Master Xi Wants To Make Official Announcements Every Day

Chapter 1272: Who is this woman? (Five more)

  Chapter 1272 Who is this woman? (Five more)

Jin Yuanbao nodded in agreement, "Wanwan, you are reasonable, this woman has a brain disease, who knows what she can do. So Xiaoqi, in order to prevent our club from being burned, you should tighten the waistcoat of Xiaoqinglong. Bar."

   Ruan Qi: "..."

   silently hugged the little vest.


  Ruan Qi slept in the club for one night, and the next morning, she boarded the plane to M City.

"The variety show to be recorded by the "Blade" crew is called "Come on Superstar". I have already sent you the Taiwanese book. Remember to read it after you get on the plane. He Ma and Mo Lan have already arrived. After you land, they will pick you up at the airport. I will also go to City M immediately, and I will record this variety show with you."

   "Brother Shen, are you going too?" Ruan Qi was surprised, "Aren't you still on a business trip?"

Shen Wenqian: "Just came back yesterday. I was on a business trip for a week, and you made several things for me. If I didn't watch you in this variety show, the ghost knows what you will make again. Ruan Xiaoqi, you will be honest with me today Really, otherwise I will hold you to death together!"

  "..." Ruan Qi thinks that his agent may be menopausal, and he is always dying, which is not auspicious at all.

  She comforted Shen Wenqian very perfunctorily, and after hanging up the phone, she pushed the suitcase on the plane.

  The variety show to be recorded by the crew of "Blade's Edge" is called "Come on Superstar", which is the main variety show of a certain TV station.

  In addition to Ruan Qi, director Jian Guoqiang, two male protagonists Zhan Rong, Wei Jiaming, and female two Suai on the "Blade's Edge" crew are also on the variety show this time.

  When Ruan Qi arrived at the TV station, the three of Zhan Rong had already arrived. When they saw the little girl, they all greeted enthusiastically.

  "Little Qi, long time no see." The second female Suai gave Ruan Qi a big hug.

  Ruan Qi smiled and hugged Su Ai, then waved to Zhanrong and Wei Jiaming.

   "Brother Zhan Rong, Brother Jia Ming."

Zhan Rong, who was putting on makeup, nodded with a smile.

  As a fellow brother, Wei Jiaming directly took out the health tea that had been prepared long ago and handed it to Ruan Qi, “The newly researched health tea is nourishing and calming the nerves, taste it?”

  Ruan Qi was not hypocritical, and he poured himself a cup after taking the thermos.

  Zhan Rong saw the interaction between the two and couldn’t help but joked: “Xiao Qi is still such a fan of Brother Ming’s field. That’s how it was when he was on the crew, the health-care duo.”

  The few people in the dressing room all laughed.

  Ruan Qi finished drinking the health tea, raised his head and glanced in the room, "How about the brief introduction?"

  "Go to check the process with the host." Su Ai replied, "The program team gave the director a face, and the "Blade" crew should record an extended version and broadcast it in two installments."

  "Blade" is a TV series invested by the state, and the program group of "Come on Superstar" dare not ignore it. In addition, several leading actors in this show are all highly popular stars, and the show crew also wants to increase their popularity and traffic.

  Ruan Qi has seen today’s Taiwanese book on the plane, and there is indeed a lot of content that needs to be recorded, and it will take at least one day.

  If the recording does not go well, I am afraid that I will have to work overtime tonight.

   "Is it only our crew who participated in the recording today?"

"No." Su Ai shook his head, "Just a few of us, I can't play. The directors are all old men, so he won't be exhausted to record for a day? Just now I heard from the staff that there seems to be a crew to play. Come on. Oh, yes, I heard that there is a little star who will also come for a cutscene."

Ruan Qi nodded clearly.


  Not long after, Jian Guoqiang, who went to talk to the host about the process, came back, along with Shen Wenqian and two makeup artists.

   "Today's schedule is tight, Xiao Qi, Su Ai, you two girls put on makeup first."

  Shen Wenqian said, he pulled Ruan Qi to the dressing table and arranged for her a makeup artist.

  Suai sat on the other side, and the two makeup artists got busy.

   Female celebrities spend a long time doing styling, putting on makeup, hair, changing clothes, and so on. One hour has passed.

  "Take this brooch." Shen Wenqian took out the brand-sponsored brooch and handed it to Ruan Qi.

  Ruan Qi pinned the brooch to the skirt while listening to Shen Wenqian saying: “Today’s recording will be a long time, so please cheer up. Have you remembered all the problems on the desk?”


   "That's good." Shen Wenqian patted her on the shoulder, and wanted to say something, the door of the dressing room was suddenly pushed open.

  "How are some of you preparing?" The assistant director walked in and asked.

   "It's almost there," Shen Wenqian got up quickly, "Are you going to start recording?"

  Associate Director: "No, we have to wait a while for the recording. I'm here to tell you that the other two groups of guests who participated in the recording have arrived. Everyone will go to the conference room to meet and talk about the process by the way."

  Ten minutes later, Ruan Qi and his party went to the conference room.

  Jian Guoqiang opened the door of the conference room, and Ruan Qi, who was following him, saw the woman sitting on the sofa wearing a red dress and wearing a big wave at a glance.

  This woman...Why is she familiar?

  It seems to have seen it somewhere.

  Ruan Qi frowned, trying to search for memories in his mind.

  Suddenly, a picture appeared from the depths of memory.

   "Ah!" The little girl subconsciously exclaimed and pulled Shen Wenqian over, "Brother Shen, that person is..."


  Shen Wenqian quickly covered her mouth, "There are so many people, keep your voice down!"

  Ruan Qi nodded quickly. After the agent released her hand, she lowered her voice and said, "Brother Shen, is that woman the one we met in my community last time?"

  Half a month ago, Ruan Qi and Shen Wenqian were walking their dogs in the Yuyuan community when they accidentally ran into a woman with a panic expression and bruise on her body.

  At that time, Ruan Qi thought that the woman was in some trouble, and enthusiastically asked her if she needed to call the police, but she was sternly scolded by the woman.

  After scolding, the woman gave Ruan Qi a wad of money, threatening her not to tell her about her encounter.

  Ruan Qi and Shen Wenqian were speechless, they only thought that this woman might have some serious illness, and did not take this matter to heart.

   But today, they unexpectedly met this woman again in the conference room of the program group of "Come on!"

   "No wonder I thought she was familiar that day," Shen Wenqian took a cold breath, "I remember, she is the number one female Mengmeng in the TV series "Green Hairpin", and this year's Golden Star Award for Best Newcomer Award winner!"

   Ruan Qi: "Mengmeng Miao? Is she hot?"

"It's definitely not as popular as you, but it's quite popular." Shen Wenqian lowered his voice, "Miao Mengmeng is a resource coffee, and there is a gold master behind her. The "Green Hairpin" she starred in was brought into the group. I still listen to it. She said that the best newcomer award for the Golden Star Award was also helped by her sponsor. But this is just a rumor, and I don’t know whether it’s true or false."

  Ruan Qi said ‘oh’.

  She remembered the encounter with Miao Mengmeng that day, and said curiously, "Brother Shen, does Miao Mengmeng also live in Yuyuan? She is in the same community as me?"

   "..." Shen Wenqian frowned and did not answer this question.

  Yuyuan can be regarded as a rich community in the Imperial City, and ordinary stars cannot afford it.

  Mengmeng Miao Mengmeng is not a rich second-generation star second-generation, she has only debuted for less than two years, logically speaking, she should not be able to live in Yuyuan.

  But why does she appear in Yuyuan Community? Still wearing a bruise?

  Shen Wenqian, who has been in the entertainment industry for many years, felt that there was something tricky in it. He thought for a while and whispered to Ruan Qi, “When you record the show for a while, stay away from her.”

    Miao Mengmeng appears in chapters 216 and 217.

     Ten thousand changes are over today, and ten thousand changes will be made tomorrow.



  (End of this chapter)

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