Chapter 1063 Explosion 12

  The strong and choking smell of Chinese medicine soon permeated the room.

  Su wants to smell the medicine while eating. Fortunately, his appetite was quite large, and he ate two dishes and one soup plus a large bowl of noodles.

  Not long after eating, the medicine is ready.

  Su Mu cautiously walked into the bedroom holding the medicine bowl.

  Ember Xiu glanced at the small medicine bowl with the palm of his hand, and couldn't help but slapped his tongue: "So a big packet of medicine, just make such a little potion?"

   "Concentration is the essence." Ruan Qi took the medicine bowl from Su Mu and handed it to Su Yao's mouth, "The temperature is right, Su Yao, you have to drink up this bowl of medicine in one breath."

  Su has just finished eating, and his stomach can’t be supported. Smelling the medicine now, I just feel that my stomach is turned upside down.

  He frowned in embarrassment, hesitated for a moment, or gritted his teeth and drank the medicine bowl.

  Su's parents and Chen Yu watched him nervously.

   "Small, how do you feel?"

  Su put the drunk soup bowl on the coffee table, was silent for half a second, and said aggrieved: "It's awful!"

   is not generally unpleasant.

  If the potion that Ruan Qi gave him before was shit-smelling, this medicine is especially shit-smelling.

  Thinking that he would drink all kinds of shit-flavored concoctions for a long time in the future, Su Yao couldn't wait to die directly with two kicks.

  "Miss Ruan, what should we do now?" Chen Yu asked.

  "Bring a basin." Ruan Qi counted the time. "The bigger one is a foot-soaking bucket."

  Everyone was dazed by the little girl's request, and the question mark on his head was almost three times around the earth.

  However, Father Su still ran to the bathroom and found out the wooden footbath that he used to keep in good health.

  Ruan Qi directly put the foot-soaking bucket next to Su Yao’s leg.

   "Su Yao, remember the location of the bucket, don't vomit on the floor for a while."

threw up?

  Su was about to ask a question, when a strong feeling of nausea surged up like an electric shock.

  He didn't even have time to speak, and he started to throw up violently while holding the footbath.

  Su’s parents quickly opened all the windows.

  But even if the ventilation is good, the smell of vomit still penetrates into everyone's nasal cavity.

  Ember Xiu felt unpleasant at first, but soon, he was taken aback.

  "This smell...not like normal vomit."

  In those years when Ember Sky’s head grew tumors, he vomited in two or three days. Embenxiu was familiar with this smell to his bones.

   But what Su was about to vomit, the smell seemed not right.

  It seems... there is a smell of blood.

  The smell is not only smelled by Ember Xiu, but also by others.

  The Su family’s parents who didn’t dislike their son at all rushed to Su Yao, bowed their heads and looked into the footbath——

  What Su was about to vomit turned out to be all black stuff!

  It’s not the meal I’ve eaten before!

  Su’s mother almost shouted in shock, “What’s going on?! What are those dark things?”

"It's blood congestion." Ruan Qi explained to the people slowly, "Su wants the stagnation of qi and blood to be very serious these years. If he wants to cure his body, he must dredge the stagnation of qi and blood. Generally speaking, this situation can be used. Acupuncture and medicine are combined to regulate. But the recovery speed is too slow. So I added strong medicine to let him spit out the congestion directly."

  Speaking, she glanced at the vomit in the footbath bucket and continued, “Don’t worry, vomiting these things is good for Su Yao’s body, there is no harm. Go and prepare a basin, and he has to continue to vomit.”

  As Ruan Qi said, Su Yao vomited half of the foot-washing bucket, and finally calmed down for a while before starting a new round of vomiting.

  This time, he not only vomited, but also started coughing frantically. The cough was all black blood clots, and the person splashing in the basin was shocking.

   "When do I have to vomit?" Chen Yutong couldn't bear it, "Xiao Yao almost coughed up his lung tube."

  Ruan Qi: "It's coming soon. It's good for him to vomit more."

  After speaking, she took out a small medicine bottle and handed it to Su Yao.

   "Drink it to replenish the body."

  Su Yao's nose and tears were everywhere now on his face, and the cold youth was spitting out.

  He didn't care about the image anymore, took the medicine bottle and raised his head and drank it all in.

  The sweet potion ran across the throat, moisturizing the burning sensation caused by vomiting.

  Su Yao's body finally became a little more comfortable, he took a hard breath, and fell weakly on the sofa.

  Su's mother quickly wiped his face with a wet towel.

  Su had to close her eyes and let her mother clean up for herself. After a while, he finally came over a little bit before opening his eyelids with difficulty.

   Then... I saw a little blurry light and shadow.

  Su's breathing suddenly stopped.

  He opened his eyes wide in disbelief, staring at the vague shadows in the dark.

  The shadow seemed to be a human figure, she seemed to be holding something in her hand, and she was about to put it on his face.

   Then, a hot and humid thing fell on his face.

   is a towel.

  The humanoid light and shadow he saw was his mother!

  Su wants to ‘get off’ to sit up from the sofa.

  Everyone was shocked. Su's mother quickly caught the fallen towel and looked at her son worriedly, "Xiao Yao, why are you..."

   "I saw my mother!"

  Everyone: "???"

  Before everyone realized the meaning of this sentence, they heard Su Yao speak again: "I saw my mother holding a towel to wipe my face. Although it is only a very shallow shadow, I really saw it."

  This time, everyone understood.

  The towel in Su’s mother's hand ‘pop’ dropped to the ground.

  Father Su, who had just cleaned the foot-soaking bucket, shook his hand, and the bucket hit the instep directly.

  Chen Yutong opened her eyes stupidly.

  Ember Xiu was taken aback for a moment, and let out a "fuck" in shock.

  "Just after the treatment, you can see with your eyes?!" He turned his head and looked at Ruan Qi as if looking at an immortal, "Teacher Ruan, did you give him an elixir?!"

  Ruan Qi was amused by his exaggerated tone.

   "I don't have the elixir, but the several medicines I just gave Su to take are indeed better than the elixir." She walked up to Su Yao and shook her hand in front of his eyes, "Can you still see it now?"

  Su tried to look at it for a while, then shook his head.

   "I can't see it anymore."

  Ruan Qi is clear.

  She pulled Su Yao's arm, felt his pulse, and showed satisfaction on her face.

   "Your physical fitness is good, and your recovery is faster than I expected."

   "But Miss Ruan," Chen Yutong couldn't help but said, "How come I can't see Xiaoya again? Couldn't I still see the phantom just now?"

Ruan Qi: "He has only been treated for less than two hours, and it is impossible to recover so quickly. According to my expectation, he will only see the phantom tonight. Now it is very fast. After all, after ten years of illness, it is impossible. Within two days of treatment, he returned to a normal person."

Everyone in the Su family nodded in agreement.

    [knocking on the blackboard] All the treatment methods in the article are all fictitious. If you are sick in reality, please go to a formal tertiary hospital as soon as possible! There are not so many flying walls and turning stones into gold in the world. Please don't indulge in golden finger novels.

     Explosion continues, turn back.



  (End of this chapter)

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