Master Xi Wants To Make Official Announcements Every Day

Chapter 1273: Privacy was exposed (one more)

  Chapter 1273 Privacy was exposed (one more)

  Ruan Qi and Shen Wenqian whispered in the back, and the deputy director of "Come on Star" started to introduce the two crews to each other in the front.

"This is Ai Tao, the director of the crew of "Little Lemon". This is the female number one, Miao Mengmeng. The male number one, Zuo Xuan." The deputy director said, pointing to Miao Mengmeng, and said with a smile, "Meng Dream is the winner of this year's Golden Star Award for Best Newcomer. "Little Lemon" is the second work she starred in. It is a youth romance drama."

  The deputy director always reveals the importance of Miao Mengmeng between the lines, but he said it to the male number one in one sentence. Shen Wenqian noticed this, and he became more and more convinced of the rumor that Miao Mengmeng had a gold master.

  Mengmeng Mengmeng is not the second-generation star and the second-generation rich. She is a newcomer who has just debuted for two years and has no outstanding achievements. If it weren't for a backer, how could the deputy director of "Come on Star" be so enthusiastic about her?

  It can’t always be the assistant director who fell in love with Mengmeng at first sight, right?

  Shen Wenqian was thinking, the deputy director of the program group began to introduce the crew of "Blade" to Miao Mengmeng.

   "This is the brief guide for Jian Guoqiang from the "Blade" crew. The guide is a national director, and he is very powerful. Mengmeng, please say hello to the guide."

  Mengmeng heard the meaning of the deputy director’s words, and immediately bowed to Jian Guoqiang ninety degrees enthusiastically.

   "Introduction, I am Miao Mengmeng. I have been admiring your name for a long time, and I finally saw the real person today." After speaking, she straightened up and reached out to Jian Guoqiang.

  Jian Guoqiang shook her politely.

Seeing this scene, the deputy director nodded in satisfaction, and continued, "Mengmeng, I will introduce you to the leading actors of "Blade". This is the actor Zhan Rong, the male number one. And this one, Shidi Wei Jiaming , The second male number of this show."

  A star emperor, a actor, are both powerful and popular actors. Miao Mengmeng immediately smiled brighter than when she faced Jian Guoqiang just now.

   "Brother Zhan Rong, Brother Jia Ming." Miao Mengmeng smiled very familiarly, "I'm a small fan, can you sign a name for me later?"

   After finishing speaking, she blinked her eyes charmingly, her eyes feeling affectionate.

  Zhan Rong has been in the entertainment industry for so many years, and it has long been commonplace for all kinds of people. He only smiled away and politely, and didn't answer Mengmeng's words.

  It was Wei Jiaming, who asked Mengmeng Miao with a look of surprise, "Are you my fan?"

   "Yes." Miao Mengmeng shyly pinned her broken hair behind her ear, "I like Jia Ming's work very much."

  Wei Jiaming and Ruan Qi came from the same division, and both grew up in a pile of medicinal materials. The thoughts are not much contaminated by the outside world, and the brain circuits are relatively straight.

  So, when he heard Miao Mengmeng’s words, he really thought Miao Mengmeng was his fan, and immediately asked enthusiastically: "Then which of my works do you like?"

   "..." The smile on Miao Mengmeng's face froze.

  She just wanted to get close to it. In fact, she had never seen Wei Jiaming's play. The ghost knew what works he had.

  Mengmeng Mengmeng couldn't answer her falteringly, smiling embarrassed and embarrassed.

  Although Wei Jiaming's brain circuit is straight, he is not a fool. He immediately understood Miao Mengmeng's reaction.

  It turned out to be a close-up.

  It's almost fine to think about it, and I haven't done enough homework yet.

   means really low.

  Wei Shidi, who was deceived by his emotions, was unhappy. He held the health cup and walked aside, not wanting to talk about Miao Mengmeng again.

  The atmosphere in the meeting room was embarrassing to an explosion.

  Miao Meng dreamed that Wei Jiaming's dislike was so obvious, and the smile on his face couldn't be stretched.

Upon seeing this, the deputy director laughed twice and explained for Miao Mengmeng: "Mengmeng has seen a lot of Wei Shidi's works. But Shidi, you have too many works, and Mengmeng can't remember the name for a while. After the show is recorded, we will have a good chat."

  After finishing speaking, he immediately changed the subject and said to Mengmeng Miao, "Mengmeng, let me introduce you to the two heroines of Blade's Edge. This is the second female lead, Su Ai."

  Su Ai is an athlete who switched to the entertainment industry. He debuted late and is not as famous as Zhanrong Wei Jiaming.

  Mengmeng Miao didn't have much interest in her, and only greeted her perfunctorily.

  Suai didn't care too much, replied and stepped aside.

  This time, only Ruan Qi has not been introduced to the "Blade" crew.

The deputy director glanced at Ruan Qi who was standing behind Jian Guoqiang, smiled and said to Miao Mengmeng, "Mengmeng, I will introduce you to the female number one of "Blade", Miss Ruan Qi. Miss Ruan, don't hide from the brief introduction. Behind you, come out and meet everyone."

Ruan Qi, hiding behind Jian Guoqiang, sighed helplessly, and slowly walked into everyone's sight.

  Meng Mengmeng saw her face, she was taken aback first, and then her face changed suddenly.

   Obviously, Miao Mengmeng also recognized Ruan Qi.

  Ruan Qi noticed Miao Mengmeng’s reaction, raised his eyebrows, and turned his head to look at Shen Wenqian.

  Shen Wenqian winked at her and motioned to her to ignore it.

  Ruan Qi knew in his heart, he hooked his lips, smiled and said to Miao Mengmeng: "Miss Miao, how are you."

   "..." Miao Mengmeng's expression was stiff, without speaking.

  The atmosphere began to become awkward again.

  The deputy director couldn't help but feel a little anxious when he saw that Miao Mengmeng ignored Ruan Qi.

  He stabbed her with his elbow, "Mengmeng?"

   Miao Mengmeng has recovered.

The deputy director quickly found her a step down, "Mengmeng is that Miss Ruan is fascinated? Miss Ruan's appearance is one of the best in the entertainment industry, and she not only has good looks, but also has good acting skills. The most recent movie "" "End of the World", she plays Madame Yu. Not only that, Miss Ruan is also a famous pianist Vivian, and a special professor at Imperial Capital University. Mengmeng, you have to learn from Miss Ruan."

  The deputy director put a hundred steps in front of Miao Mengmeng. According to the usual personality of Mengmeng Mengmeng, she had already been close to Ruan Qi with a smile.

   But today, Miao Mengmeng is as stupid as she is. Not only did she not accept the assistant director's words, her expression became more and more ugly.

  Because she saw Shen Wenqian standing beside Ruan Qi.

  Miao Mengmeng and Ruan Qi did not recognize each other when they met unexpectedly in Yuyuan Community. One was because the two had never seen each other, and the other was because Miao Mengmeng had a ghost in his heart at the time, and he dared not look directly into the eyes of Ruan Qi and Shen Wenqian.

  But she didn't recognize Ruan Qi, it doesn't mean that she didn't know Ruan Qi.

  Ruan Qi has been so popular in the past year, and every time it is searched, it is a big news that everyone knows. Miao Mengmeng has been in the entertainment industry, how could she not know her?

Miao Mengmeng not only knows Ruan Qi, but also Shen Wenqian next to her.

  Shen Wenqian is a well-known agent in the circle, with great means and connections. Miao Mengmeng was worried, Shen Wenqian would know what to do.

  Especially the bruise on her body was seen by these two people that day, will Shen Wenqian talk nonsense about it? Or dig out her material and threaten her to do something?

  Miao Mengmeng's face turned pale when she thought that some of her privacy would be exposed.

  (End of this chapter)

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