Article 1229 Yan apologizes

"who am I?"

   Facing Cheng Yan’s question, Ruan Qi smiled dumbly.

   Immediately afterwards, her tone changed, and the hand holding Cheng Yan's collar lifted up——

"I am your father!"

  The voice fell, and Ruan Qi's arm forcefully turned Cheng Yan, who was holding it in the air, over.

  Before Cheng Yan could react, Ruan Qi raised his foot and kicked her knees.


  Slightly cracked bones sounded.

  Cheng Yan broke out in a cold sweat for a moment, and the scream was stuck in her throat, but she couldn't scream out because of the pain.

   "Miss Cheng!" Everyone was shocked.

  Ruan Qi ignored the noble person, she grabbed Cheng Yan's collar and pressed her hand down. Cheng Yan in her hand was like a little chicken, kneeling on her knees, and she was pressed **** the carpet.

  The kicked knee was in close contact with the ground, Cheng Yan couldn't help it anymore, and screamed with a twisted face.

"I give you two choices." Ruan Qi pressed her struggling body and slowly said, "First, bow at ninety degrees and apologize to everyone. Second, I will call the Supervision Bureau now and let them come. Here you are. Miss Cheng, you only have one minute to think. After one minute, the phone number of the Supervision Bureau will be dialed from my cell phone."

  After finishing speaking, she took out her mobile phone and skillfully pressed the number of the Guwu Supervision Bureau.

  Cheng Yan saw this scene, she almost crushed her silver teeth.

  Although she said she was Cheng's family, she was not afraid of the Supervision Bureau. But if she is really taken away by the Supervision Bureau, with the virtue of Cheng Qi, the old man, she will not care about her in all likelihood.

  What's more, the Cheng family is no longer in the hands of the old man. The power of the Cheng family has been divided by the younger Cheng Jinyan.

  Cheng Jinyan has always been at odds with her parents. If he knows that she has entered the Supervision Bureau, he will not only ignore it, but he will secretly make her stay inside for a few more days.

  So, Cheng Yan did not dare to gamble.

  She cannot enter the Supervision Bureau, and the Cheng family will not rescue her. So, now there is only one option left-to bow and apologize to the myq team ninety degrees.

  Apologizing to a group of flat-headed people, this is tantamount to a great shame to Cheng Yan, who has always been aloof.

  She didn't want to do this, but Xiao Qinglong's ancient martial strength completely crushed her. If she doesn't apologize today, I'm afraid that she won't even be able to get out of the door of this private kitchen.

  But if she apologized, how could she still be in the e-sports circle in the future?

  Cheng Yan was very tangled in her heart, and she knelt on the ground for a long time without making a sound.

  Ruan Qi didn't have the patience to wait for her to make a choice. As soon as one minute arrived, she dialed the supervision bureau.

   Cheng Yan's face changed suddenly when she saw it.

  She did not dare to hesitate any more, and hurriedly shouted: "I apologize!"

Ruan Qi raised his eyebrows, "Really?"

  "Really real!" Cheng Yan didn't dare to pose any more, wishing to pounce on Ruan Qi's mobile phone, "I apologize! Hurry up and hang up the phone!"

Ruan Qi obediently hung up the outgoing call.

  She put her phone back in her sweater pocket, and then released her hand holding Cheng Yan.

   "Ms. Cheng should be a person who believes in her words. In that case, apologize now. Remember, bow ninety degrees."

  Cheng Yan’s knee had been kicked into a fractured bone. At this time, she stood up and bowed for ninety degrees. The pain was equivalent to walking barefoot on the tip of a knife.

  Ke Cheng Yan had no choice.

  She cannot enter the supervision bureau, so she must stand up and apologize.

  Cheng Yan was so bitter that she almost bite into bleeding.

  She supported the ground and wobbled up from the carpet. Just this action made her face pale with pain.

   But Ruan Qi is half-hearted.

  The poison in Cheng Yan's hand just now, if Liu Wanwan and the others were inhaled, they are now in the hospital for emergency treatment.

  Compared to Cheng Yancao's life, it is already cheaper for her to apologize for the fracture of her bones!

  (End of this chapter)

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