Master Xi Wants To Make Official Announcements Every Day

Chapter 1228: Xiaoqinglong, who are you?

  Chapter 1228 Little Qinglong, who are you?

  In the ancient martial arts world, the Cheng family has always been called the "Poison Gate".

  Poison Sect, as the name suggests, the Cheng family are masters of poisoning.

  For the Cheng family, using poison is as common as eating and drinking. All the children of the Cheng family have been carrying poison all the time since they started to practice ancient martial arts.

  They poisoned the invisible and murdered the invisible, which is why the Cheng family was jealous of all the ancient martial arts families.

  However, there is still an unwritten rule in the ancient martial arts——

   Ancient warriors are not allowed to use vigor, poison, mental power and other attacks on ordinary people indiscriminately, except for legitimate defense.

  This rule has always bound all ancient martial arts families. Once someone violates it, he will definitely be brutally punished by the regulatory authorities.

   Therefore, Ruan Qi did not expect that Cheng Yan would be so courageous to poison ordinary people.

  Cheng Yan is a member of the Cheng family. Although Gu Wu is not very strong, the method of poisoning was taught by the Cheng family.

  The poison on her body may not be able to withstand the weaker ancient warriors, let alone ordinary people like Liu Wanwan gold ingot.

  Nie Beilou has taught Ruan Qi that life is precious since childhood. In order to treat illnesses and save people, the doctors stay awake, just to save a life.

   But what about Cheng Yan?

  To be poisoned for personal grievances!

   Ruan Qi, who has always been soft-tempered, is really angry this time.

  She firmly grasped Cheng Yan by the collar and lifted her up.

   "Do you want to poison you?"

  The girl deliberately lowered her voice with a strong killing intent, as if she would tear the other party to pieces in the next second.

  Cheng Yan did not expect that Ruan Qi would have such a terrifying aura, her face changed slightly, struggling to escape from the shackles of Ruan Qi.

  "Little Qinglong, let me go!"

  Ruan Qi did not let go, instead, the hand holding her collar became tighter and tighter.

   Cheng Yan was strangled and uncomfortable, she wanted to resist, but Ruan Qi's momentum was too strong, she couldn't use her strength at all, she could only kick her legs indiscriminately.

   "Let go! You let me go!" She screamed as she kicked her legs, "Mahon Arthur are you dead? Come and get him for me!"

  Everyone was completely shocked by the murderous aura on Ruan Qi's body before.

  At this time, they heard Cheng Yan's shout, and they hesitated for a moment, and they didn't seem to dare to step forward.

  Finally, Captain Arthur came over.

   "Little Qinglong, everyone has something to say..."

   "Go away!" Ruan Qi interrupted him with a dumb voice.

   Arthur was shocked by the murderous intent in her tone, choked, his legs were generally not daring to move a step further.

  Ruan Qi's gaze returned to Cheng Yan.

   "Ms. Cheng," her voice was indistinguishable from men and women, but she was full of coldness and anger, "As an ancient warrior, poisoning ordinary people, do you believe it or not that I will let someone from the Supervision Bureau come to you tomorrow?"

"you dare!"

  Cheng Yan was surprised and angry, "I am the Cheng family, what if someone from the Supervision Bureau comes? Xiao Qinglong, you'd better figure out your own weight, the Cheng family is not something you can offend!"

  Ruan Qi was almost laughed at by Cheng Yan's stupidity.

  She curled her lips, and a husky chuckle came out through the mask.

   "Cheng family? Cheng Yan, are you sure that the Cheng family will take care of you now? Who gives you the confidence? Is that bad old man Cheng Qi?"

  The girl’s laughter was full of sarcasm. While Cheng Yan was ashamed, she was filled with infinite horror.

  Who is this little Qinglong?

  How dare he use that tone to call her grandfather a bad old man?

  Her grandfather is the head of the Cheng family!

  Cheng Yan is stupid, but she has some brains.

  The more she thought about it, the more she felt wrong, and the doubt in her heart blurted out: "Little Qinglong, who are you?!"

  (End of this chapter)

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