Chapter 1062 Explosion 11

   But did not think that Ruan Qi unexpectedly gave them such a big surprise.

  She said that Su must be cured! The eyes can be restored!

  The Su’s parents were stunned by this godsend surprise. The two looked at Ruan Qi stupidly, but couldn't say a word.

   Still Chen Yutong calmed down, and asked Ruan Qi in a trembling voice: "Miss Ruan, can Xiao Yao's eyes really be healed?"

   "Yes." Ruan Qi nodded.

  Chen Yutong: "But the doctors in the past said that if you are young, it's heart disease..."

   "It is indeed a heart disease." Ruan Qi smiled and said, "He needs a heart medicine doctor. I have a heart medicine, so I can cure him."

  Speaking, she took out the prepared medicine packet from her coat pocket and handed it to Chen Yutong.

  "Go buy a purple casserole and fry this medicine. I have written the method of decoction in it. You can just follow it. Besides, Mr. Su and Mrs. Su, please prepare a table of food."


  Prepare a table of meals?

  Su's parents looked dazed.

  Ember Xiu was also a little strange, "Teacher Ruan, are you hungry?"

"It's not me." Ruan Qi shook his head. "The food is prepared for Su to treat illness. Remember, the food should be light and easy to digest, preferably noodles or the like. Do it now, twenty I'll eat it in minutes."

   "..." Su's parents still have question marks in their heads.

  But out of trust in Ruan Qi, they still went to the kitchen and began to prepare meals.

  Chen Yutong drove to the mall to buy the purple casserole needed for decoction.

   Ruan Qi returned to the bedroom, and Ember Xiu followed closely behind.

   "Teacher Ruan, is Su really agreeing to treat the illness?"

  Ruan Qi nodded: "Yeah."

  Ember Xiu let out a surprised ‘Oh Huh’.

   "Teacher Ruan is still amazing!" He couldn't help sighing, "The Su family had used several psychologists before, but they couldn't tell Su Yao. Once you came, he agreed. Teacher Ruan, the cow is still your cow!"

Ruan Qi was amused by his tone, smiled and shook his head.

  "It’s not that I’m good. Su Yao agreed to receive treatment because of empathy."

  Ember repair: "empathy?"

"Yeah." Ruan Qi walked into the bathroom and turned on the faucet to wash his hands. "Su needs this kind of situation, in fact, it is a kind of phobia. Because of the shadows produced by the past experience, he has fear of all realistic pictures, which in turn leads to Blindness in both eyes. If you want to cure him, you must either open your heart knot or temporarily make up for his lack of heart. And what I use is the latter method."

   "How to make up for the lack of heart?" Embenxiu asked for advice humbly, "His lack is his experience ten years ago. Unless those things have not happened, it should be difficult to repair this lack, right?"

   "No need to repair." Ruan Qi shook his head.

  Ember repair: "Then what should I do?"

   "Axiu," Ruan Qi turned off the faucet and shook the drops of water on his hand. "Have you ever seen two injured beasts lick each other's wounds?"

  Ember Xiu shook his head.

   "I haven't seen it. What does the beast have to do with Su Yao's treatment?"

"Because it's all empathy. The injured beast can't lick its wounds, so it will help each other with another injured beast. And Su Yao, he has experienced those terrible things, and there is a lack in his heart. But. He himself does not have enough power to make up for the lack. Therefore, he needs someone with the same experience as him to help him make up."

  Ruan Qi's remarks were a bit confusing, and it took Emben Xiu for a long time to figure out the logic.

   "Teacher Ruan, you mean that the reason why Su wants to receive treatment is because he has met someone who has the same experience as him? Two patients help each other and treat each other?"

  "Yes." Ruan Qi nodded, "Patients help each other to treat each other and help patients with mental illness increase their inner strength. This is a method of psychotherapy."

  Ember repair suddenly realized.

   "Unexpectedly, psychotherapy has so much to say, I learned it."

  He sighed, and then he thought of another question.

   "That's not right, Teacher Ruan, where can you find someone who has the same experience as Su and go to treat each other with him?"

   "Don't look for it." Ruan Qi took out a tissue and wiped his hands. Just as he was about to say ‘I’m that person’ to Ehin Xiu, Xi Xi suddenly walked in from outside the bedroom.

Ruan Qi immediately swallowed the words back, and meditated on Embers ambiguously: "Psychotherapy is very complicated, and I will explain it to you slowly in the future. If you are particularly interested in this aspect, I can also recommend my uncle Chu to you. Yujiang."


   Chu Yujiang? !

  The world-class psychological boss? ! !

  Ejinxiu's focus immediately shifted. He looked at Ruan Qi in shock and couldn't say anything: "Teacher Ruan, Mr. Chu is your uncle?! Dear?!"

   "That's right." The little girl smiled, "Uncle Chu and my master are both direct disciples of my master, and they are closer than their brothers. If you are interested in psychology, I can introduce you to him."

  Jin Xiu took a breath.

  He knew that with Ruan Qi’s medical skills, her master was definitely not an ordinary person. But he didn't expect it to be so unusual!

   Turns out to be brothers with world-class psychologists!

  Ruan Qi’s background is too hard!


  "Teacher Ruan, you have such a hard background, why hire me as the head of the marketing department? Given the status and connections of Mr. Chu in the circle, which hospital you want to cooperate with, it’s all about him."

"Indeed." Ruan Qi nodded in agreement, and then turned around. "But the Daxian store is my business, not my master's, nor my uncle's. I don't want to chew on the old, nor do I want to rely on it all the time. Elder. You should understand this, Ashiu?"

  Ember repair of course understands.

  Because he wanted to rely on himself, he refused the olive branch handed by the dean's uncle, and he just relied on his own ability to tinker into an Internet celebrity doctor.

  Jinxiu nodded in understanding.

  It didn’t take long for the two of them to chat, and the smell of food came out of the kitchen.

   Soon, Su’s parents came in with two dishes and one soup, plus a large bowl of soft boiled noodles.

  Sue Yao, who was lying on the sofa with acupuncture and moxibustion, smelled the scent of the food, and a look of surprise flashed across his godless eyes.

   "What time is it? Lunch time came so soon?"

   "It's not lunch." Ruan Qi walked over and quickly pulled out the silver needle from him, "It was specially prepared for you. Eat."

  Su Yao: "???"

  What the hell?

  It didn’t take long for me to finish breakfast!

  Su wants to look dazed. Seeing that he didn't move, Ruan Qi directly stuffed the big bowl of noodles into his hand.

   "Eat more, it will be good for the treatment for a while."

  Su asked for a question mark, but he still ate together.

  Not long after, Chen Yutong, who went to buy the purple casserole, came back.

  Su Mu poured all the medicine in the medicine bag into the pot according to the method of decoction written by Ruan Qi.

  (End of this chapter)

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