Chapter 1260 Spike!

  A gun said to Ruan Qi silently.

  Faced with the threats and provocations of the teenager, Ruan Qi raised his eyebrows meaningfully, and the corners of the lips hidden under the mask slowly raised.

  Bai Li in the system saw this smile and couldn't help but squeaked.

   "The child is still young, so who is not good to provoke? You have to provoke seven girls. Wait for the hammer to cry!"


  After the two teams greeted each other, they each sat in their own game area.

  The camera lens swept across the players of the two teams, and finally fell on Ruan Qi.

  The girl in a black team uniform and a black cap sits lazily on the gaming chair. She adjusted the mouse and keyboard, then opened her hands with half-finger gloves, and flexibly performed finger exercises.

  The fans in the live broadcast room were yelled by this casual and lazy action.

  【My big dragon **** is so handsome! Just doing a finger **** is so handsome! 】

  【Big Brother Cameraman, please give me a close-up shot of Dragon Finger! I have a hunch that Dragon God’s hands must be super beautiful! 】

  【Ahhhhhhhhhhhh, why does the dragon **** have to wear gloves to compete? ! Isn't this kind of god's hand worth a hundred close-ups? ! It's a violent thing! 】

  【By the way, I always feel that Xiao Qinglong's hands are a bit like girls. Although the lens is far away, it can be seen that his fingers are delicate and slender, not at all like a boy. 】

【Hahaha! Dragon God is a girl? Are you kidding me? Whose girl would be so cruel when playing games? Have you forgotten the Jiajia team who was crying by Dragon Hammer in the opening game? ! 】

  【If Dragon God is a girl, I will bankrupt my family and marry her. Unfortunately, this is impossible. Because there can be no such a cruel girl in this world. [狗头.jpg]]

  No one takes the guess that'Little Qinglong is a girl' seriously.

  The fans just laughed and refocused their attention on the game.

  With the familiar sound effects of the Rong Yao League, the second group of the Rong Yao League summer regular season-myqvs Babylon, officially begins!

  Twelve players from two teams are teleported to all corners of the game world.

  The audience in the studio and live room gradually quieted down, and everyone watched nervously at the game screen on the big screen.

"The position of the myq team in this round is not very good, there is no strangeness around, economic development is more difficult." The voice of the commentator sounded in the live broadcast room, "Compared to myq, Babylon has an advantage in this round. Hope. Subsequent myq can develop—fuck! What happened just now?!"

  The commentator looked at the big screen in shock.

  All the audience are also confused.

  On the big screen, Xiao Qinglong, who was originally teleported to a remote area by the system, did not know when he appeared behind the deputy captain of the Babylonian team, Hua Yunjuan.

   Hua Yunjuan was too late to react, and was shot in the back.

  In an instant, the blood volume plummeted by 80%.

   The two teammates who were following Hua Yunjuan were unprepared by Xiao Qinglong's move, and they immediately messed up their positions.

  Little Qinglong took advantage of the chaos and shot Hua Yunjuan again.

  Then, Hua Yunjuan's only 20% of his blood volume was gone.

  A line of big characters appeared on the game interface of the big screen——

  Little Qinglong kills Hua Yunjuan!

  Narrator: "……"

  Fans: "..."

  Other team players: "..."

  The audience was silent.

  Even the barrage in the live broadcast room stopped.

  The strange silence lasted for nearly ten seconds, and the commentator in the stands was the first to react.

  He throws the flowbook in his hand onto the table, leaps up, and picks up the microphone.

   "One minute after the start, kill Hua Yunjuan in seconds! Xiaoqinglong is awesome!!!"

  (End of this chapter)

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