Master Xi Wants To Make Official Announcements Every Day

Chapter 1284: Yu Yuan was exposed (second shift)

  Chapter 1284 Yu Yuan was exposed (two more)

  It's over.

  Even Brother Shen’s phone was blocked. I am afraid this misunderstanding is bigger than the sky!

  Ruan Qi immediately sent a [唧唧唧] to Shen Wenqian.

  【It's Xiaoqi: Brother Shen, what shall we do now? Would you like to explain? 】

  【Shen Ge: Ha ha. 】

  [Shen Ge: Even if you explain it, do you think Miao Mengmeng and her agent will believe it? 】

   Ruan Qi: "..."

  That is definitely not believed.

  Mengmeng Miao had long felt that she and Shen Wenqian knew something. The seeds of suspicion have been planted, even if Cheng Ge did not break the news, Miao Mengmeng would be suspicious of her and Shen Wenqian.

  【It’s Xiaoqi: …So, we’re sure about this pot? 】

   [Shen Ge: I guess so. 】

  Ruan Qi sadly sent a [唧唧唧.jpg].

  Shen Wenqian also wanted to cry. Like Ruan Qi, he didn't care if Miao Mengmeng was misunderstood. What he cares about is the series of troubles that this misunderstanding will cause.

  Mengmeng Miao is now very busy with Cheng Ge's revelation, and has no energy to deal with Ruan Qi for the time being.

  Can it be after?

  Nine times out of ten, Mengmeng Mengmeng has determined that Ruan Qi sold the news to Brother Cheng. Maybe she would think that the photo was also secretly taken by Ruan Qi.

  Mengmeng Miao might have hated Ruan Qi.

  And the deceitful methods in the entertainment circle are hard to guard against. If Miao Mengmeng retaliates against Ruan Qi because of this incident, then what is waiting for Ruan Qi is definitely a big storm.

   [Shen Ge: Recently, I will let the public relations department keep an eye on online trends. But Xiao Qi, you have to be prepared. In the near future, there may be a wave of black material about you. 】

  Only Thousand Days is a thief, but there is no one who defends against thieves all day long.

  Even if the PR team of Jinhua Entertainment is strong, it is impossible to guard against it 24 hours a day. It is really too easy for Miao Meng to dream of revenge against Ruan Qi.

  Shen Wenqian has smelled the wind and rain. After he finished chatting with Ruan Qi, he began to make plans for the crisis that would come at any time.

  It’s just that he didn’t expect that Ruan Qi’s crisis would come so soon.


  In the afternoon of the same day, as the topic of #成哥爆料# became more and more popular, more and more pirates analyzed various clues in the photo.

  Among them, there is a big man named ‘Papkin Detective’ who published a post that attracted everyone’s attention.

  In this post, the detective named Pipi first analyzed the height, waist circumference and various appearance clues of the unknown actress.

  After these analyses were completed, he picked up another piece of information that the other pirates hadn’t found.

  ——In this photo, the place where the actress and the gold master are located should be a high-end villa complex in the Imperial Capital.

  Papi name detective wrote in the post:

  [In this photo, you can see a fountain in the upper left corner of the actress. Enlarging the photo, you can see that there is a golden swan in the center of the fountain. On the right hand side of the actress, the golden lord, is the gate of a community. 】

  【I took advantage of my work to investigate all the communities in the Imperial Capital. There is only one golden swan fountain at the gate of the residential complex-Yuyuan, the famous villa area of ​​the imperial capital. 】

  [Friends who don’t believe me, you can find the real map of Yuyuan’s community and compare it with this photo. 】

  After reading this analysis post, everyone immediately went to the Internet to find the real map of Yuyuan’s community.

  The result is exactly the same as the photo that Cheng Ge broke the news!

    The third shift is writing. Hold on.



  (End of this chapter)

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