Chapter 1280 Wood~ Well! ~ (Two more)

  Ruan Qi was too lazy to ink with her anymore, put the phone in his pocket, and yawned: "It's getting late, go back."

  While speaking, she turned around, but when she was about to leave, she glanced at Cheng Yan again, with a meaningful tone, "Miss Cheng, I wish you a good dream."

   Cheng Yan, who had nightmares for half a month: "..."


  Ruan Qi's threat was very effective. After a few days, Cheng Yan did not trouble her anymore.

  Only once in the game, Ruan Qi found that Cheng Yan's dark circles were getting heavier and heavier.

   "This dark circle," Bai Li in the system tweeted, "I'm afraid that insomnia is getting worse again."

  The poison that Ruan Qi gave to Cheng Yan, the heavier the evil thoughts in his heart, the more terrifying the nightmares and the worse the insomnia.

  A while ago, although Cheng Yan had insomnia, her face barely could be seen. But these days, her expression is almost catching up with the dead.

   Bai Li: "This girl probably hates you so much that she wants to whip your corpse every day."

   "Then she will continue to think about it." Ruan Qi said with a smile while turning on the tablet, "Anyway, she can only think about it, it won't happen in this life."

  Bai Li gave another ‘tsk’, and when she saw her take out the tablet, she couldn’t help but curiously asked: "Are you not training today? What are you doing with the tablet? Follow the drama?"

   "No." Ruan Qi shook his head and clicked on the player. "The episode of "Come on Star" recorded by the "Blade" crew will be played today. Let me see."

  "Blade's Edge" is a TV series invested heavily by the state, and the program team of "Come on Superstar" attaches great importance to it. After only one week of recording, I worked overtime to edit the finished product.

  Today is Saturday, and the episode will be broadcast at 8pm.

  Shen Wenqian reminded Ruan Qi early to repost the Weibo of the program group "Come on!" So when it was eight o'clock, Ruan Qi turned on his phone and took a photo of the tablet that had already started to play variety shows.

  【Ruanruan Ruan Qi: Watch variety shows with me! @加油大明星@电视剧《刀锋》[photo]]

  Since the birthday party, Ruan Qi has been in a semi-reclusive state. The Marshmallows couldn't see her, so they could only wait on Weibo. Everyone's eyes turned green, and finally came Ruan Qi to update Weibo.

  Marshmallows went crazy with joy, and the Weibo comment area was instantly maxed out.

  【Grandma, your favorite idol has updated Weibo! 】

  【The return of missing persons! 】

  【Ruanbao, do you know that you have been missing for a whole month? ! 】

  【Ah ah ah Ruanbao has posted on Weibo! I'm going to turn on TV and watch variety shows with you! 】

  The marshmallows were full of enthusiasm. In less than ten minutes, they posted #阮柒更博# on the hot search list.

  The ratings of "Come on Super Star" rose a lot in an instant.

  The director team was so happy that they immediately reposted the Weibo that Ruan Qi had just posted on their official Weibo, and had a lively interaction.

  Ran Qi, who is watching a variety show, doesn’t know the news on the Internet. At this moment, she was half leaning on the bed, holding a tablet in one hand and a mobile phone in the other.

   "Jiujiu, when are you off work? It's almost nine o'clock."

   "It's coming soon." Xi Jiu's low and sweet voice came from the phone, "After processing this document, I will go back."

  Ruan Qi looked at the busy man in the video and couldn't help feeling a little distressed.

   "Jiu Jiu," she poked the screen with her fingertips, "you look up."

  Xi Jiu, who was working on the file, raised her head obediently.

  Ruan Qi immediately showed him a sweet smile across the video, then she leaned closer to the camera, and her pink lips lightly pressed on the phone screen.


    I want sweet wood too. 【Lemon.jpg】

     Three corrections are being written, wait for me!



  (End of this chapter)

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