Master Xi Wants To Make Official Announcements Every Day

Chapter 1210: Please be your own person again

   Chapter 1210, please be your own person again

  The kiss lasted a long time.

  The posture of the two people changed from sitting to lying down. Ruan Qi was deeply pressed into the soft bedding by Xi Jiu, and his breathing was full of Xi Jiu's strong and hot breath.

  I don’t know how long it took, until she was almost out of breath, and the man pressed against her left her lips reluctantly.

   Xi Jiu lifted up slightly and looked down at the girl below him, her eyes full of suppressed desire.

  Ruan Qi was scalded by his blatant gaze, flinched and hid, his voice trembling reminded, "...Jiujiu, mom and dad are still there."

  Ruan Fengmian and Yang Liu also live on the second floor of the villa, not far from this bedroom. If they two made any noise, Ruan Fengmian and Yang Liu would definitely hear it.

  Being shy when heard by his parents is second. Ruan Qi is mainly afraid that Ruan Fengmian will beat Xi Jiu to death.

  Xi Jiu certainly knows that tonight is not a good time to be presumptuous. But he was not afraid of Ruan Fengmian, but worried about Ruan Qi's body.

  On her birthday, Xi Jiu lost control too much, and even wanted Ruan Qi for one night. The little girl who has just gone through personnel affairs is tender everywhere, and can't stand such crazy demands.

  Although Xi Jiu helped Ruan Qi with medicine later, the area that should be swollen was still swollen.

  Xi Jiu felt distressed and regretted, but Ruan Fengmian and Yang Liu came to the imperial capital at this time. No matter how bad he was, he couldn’t take care of Ruan Qi personally.

  Helpless, Xi Jiu can only wait patiently. I have waited until today to find the opportunity to slip the door, break the wall and climb the window.

  He must personally check the girl’s recovery before he can rest assured.

   Xi Jiu closed his eyes, pressed back the desire and impulse that would be out of control at any time, and then sat up from Ruan Qi with his arms.

  He pinched her waist with one hand, and opened her nightdress with the other.

  Ruan Qi was taken aback by the man's actions, and quickly reached out and held him down.

   "None of you! It will be heard!"

   Xi Jiu lifted the skirt for a while.

   He lowered his eyes to look at the flustered little girl, his eyes darkened, and he leaned over and licked her lips.

  Ruan Qi shivered when he was licked, and quickly reached out to push him, "Jiu Jiu..."

   "I won't move you." Xi Jiu kissed her again, "Baby, I want to see your injury."

   Ruan Qi: "..."

  The little girl later realized that she had misunderstood.

  She was so embarrassed that her small face began to flush again, and her ears were hot and almost smoking.

   Xi Jiu looked at her ashamed, her thin lips slightly hooked, and couldn't help but let out a low laugh.

  Ruan Qi is even more ashamed, and can't wait to bury his head directly in the quilt.

   Xi Jiu was afraid that the little girl would be angry, so she didn't dare to make too much teasing, so she just lowered her head and rubbed the tip of her nose.

   "Baby, let me see your injury, okay?"

  Ruan Qi was still immersed in the feeling of shyness, and subconsciously wanted to nod. But just a second before nodding, she suddenly reacted--

  What kind of injury does Xi Jiu want to see her?

  Where did she hurt?

  The only place she hurts all over her body these days is...

  This time, Ruan Qi not only blushed, but also all over his body.

  She shook her head vigorously, and decisively refused Xi Jiu's request.

  "No! I'm not injured! Jiujiu, don't look at it!"

  After finishing speaking, she rolled over and pushed up her ass, and was about to crawl out.

  But before climbing two steps, Xi Jiu grabbed her waist and dragged it back.

  "!" The little girl's scared tail was straight, and she was struggling in a panic, "Jiu Jiu, you let go, I'm not injured!"

  As soon as I finished saying this, I heard a ‘pop’, and there was a slight tingling pain in my buttocks.

  The little girl's body suddenly froze.

  She clutched her little ass, turned around, and looked at Xi Jiu incredulously.

    Is Xi Jiu a man today?




  (End of this chapter)

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