Chapter 1211 Stay to accompany you

  What did Jiu Jiu just do?

  He hit her...where? !

  How can he fight there!

  Ran Qi, who has lived a little half of his life, has never been beaten as a pp. Now that he has experienced it for the first time, the whole person has been stunned.

   Seeing her stunned, Xi Jiu took the opportunity to pinch her waist, dragged her back directly, and lifted her nightdress.

   "Jiu Jiu!" The dazed little girl quickly regained consciousness, reaching out to stop her.

  But her strength is not as strong as a man, Xi Jiu trapped her hands with only one hand, and the other hand reached the injured place.

  In the next five minutes, Ruan Qi underwent Xi Jiu's 360-degree injury inspection with no dead ends and incomparably shame.

  Waiting for the man to finish the medicine for her, the little girl’s face was already hot and smoking.

  "There is still some slight redness and swelling. After applying the medicine, it should disappear tomorrow." Xi Jiu said as he helped Ruan Qi pick up the panties.

  He took out the disinfectant wipes to wipe the ointment from his hands, and when he turned back, he saw a little ostrich with his head buried in the quilt.

  The little ostrich covered herself tightly with her nightdress, and got her head into the quilt. His hands pressed the edge of the quilt tightly, and she had an attitude of ‘I don’t want to see anyone in my life’.

   Xi Jiu couldn't help being amused.

   He curled his lips, his cold eyes were stained with small smiles, and he leaned over to press on the little ostrich.


  The man's low and doting voice passed through the quilt into Ruan Qi's eardrum.

  Ruan Qi's little Jiojio, who was exposed outside, trembled, and drilled his head into the quilt again.

  Xi Jiu worried that she would be damaged in the quilt, so she reached out and grabbed the quilt and pulled it slightly.

   "Baby, come out."

   "..." Ruan Xiao refused seventy thousand.

   Seeing that she was determined not to see anyone, Xi Jiu's eyes darkened, and the hand holding the quilt changed a place, hugged the little girl's waist directly, and dragged her out of the quilt forcefully.


  Ruan Xiaoqi, who was suddenly forced to ‘out of the hole’, was taken aback.

  She hadn't waited for her to recover before the man's kiss fell.

  The kiss was quick and strong, and the strong one seemed to swallow Ruan Qi.

  Ruan Qi was dizzy and dizzy by the kiss, what shyness, what shame, all disappeared in this kiss.

  Xi Jiu kissed for a long time this time.

  It was not until both of them got out of control that they could not stop.

  He reluctantly left Ruan Qi's lips and rubbed the tip of her nose affectionately.

   "Baby," the man's voice was dull, with strong lust, "I will stay with you tonight, okay."

  Ruan Qi certainly would not say bad.

  Not only does Xi Jiu miss her, she also misses Xi Jiu. She has been thinking every second since the separation on her birthday.


  She nodded gently, reached out her hand to hold the man's neck, and rubbed his small face affectionately against his collarbone.

   "Sleep with Jiujiu tonight~"


  This night, Ruan Qi and Xi Jiu both had a good night's sleep.

  Early the next morning, Xi Jiu turned out the window before dawn, and his skillful movements made people feel distressed.

  When Ruan Qi woke up at more than eight o'clock, Xi Jiu’s bed was already cold. She half-squinted her eyes, stepped her face into Xi Jiu's pillow, took a deep breath, and barely sat up from the bed.

  Ding Dong!

  The phone on the bedside table suddenly turned on.

  Ruan Qi took the phone, opened WeChat, [myq team] WeChat group information has been swiped 99+.

  【Full Moon Scimitar: My old lady trained until three in the morning last night, and I paid too much for the summer game. 】

   [Thor: You only get up at six in the afternoon and go to bed at three in the morning, you pay a fart. 】

   [Raytheon: @是小七呀, when will you return to the club? The game will be played in a few days, how about you? 】

  (End of this chapter)

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