Master Xi Wants To Make Official Announcements Every Day

Chapter 1274: Meet Yao Xue again (two more)

  Chapter 1274 Meet Yao Xue again (two more)

  At the same time, she looked at Ruan Qi and Shen Wenqian with hostility in her eyes.

  Jian Guoqiang and others gradually realized something was wrong between the three of them.

The smile on the deputy director's face froze, and he was a little dissatisfied with Miao Mengmeng's ignorance.

  He frowned, then stabbed Miao Mengmeng with his elbow.

   "Mengmeng, say hello to Miss Ruan!"

  The assistant director stabbed a little harder, and there was also a bit of warning in his tone.

  Miao Mengmeng almost yelled out in pain, she subconsciously covered her arms and looked up at the deputy director.

  The deputy director winked her.

  Miao Meng dreamed of the relationship between the assistant director and the sponsor behind him, pursed his lips, and opened his mouth with an ugly expression.

   "Miss Ruan, hello."

  Ruan Qi nodded faintly, remembering Shen Wenqian's words, don't get close to Miao Mengmeng, and try not to talk to Miao Mengmeng.

  The atmosphere in the meeting room suddenly became cold again.

  The people in the two crews sit in their own positions and don’t communicate with each other. Ruan Qi and Shen Wenqian were next to each other. The two lowered their heads and whispered from time to time. Miao Mengmeng, who was not far away, looked at them and his face became more and more ugly.

  What are Ruan Qi and Shen Wenqian whispering?

  Are they discussing how to threaten her?

  Mengmeng Miao thinks and feels more flustered, the hands on her knees become tighter and tighter, and the joints are slightly white.

  In fact, Ruan Qi and Shen Wenqian were whispering—

   "Brother Shen, I want to eat ice cream, yogurt and strawberries."

   "Okay, I'll buy it for you later."

   "Brother Shen, you are so kind. I want to eat two!"

   "Yes. But I can't eat it all at once."

   "Brother Shen, you are the best! Brother Shen, can I have one more? Three?"

   "...Ruan Xiaoqi, don't get into it. Believe it or not, I'll call your brother!"

   "Brother Shen, you are really annoying, you are the most annoying!"

   "What the hell? You said I was the best half a minute ago!"

  Two people, you say something and I say something, and I have been talking about nonsense nonsense for a long time.

   Soon, the door of the conference room opened again, and the chief director of "Come on Superstar" walked in.

   "Director Wang." The assistant director raised his foot and walked over.

  Director Wang nodded, smiled and greeted everyone, and then went directly to the topic and started the process of writing to the table.

  Everyone was right for twenty minutes, and a staff member came to notify that the recording was about to start.

"Okay, you guys take a five-minute break, and then start recording." Director Wang finished, closed the desk, and suddenly said, "Yes, I almost forgot to say that in addition to your two crews, there is a female artist who wants to record this time. Come and walk through the scene. She was stuffed in by the investor. Everyone will take care of it later."

  After finishing speaking, before everyone could answer, Director Wang was hurriedly called away.

  The two crews in the conference room looked at each other.

   "The female artist that the investor stuffed in? Who is it?"

   "I don't know. I don't even know who is the investor of this show."

  "There are several employers in "Come on Star", the largest of which seems to be Fengyu Electronics."

  Ran Qi, who was sitting on the side, heard a few people's conversations, and he suddenly ‘punk’ in his heart.

  Wind entertainment electronics?

   Isn’t that owned by Fengyu Group?

  The female artist who was stuffed in by the Fengyu Group, is it possible that she is...

  Suddenly, the door of the meeting room was opened again.

  A young woman in a white dress walked in.

  Ruan Qi raised his head, saw the woman's face, and 10,000 grass mud horses rushed past his heart.

  ...Life is really full of dog blood.

  The female artist who was stuffed in by the Fengyu Group is really Shen Wenqian’s former artist-Yao Xue!


   Yao Xue's appearance brought the conversation in the conference room to a halt.

  At the beginning, Yao Xue's slander of Shen Wenqian's workplace sex/harassment caused a lot of noise in the circle and everyone knew it. Although she had been buried by Xue for almost a year, several people in the conference room recognized her.

  A few eyes full of gossip immediately fell on Shen Wenqian, and even Ruan Qi who was standing by was also looked at.

  Ruan Qi felt these sights and frowned unhappy.

  She stepped forward and stood in front of Shen Wenqian, blocking these eyes for him.

  Shen Wenqian noticed the little girl's movements, and a warm current flowed in her heart.

  He gently pulled off her clothes and whispered: "Little Qi, I'm fine."

  Ruan Qi glanced at him worriedly, and made sure that his agent was really unaffected, and only then did the frowning little eyebrows slowly loosen.

  At this time, the other people in the meeting room also recovered and greeted Yao Xue one after another.

  But everyone is not familiar with her, and Yao Xue has a dark history. Even if there is a wind entertainment group as the backer, everyone does not want to get too close to her.

  So, this greeting is very perfunctory.

  Especially Jian Guoqiang, the director of "Blade's Edge", who is straight-tempered, high-status, and born in the army, and most look down on ungrateful people like Yao Xue. For the sake of face, others can say hello to Yao Xue perfunctorily. But Jian Guoqiang simply ignored him and twisted his head as if he hadn't seen Yao Xue.

  Yao Xue's face is a bit unpleasant.

  However, she seemed to be mentally prepared for a long time. With a proud chin, she walked straight to the sofa next to her and sat down alone.

  Ruan Qi was a little surprised at her reaction.

   "Brother Shen," she poked at Shen Wenqian and said inwardly, "Yao Xue didn't lose her temper in public. She changed her sex?"

  At the beginning, Yao Xue's conspiracy was exposed and the star path was destroyed, but this woman went directly to Jinhua Entertainment and yelled at Shen Wenqian and her for half an hour.

  Now that everyone ignores her, she can actually hold back her face!

  Don’t be pierced by human souls, right?

Ruan Qi didn't believe that Yao Xue had such a good cultivation, she looked at Shen Wenqian, and Shen Wenqian gave an unclear smile.

   "She is not a transsexual, but she has self-knowledge."

  Yao Xue slandered her own agent, this kind of dark history can never be changed. She also knew that everyone wouldn't be able to see her, so she just broke the pot and slapped a arrogant and rude character.

"I guess she is going to take the black-red route." Shen Wenqian analyzed in a low voice, "There is Fengyu Group behind her, and there is definitely no shortage of resources. Although the black-red route has a lot of scolding, the red is fast, plus what Fengyu gave her. The resources are enough for her to stand up."

  After finishing speaking, Shen Wenqian seemed to have thought of something, frowned, and said to Ruan Qi, “You will play games when you are recording the show for a while. Stay away from her. This woman wants to be popular now, and she might find you as a stepping stone.”

  Yao Xue, if she wants to take the black-red route, she has to do something scolding. For example, making people stumble or drag people back when playing games.

  Miao Mengmeng, Jian Guoqiang and others are unfamiliar with Yao Xue, Yao Xue stumbles them, at most they are scolded.

   However, Ruan Qi and Yao Xue have inextricably linked relationships. If Yao Xue uses his hands and feet on Ruan Qi while playing games, he will definitely be scolded on hot searches.

  As long as you are on the hot search, the first step of Yao Xue’s black-red route is considered successful.

  (End of this chapter)

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