Master Xi Wants To Make Official Announcements Every Day

Chapter 1279: I sue you for defamation (one more)

  Chapter 1279 I sue you for libel (one more)

  Cheng Yan is stupid, but she still has some brains. She only started having nightmares after meeting Xiao Qinglong in Sifangcai. And Xiao Qinglong is an ancient warrior, and his strength is above her.

  If he wants to poison himself, it should be easy to do.

   Therefore, Cheng Yan has reason to suspect that she always has nightmares these days, and it is Xiao Qinglong's hands and feet.

   "That day after I met you in Private Kitchen, I kept having nightmares. You are an ancient warrior, and you must have poisoned me! Hand over the antidote!"

   Facing Cheng Yan's angrily questioning, Ruan Qi's willow eyebrows hidden under the peaked cap lightly raised.

   "Ms. Cheng, the rule of law requires evidence. You said I poisoned me. Where is the evidence?"


  Cheng Yanzhu live.

  If she had evidence, she would definitely call the police and arrest someone immediately, so why bother to question herself.

  Ruan Qi saw Cheng Yan speechless, and the corners of her lips tickled, and said in a dumb voice: "It seems that Miss Cheng has no evidence. In that case, you are slandering me?"

   "I don't have one!" Cheng Yan retorted sharply, "It's your poison!"

  Ruan Qi asked again: "Where is the evidence?"

  "..." Cheng Yan was speechless again.

Ruan Qi was too lazy to talk to this woman about Chaju, and said in a calm tone: "Miss Cheng, if you say I poisoned you, then show evidence. If there is no evidence, don't just wrong people. A society ruled by law. , Believe it or not, I sue you for libel?"

  The little girl fucked/in a dark voice, and said threatening words in a cold tone.

  Cheng Yanqi's eyes were red.

  "It's you! There can be no other people except you! Only you were an ancient warrior who was there that day! Xiao Qinglong, you hand over the antidote!"

  In these days, Cheng Yan was caught in nightmares, and her mental state was on the verge of collapse.

  At this time, being so excited by Ruan Qi, his sanity collapsed instantly, and the whole person rushed to Ruan Qi like crazy.

  Qian Duo Thunder God and several people saw this and rushed to stop them. The Monarch's people were afraid that Cheng Yan would do anything to influence everyone's game, so they hurried over to help.

  The scene was very chaotic at one time.

  Seven or eight big men clutching a Cheng Yan, they almost couldn't catch it. Cheng Yan is just like a mad dog, Ruan Qi is the fleshy bone, with a hideous face that wants to pounce on her.

  "Little Qinglong, give me the antidote!"

   "I killed you! I let my grandpa kill you!"

   "Little Qinglong, I won't make you feel better if I provoke the Cheng family!"

  Cheng Yan’s shouts became more maddening, Qian Duo and Raytheon, the closest to her, were buzzing in their ears.

   "Fuck! Call the police! Benwan, call the police! This woman is crazy!"

  As soon as Qian Duo said this, the noble Arthur immediately changed his face.

   "Can't call the police!"

  If Cheng Yan enters the game, the Monarch game will be over!

Arthur stopped him from calling the police. Qian Duo was so upset by him that he screamed, "If you don't call the police, you will get her away! She has troubled Xiao Qinglong over and over again, when our myq is a soft persimmon. !"

   Arthur was stunned by Qian Duo's roar. He opened his mouth and his expression was a bit ugly.

In addition to being a member of the Monarch, Cheng Yan is also an investor in the club. Although he is the captain, he has no right to order Cheng Yan.

   Therefore, if Cheng Yan wants to make trouble, he has to accompany the trouble. Unless he transfers and leaves, he will have to let Cheng Yan toss like this as long as he stays at the Monarch one day.

   Arthur suddenly felt a strong sense of exhaustion.

  Cheng Yan's hysterical screams still echoed in his ears, he closed his eyes, took a deep breath, and suddenly shouted.

   "There is nothing over yet!!!"

  The sudden attack of Arthur shocked everyone.

  Even Cheng Yan, who looked like crazy, was stunned by his roar.

  She turned her head and looked at Arthur in disbelief, "Do you dare to yell at me?! Believe it or not, I will kick you out of the team!!"

The people at   myq heard this: "..."

  This Cheng Yan grew up drinking Nao Can brand milk powder, right?

   Arthur is such a powerful trump card, she just kicked it?

  Is an e-sports game a playhouse?

  Myq everyone was in awe-inspiring mood, but Arthur looked at Cheng Yan with a tired and numb face, and said coldly: "Kick if you want."

  Cheng Yan widened her eyes: "What did you say?!"

"I said, you can kick as long as you want. Anyway, I have stayed enough with the Monarch." Arthur's face was indifferent like never before. "Since you joined the team, the Monarch has never stopped. I have had enough. I’m ready to transfer. Miss Cheng, I’m not your mother. I don’t love to wipe your **** every day. Goodbye!"

  After speaking, Arthur turned his head and left without looking at Cheng Yan.

  The corridor is completely quiet.

  No one thought that Arthur would be so rigid, and he didn't react for a while.

  Only Ruan Qi, glanced at the back of Arthur's departure, slowly raised his hands, and clapped.

   "As expected of the veteran fighter of the Rong Yao Alliance, he has a personality and a good job."

  When everyone heard her voice, they all came back to their senses.

  Cheng Yan's face was completely darkened to the bottom of the pot.

  She looked at Ruan Qi, her eyebrows raised, "You—"

"Miss Cheng," Ruan Qi interrupted Cheng Yan directly. He raised his phone and pointed the screen to her, "I have recorded the whole process of your madness just now. If you don't want to be suspended, just tell me honestly. Get out of here. Otherwise, I’ll post this video online now."

  After she finished speaking, she pressed the play button, and everything that happened just now began to reappear in the video.

Cheng Yan suddenly panicked.

   "You give me the video!" She lifted her foot and wanted to rush over.

  But Ruan Qi took a step back, raised his phone and said, "You take another step, and I will post on Weibo!"

   Cheng Yan heard this, her face changed, and quickly stopped.

   "Little Qinglong, how are you willing to give me the video!" She gritted her teeth and asked.

  Ruan Qi raised his eyebrows and said in a faint voice: "As long as you don’t trouble me and myq in the future, I will delete the video. Otherwise..."

Ruan Qi didn't finish her words, but Cheng Yan knew what she meant.

  You cannot fight during the Rong Yao League game. If this video is posted online, Cheng Yan will definitely be suspended.

  The Cheng family has kicked her out of the genealogy. Only two half-dead companies are left in the hands of her parents. Now they only have the status of Monarch Club and Zhanlong, which can barely bring her some glory and benefits.

  If she is suspended, there is really nothing left.

  So, this video must never be made public.

   Cheng Yan clenched her hands on both sides tightly, gritted her teeth and said to Ruan Qi: "I promise you, I won't trouble you anymore! Can you delete the video?"

   Ruan Qi couldn't help shaking his head and laughing.

  "Miss Cheng, do you think I am a fool? I deleted the video on the front foot, and you have to trouble me on the back foot. I won't delete the video."

   Cheng Yan's face instantly slammed, "You--"

  "Wait again, I will post on Weibo." Ruan Qi raised his cell phone impatiently and threatened.

  Cheng Yan swallowed the **** that was about to blurt out immediately, a face full of anger.

    two more later



  (End of this chapter)

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