Chapter 1212 Indulging in games, unable to extricate themselves

  As the deputy captain of the myq team, Thor is irritable every day.

  Ruan Qi has to be inked by him several times a day, and he has long been used to it. She yawned lazily and typed slowly in the input box.

  【It's Xiaoqi: On the 30th, I will go over on the 27th. 】

  【Thor: OK. I have adjusted the training plan for the past few days and will send it to you in a while. You remember to launch team battles. 】

  Ruan Qi sent an ok.

  After a while, Raytheon sent a few more messages.

   [Thor: I heard that there are several new teams in this summer game that are very strong. Don't underestimate the enemy, and beware of overturning in the gutter. 】

   [Thor: There are also a few old-brand teams, this time they are all coming aggressively, especially the Monarch. Honorable Cheng Yan and Xiao Qi have a holiday, and this time they won't let it go. 】

   [Thor: Anyway, everyone should cheer up, especially you, Ruan Xiaoqi. 】

   [Thor: @是小七呀, if I can’t win the summer championship this time, I’ll transfer to the team! 】

   Ruan Qi: "..."

  The reason why she was able to be a hand-handling shopkeeper was that Thor, the deputy captain of the old mother, worried about the team for her. If Thor transfers to the team and leaves, she is afraid that she will sit at the door of the myq club and cry to death.

Ruan Xiaoqi said he was threatened.

  She quickly made a guarantee in the WeChat group.

  【It’s Xiaoqi: I promise to win the championship! Not only the summer competition, but also the global competition, I will definitely take you to the championship! 】

  【Thor: What if I can’t do it? 】

  【It's Xiaoqi: ...】

  【Thor: If you can’t do it, help me manage the club for a year. 】

   Ruan Qi: "..."

  E-sports clubs need to manage many things. All kinds of work such as negotiation, public relations, and endorsements must be handled by the club manager and captain in cooperation.

  Ruan Qi is most afraid of these troubles. When she thinks that she will manage the club for a whole year, she feels agitated and her face changes.


   Must win the championship!

  I would rather die than to manage the club!


  Because of Thor's threat and lethality, Ruan Qi's fighting spirit was finally successfully aroused.

  She gave Nie Heng and Yu Jianxiu the full authority of the Qimu Medicine, but she settled down and kept it at home for day and night retreat training.

  This is a bitter to the majority of marshmallows.

  Since the birthday party on the 15th, Ruan Qi has been completely invisible and never appeared in front of the public again.

  Marshmallows wait and wait, not to mention Ruan Qi himself, he didn’t even wait for a Weibo.

  Everyone ran to Shen Wenqian's Weibo and asked. Shen Wenqian only said that Ruan Qi is on vacation and will not be open until September.

  Getting this answer, the marshmallows want to cry without tears. They wanted to see that Ruan Qi couldn't see it. In desperation, they had no choice but to go to the cinema to do "The End of the World" again, to see Mrs. Yu played by Ruan Qi to relieve their lovesickness.

  At this time, Ruan Qi has been training in retreat at home for four days.

  She only sleeps for four hours a day. Except for three meals and going downstairs to eat, she stays in the study and faces the computer all the time.

  The Ruan family sees it in their eyes and feels pain in their hearts, but they can’t do anything. They can only change their patterns every day to make good food and nourish the little girl.

  Waiting on the fifth night, Xi Jiu and Ruan Munan finally couldn't bear it. They broke into the study and pulled out Ruan Qi, who was in front of the computer.

   "I'll finish training with one more hand, brother, wait for me." The little girl clung to the keyboard and didn't let go.

   Ruan Munan coldly turned her head and winked at Xi Jiu.

  Xi Jiu nodded slightly, stepped forward and directly picked up the little girl from the computer chair.

  "!" Ruan Qi was taken aback, and still didn't forget to shout, "I haven't finished the fight yet! Let me down, I can still fight!"

   Ruan Munan is almost laughing.

  He turned off the host computer with a ‘pop’, and pointed his finger strongly at the entrance of the study.

   "Take her out, no one will be allowed to use the computer tonight!"

  (End of this chapter)

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