Master Xi Wants To Make Official Announcements Every Day

Chapter 1243: Someone pushed Xiao Qinglong

   Chapter 1243 Someone pushed Xiao Qinglong

  The commercial vehicle quickly drove to the back door of the exhibition center.

  Ruan Qi and his group got out of the car and headed to the lounge under the leadership of the staff.

   "Are the other teams here?" Qian Duo asked as he walked.

  The staff who walked in front turned their heads and replied: "The Lord, Babylon, and the miracle team have not arrived yet, the others have already arrived."

  Qian Duo said ‘oh’, and was about to speak, when a series of messy and eager footsteps suddenly came from behind him.

   "Let's give way! Get out! Let's pass first!"

  Because Xiao Qinglong’s identity cannot be revealed, Ruan Qi has been walking at the back of the team. At this moment, she heard the sound coming from behind, and before she could look back, her body was pushed aside vigorously by one hand.

  This corridor is very narrow, the width can only accommodate three people to pass side by side. The unsuspecting Ruan Qi was pushed so hard and his shoulder almost hit the wall.

  Myq everyone saw this scene, their faces suddenly changed.

  As an e-sports player, everyone knows how important shoulders are. Especially when the game starts right away, if Ruan Qi's shoulder is really damaged, it will be a major loss for her to the myq team.

   "Little..." Qian Duo was anxious, almost yelling out the words Xiao Qi.

  Fortunately, he responded in time, and said, "Little Qinglong, are you okay?"

  Ruan Qi gently shook his head.

  Just now, she didn't expect someone to push herself suddenly behind her. She was unprepared and almost hit the wall.

  Fortunately, I have practiced martial arts since I was a child and reacted quickly. The moment I hit the wall, I relied on the strength of my legs and waist to stop the car.

  Ruan Qi released his hands on the wall and gave his teammates a relieved look.

   Then she turned her head, looked at the few people behind her faintly, and swept her eyes lightly on the logo of the uniforms they were wearing——


  Ruan Qi's mind quickly came up with the information of this team.

  Babylon, a new team that has just been established less than a year ago.

  However, although this team is new, its strength is very impressive. It has won many small tournaments in less than a year. It can be regarded as a dark horse in the Rong Yao league circle.

  The ace player that Raytheon said before, whose hand speed is comparable to her, is in this team.

  Ruan Qi sorted out the Babylonian information in his head, and then pressed his vocal cords, his red lips made a slight, unidentifiable voice.

   "Who pushed me just now?"

  It may be because of a guilty conscience. When everyone in Babylon heard this question, their eyes suddenly wandered.

   Ruan Qi saw that they were silent, peach blossoms eyes narrowed, and a hint of danger appeared in the bottom of his eyes.

  "Can't you understand what I'm saying?" The girl's tone became sharp.

Qian Duo also said with a look of dissatisfaction: "I said, brothers, everyone is a person of identity, so you don't even have a little responsibility? We won't beat you, you pushed Xiao Qinglong, and apologize. Isn't it over? As for hiding and pretending to be a turtle?"

  It may be that the phrase “shrink the head tortoise” stimulated the self-esteem of the instigator. In the Babylonian team, a teenager with dyed pink hair pushed aside his teammate in front of him and stood up angrily.

   "Who do you think shrank its head?!"

  Qian Duo's gaze swept across the boy, "Is it the little green dragon you pushed?"

"I pushed it, can't it?!" The young pink-haired boy didn't know where the anger came from. When he spoke, he called a rush, "I just grabbed her at random, because she couldn't stand still, what does it have to do with me? Do you have to be so pretentious?!"

  (End of this chapter)

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