Chen Yutong is not too relieved that his cousin is alone with a stranger, and a little bit does not want to leave. But Ehinxiu directly dragged him out of the bedroom.

   "Teacher Ruan, you and Xiao have to talk slowly, we are just outside."

  The bedroom door slowly closed.

  The room is quiet again.

  Su was going to sit on the sofa with a cold face, his shoulders and back were stretched straight, and his whole body exuded strong rejection and defense.

  Ruan Qi stared at him for a few seconds, then moved his gaze slightly to the bright blue sky outside the window, and spoke slowly.

   "Mr. Su, do you know why I promised Ashiu to come and treat you?"

  Su Yao did not speak.

  "Not only because you are Ash’s friend, there is a more important reason why I am here-I want to see you."

  Su Yao's eyelids moved twice.

"Mr. Su, just now you said that I have never experienced anything. I have no right to say that you are weak. You said this wrong, I have experienced it. More accurately, I am in a dream for everything you have experienced. experienced."

  Su turned his head abruptly.

  He stared at the direction Ruan Qi was sitting, his voice tense, "What do you mean?"

Ruan Qi did not answer.

  She slowly stood up, raised her foot and walked over to Su Yao to sit down, lowered her voice, and asked, "Mr. Su, have you heard of a person surnamed Jiang?"


After Ruan Qi asked these words, the room was quiet for half an hour.

  Su wants to sit there motionless like a statue. His breathing went from rapid to heavy, and beads of sweat rolled off his forehead. This situation lasted for twenty minutes, and finally, gradually returned to calm.

Ruan Qi raised his eyebrows in surprise.

  Su's self-control is so strong that even such a strong negative emotion can be suppressed.

  She glanced at him unexpectedly, and then put away the silver needles she had prepared.

  Sue Yao, who had just recovered her calm, heard her movements sensitively.

   His ears moved, and he asked in a cold voice, "What did you hold in your hand?"

  "Silver Needle." Ruan Qi did not hide, "Mr. Su's psychological endurance is better than I thought. It seems that I shouldn't need to give you tranquilizers in the next treatment."

  Su's pretty eyebrows frowned.

   "Did you test my mental state just now?"

   "Yes." The little girl nodded, "If I don't irritate you, how do I know where to start the treatment?"

  Su didn’t expect that Ruan Qi would treat people so badly that he did not follow the routine, and his cold face could not help but be stained with a little dazed.

   But he reacted very quickly and couldn’t help asking: “Then what you said just now is false? And the person surnamed Jiang, you...”

   Ruan Qi: "It's all true."

  Su asked for a meal, and his breathing became a little short.

   "Who are you anyway?" he asked in a dumb voice.

"I'm Ruan Qi, a doctor, here to treat you. It's just..." Ruan Qi tilted his head to look at him, "I have another identity-I most likely have the same experience as you. ."

  Su Yao: "What does it mean to have the same experience as me?"

  "Because I have amnesia." Ruan Qi answered truthfully.

  Su wanted to quickly dilate the pupils of the godless.

  He subconsciously clenched his hands on his knees, and Qingjun's face showed strong incredibility.

  He is blind and Ruan Qi has lost his memory.

Ruan Qi said that he might have the same experience as him.

  Is she...

Do not! impossible!

  In that case, there were not many able-bodied children who could survive all the tails. How could he meet the survivors of that year by such a coincidence? !

  Su must not believe what Ruan Qi said. But... if what she said is false, how did she know the person surnamed Jiang?

  That incident has been completely blocked by China, and ordinary people can't find it at all!

  Su was going to be messing around in his mind, and after finally getting up, the migraine headache showed signs of recurrence.

  Ruan Qi was always paying attention to his reaction, and immediately took out a silver needle and stabbed him on the top of his head.

   "What needle did you give me?"

"It's to treat your migraine headache." Ruan Qi took out another silver needle. "Mr. Su, you don't have to be so defensive against me. I am a star, and I am most afraid of scandals. Therefore, I will not kill or set people on fire, nor will I Rape and rape. You can rest assured."

Su Yao, who was said to be careful, couldn't help but blush.

  Ruan Qi saw his reaction, smiled lightly, and pierced the silver needle into his acupuncture point.

   "Your migraine is not neurological. Did you hurt your head in that incident?"

  Su gave a faint ‘um’.

"At that time I wanted to escape, but the trafficker found out. He grabbed my hair and banged my head against the wall. Later, after the crime den was destroyed by police cymbals, I was taken to the hospital. The doctor said I had an intracranial hemorrhage, and it would be too late to be saved for a long time. Since then, I have suffered from migraine headaches."

  Su's words are an understatement, but Ruan Qi can feel the pain and despair of the little boy in the plain words.

  (End of this chapter)

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