Master Xi Wants To Make Official Announcements Every Day

Chapter 1278: Believe it or not, I'll report you

   Chapter 1278 Believe It or Not, I Report You

  This scream seemed to have turned on everyone's switch, and deafening cheers broke out in the studio instantly.

  Ruan Qi in such cheers, led his teammates to fight all the way, and finally crushed the Monarch team with an absolute 5:0 and won this victory.


  After the match of the day, Ruan Qi returned to the backstage and changed into his normal uniform.

  She stuffed her team uniform into her bag, and as soon as she closed the closet door, she heard a loud noise outside the lounge.

   "What's wrong outside?" Liu Wanwan, who changed clothes with her, frowned.

  Ruan Qi shook his head and took the mask. Suddenly, the door of the lounge was kicked from outside.


  This kick was quite fierce, and the frosted glass on the door shook twice.

Liu Wanwan and Ruan Qi were taken aback.

   "What's going on outside? Why did you kick the door?"

As soon as Liu Wanwan finished speaking, a familiar voice came in from outside the door.

   "Little Qinglong! Are you inside? Get out of me!"

   Liu Wanwan heard this voice, her face changed, "It's Cheng Yan? What is she doing?!"

  "Little Qinglong! Get out!" Cheng Yan's scream accompanied the sound of kicking the door, spreading throughout the backstage.

  Thunder God Qian Duo, who was sitting next to him, ran out after hearing the sound.

  Qian Duo: "What are you doing?! Damn it?"

  "Little Qinglong!" Cheng Yan glared at several people, "Let that **** get out of me!"

   "Can you keep your mouth clean?" Gold Ingot blocked the door of the lounge, "This is the stadium, not your home. Is there any quality?"

  Qian Duo: "Yeah! I really thought that everyone in the world is your mother, and you have to let you all?"

  Qian Duo and Jin Yuanbao, you say one thing to me, and Cheng Yan Qiqiao makes smoke.

  She couldn't say that they both, angrily, raised her hand to fan the gold ingot.

   "Little Fatty, Mom Qian." The dark voice belonging to Xiao Qinglong suddenly came out from the lounge.

   Cheng Yan heard the sound, raised his hand, and then, the door of the lounge opened.

  Wearing a mask and a black cap, Ruan Qi walked out slowly.

  She pushed away the gold ingot blocking the door, and when she looked up, she saw Cheng Yanyang's hand.


  The little girl quickly took out her mobile phone and took a photo of Cheng Yan's ‘click’, but the fast opponent had no time to react.

   "What are you doing with me!"

   "Leave evidence." Ruan Qi shook his cell phone, "You can't fight during the game. Just now you want to play gold ingots, I want to report you."

  Rong Yao League’s competition rules state that drinking and fighting are not allowed during the competition period, and offenders will be suspended.

  And since Cheng Yan was kicked out of the genealogy by the Cheng family, only the Monarch ace player Zhanlong was left with a face that was still a bit facetious. If she were suspended, it would be equivalent to losing the last bit of face.

Ruan Qi's move happened to step on Cheng Yan's seven inches, and Cheng Yan's expression changed immediately.

  "Give me your phone!" She reached out to grab Ruan Qi's phone.

  Ruan Qi immediately backed up and turned on the video recording function.

   "The video has started, you can try it with me again."

  The girl's voice deliberately turned dull with a bit of warning. Cheng Yan saw the phone in her hand, her face became black, and she stopped her hands after all.

  "Little Qinglong, you deleted the photo for me!"

   "I don't." The little girl kept the coldness that belongs to Xiao Qinglong, "What are you looking for me."

  At such a reminder by Ruan Qi, Cheng Yan finally remembered her purpose of looking for the other party.

   Anger appeared on her face, and she asked sternly: "Did you poison me that day?! I always have nightmares these days, is it your ghost!"

    today we will take a day off, and tomorrow will resume three shifts. The son has been recuperating for more than half a year, and his physical and mental state has slowly recovered. The body is restored, and the renewal must be restored. It will be updated to the end, so everyone has been waiting for a long time. mwah.



  (End of this chapter)

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