Chapter 1259 You are waiting for me

  The people of the noble anxiously carried Cheng Yan away.

  Qian Duo looked at the backs of them hurriedly leaving, ‘tuck’, and leaned into Ruan Qi’s ear and said, “Xiao Qi, it seems that Cheng Yan hates you this time. You’d better be careful.”

  Ruan Qi nodded, retracting his gaze from a distance.

  After this episode, the Rong Yao League competition continues.

  The second group was played by two rookie teams. They were not too strong. They barely played a few rounds, and there was no bright spot in the whole process.

  When the two teams finished the game, the audience almost fell asleep.

  "Please invite the third group of participating teams to play——"

  The host’s loud voice suddenly sounded in the studio, and the drowsy crowd was shocked.

  At this time, the names of the two participating teams in the third group were scrolled on the big screen——

  Myqvs Babylon!

  This time, the dozing audiences are all refreshed.

  The barrage in the live broadcast room also began to accelerate rapidly.

  【Fuck! myq is on the court so soon? ! 】

  【Fuck, fuck! Isn’t it said that Babylon’s Gunner is as fast as Xiaoqinglong? Are they right now? ! 】

  [New Speed ​​King vs. Veteran God of War, is it **** or old? Or does the back wave beat the front wave, and the front wave dies on the beach? 】

  【Brothers place a bet! A Qiang and Xiao Qinglong, who will win? 】

  【All my wealth pressures me, the Dragon God! Little Qinglong yyds! Irreplaceable! 】

  【I press a gun. A Qiang won even Cheng Yan, and I think he can also beat Xiao Qinglong. The **** of gaming is about to give way! 】

【Ha ha! I leave it here, A Gun can beat Xiao Qinglong, I live upside down and eat noodles! 】

  Myq and Babylon hadn’t even started the match, and there had been an uproar on the Internet.

  Many fans directly opened a bet, betting on who will win A Qiang or Xiao Qinglong.

  On Weibo, the two topics #myq对战巴比伦# and #小青龙阿枪# quickly rushed into hot searches.

  The number of viewers in the live broadcast room is increasing, and the barrage almost covers the entire screen.

  In the studio, the screams of fans are about to overturn the roof.

  "Little Qinglong yyds! King of Dragon God Gaming! Little Qinglong! I love you!!!"

  Shen Wenqian stood in the audience, holding a light sign and roaring heartbreakingly. If a camera came up at this time, it is estimated that he could clearly see the two tonsils in his throat that were screaming red.

  Manager Tang, who was sitting on the side, was shocked with his head buzzing.

  He stretched out his hand and patted Shen Wenqian, trying to calm his old friend. But before he could speak, Shen Wenqian broke out another wave of more terrifying screams.

   "Ahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh! myq is so **** handsome! ok! he! ahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh!


  Manager Tang is completely desperate for his friends.

  He rubbed his forehead with a headache and raised his head, just in time to see the two teams MyQ and Babylon coming onto the stage.

   Ruan Qi, who was walking in the front of the myq team, wore a black suit with his hands lazily inserted in the pockets of his uniform jacket.

  She walked to the middle of the stage and stood face to face with the captain of Babylon.

   "Hello." Babylon's captain Glacier stretched out his right hand.

  Ruan Qi glanced down, stretched out his hand silently, and shook his hand.

  The hands of two people can be divided with one hand.

After    separated, Ruan Qi shifted his sight slightly and looked at the pink-haired boy who was standing next to the deputy captain of Babylon—A Qiang.

  A Gun looked over at the same time.

  Since Babylon became famous, netizens have always compared Aqiang with Xiaoqinglong, so that every time Aqiang mentions Xiaoqinglong, there is an inexplicable hostility in his heart.

  In addition, when he was backstage before the game, A Gun hit Ruan Qi but did not apologize, and Qian Duo was scolded by Qian Duo. This Liangzi was also settled.

  So, when the enemies meet, they are extremely jealous.

  A gun pair looked up at Ruan Qi and gave her a vicious look.

   "You wait for me!"

  (End of this chapter)

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