Chapter 1227 Do you want to poison? !

  The speed of ancient warriors is much faster than ordinary people.

  Everyone only had time to see a phantom, Cheng Yan's hand was already stretched out in front of Ruan Qi.

   Seeing her fingers, she was about to grab Ruan Qi's mask. Ruan Qi didn't rush, his hand gently blocked in front of him.


  Cheng Yan's hand was slapped open, and the back of her hand turned red and swollen at a speed visible to the naked eye.

  She let out a sigh of pain, and an angry expression quickly appeared on her face.

  "Do you dare to do something to me? Have you forgotten my last name?!"

  Cheng Yan was already quite sure that Xiao Qinglong was an ancient warrior, otherwise he would not be able to stop his attack.

  Since it is an ancient warrior, it is easy to handle.

  Ancient warriors have the rules of ancient warriors, and there are also ancient warriors' ranks. As for the Cheng family, it is standing at the highest level of existence.

   provoke Shangcheng’s family, whether you are a little green dragon or a little white dragon, you can only be crushed by ants.

  Cheng Yan showed a smug and malicious smile on her face.

  She curled her lips, and there was a warning in her words: "Little Qinglong, you won't know what the Cheng family means in that circle. If you know, just apologize to me obediently. Otherwise, you will know the fate of offending the Cheng family."

  Cheng Yan’s words were only understood by Ruan Qi, and no one else understood.

   But even so, everyone can hear that Cheng Yan is threatening Ruan Qi.

  Myq everyone was immediately unhappy.

Qian Duo tugged at the collar violently, and snorted coldly, "I said Miss Cheng, do you think you are the Cheng family? The Cheng family kicked you out of the genealogy long ago, okay? Qinglong has done nothing wrong, so why should I apologize to you?"

   "Yes!" Liu Wanwan waved a big wave, folded his arms and mocked, "My Xiaoqinglongxing is upright, unlike some people who are dressed in black."

He Yao pushed his glasses and smiled gently: "Miss Cheng just now you said you would let Xiao Qinglong know the fate of offending the Cheng family. I would take the liberty to ask, what will happen to offending the Cheng family? Are you **** and thrown into the Huangpu River to feed the fish? Ms. Cheng, there are cameras next to the Huangpu River. I'm afraid this trick won't work."

"Ha!" Jin Yuanbao was amused by He Yao's words, "Throw it into the Huangpu River to feed the fish? You read too much in the old essays of the dog blood bully, right? In a society under the rule of law, everyone is equal, and the Cheng family can be lawless? Believe it or not. I exposed you on Weibo?"

The   myq team members are not fuel-efficient lamps, and they practice thief every one of them. You said and I taunted Cheng Yan from head to toe.

  Cheng Yanqi's face was green and white, and the unwillingness of being humiliated and the blowout of anger overflowed from the bottom of my heart.

  Since she was a child, she has been going smoothly, and the stars are holding the moon. Why is she insulted by these ordinary people like this? !

  Why? !

  Cheng Yan's reason, which had been hard to recover just now, was once again burned with anger. She twisted her facial features and looked at Ruan Qi like a knife.

  The next moment, she raised her hand sharply.

  Myq everyone thought that Cheng Yan was about to do it again, and Thor and Jin Yuanbao, who stood closest to Ruan Qi, immediately stepped forward to stop them.

  But before they could move, Ruan Qi's peachy eyes hidden under the peaked cap suddenly flashed a stern look.

   "Don't move!" She deliberately lowered her voice, and sternly drank Thor and the gold ingot.

   Immediately afterwards, she staggered and blocked Cheng Yan's figure. Then he shot Xiang Cheng Yan's shoulder with a slap.

  Both of them are ancient warriors, and their shot speed is surprisingly fast.

  It’s just that Ruan Qi is one step faster than Cheng Yan. Before Cheng Yan’s hand fell, her palm was already slapped on Cheng Yan’s shoulder.


   There was a soft sound, but it contained strong and domineering power.

  Cheng Yan only felt that a terrifying energy hit her face, half of her body instantly lost consciousness.

   Her raised hand trembled, and then she dropped weakly.

  At the same time, a puddle of almost transparent powder slipped from her fingertips and sprinkled on the burgundy carpet with the wind.

  Ruan Qi saw that puddle of powder, her eyes became cold instantly.

  She grabbed Cheng Yan by the collar, deliberately lowering her voice hoarse and full of killing intent: "Do you want to poison?!"

  (End of this chapter)

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