Chapter 1242 Dragon God Appears

  At this time, Shanghai International Convention and Exhibition Center, the venue of the Rong Yao League Summer Games.

  Since the morning, the gate of the Convention and Exhibition Center was crowded with e-sports fans who came to watch the game.

  Everyone lined up in an orderly manner, wearing support clothes, some holding banners, and some wearing headbands with the names of e-sports players.


   A short horn sounded from far and near.

  At the end of the road, a silver-gray commercial vehicle came here at a slow speed.

  The fans who were queuing turned their heads and looked around. After seeing the license plate of the commercial vehicle, many people started screaming in excitement.

  "It's myq! I have seen the commercial car, it belongs to the myq club!"

   "Ahhhhh! My Dragon God is here! Where's the banner? Hold it up!"

   "Goddess Wanwan I love you!"

   "myq will win! myq is invincible!"

Fans of   myq team raised their support items and looked at the commercial car coming here with excitement.

  At this moment, the commercial vehicle suddenly slowed down, and the window with the privacy film slowly fell down.

  A chubby face poked out from the car window.

  The fans suddenly burst into ear-screaming screams.

  "Gold ingot! It's gold ingot!"

   "Little fat man and old lady love you!!"

   "Why did Golden Baby lose weight? You have to eat more, it won't be cute anymore!"

  Jin Ingot heard this and couldn't help but smiled.

  He waved at the fans outside the window, then turned around, and didn't know what he said to the people in the car. Fans saw him suddenly give way, and then, a familiar black peaked cap came out of the car window.

  The fans outside the window were silent for a moment.

   Then, a more deafening scream erupted.

   "Fuck! My Dragon God! It turned out to be my Great Dragon God!!"

   "This familiar cap! A familiar black sweater! Dragon God, I finally waited for you!"

  "Little Blue Dragon! You must win the summer competition! Use your strength and kill everyone!!"

  In the eyes of fans of the Rong Yao League, Xiao Qinglong will always be the most unshakable and the most mythical existence.

  In the four years since Xiao Qinglong joined myq, his strength, his hand speed, and his god-like operations are like the imprint of god, deeply engraved in the dna of all e-sports fans.

  Even though many fans do not follow the myq team, it does not prevent them from fanning Xiaoqinglong.

  Little Qinglong is the true **** of the pinnacle, wherever he goes, he is his believer.

  For example, now, the exuberant screams of fans almost tear the entire street.

  Ruan Qi heard everyone shouting, and the peach eyes hidden under the peaked cap couldn't help but dye a bit of warm color.

  She reached out and waved at the window.

  The fans screamed louder, and many **** fans who have followed for many years cried with excitement.

  Qian Duo frowned as he looked at the increasingly excited fans outside the window, and stretched out his hand to pull Ruan Qi back into the car by the window.

  "Don’t interact with fans casually. There are so many people outside. If there is a riot and stampede because of you, those sunspots don’t know how to scold you. Old Zhao, speed up the car and drive directly to the back door of the exhibition center."

  The driver, Zhao, responded, then stepped on the accelerator, and drove away quickly while the fans hadn’t caught up.

  Ruan Qi was holding the car window, looking at the fans who were getting farther and farther, a bit of reluctance was revealed in the beautiful peach blossom eyes.

  The little girl is a lively temperament.

  When she was in the entertainment industry, she often interacted with marshmallows and sometimes sent them gifts in the name of Shen Wenqian. However, in the e-sports circle, Ruan Qi has always maintained a high-cold personality in order to keep the vest of Xiaoqinglong, and he rarely has the opportunity to have close contact with fans.

  In fact, she really wants to drink Fat House Happy Water with fans and play games together.

  I don’t know when this wish will be realized.

  The little girl squashed her mouth in regret.

  Hey, life is unsatisfactory, nine out of ten~

  (End of this chapter)

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