Master Xi Wants To Make Official Announcements Every Day

Chapter 1285: The storm is coming (three shifts)

  Chapter 1285 A storm is coming (three shifts)

  [Golden swans, fountains, and the gates of the community with golden lines...Mah! It's really exactly the same! 】

   [Although Cheng Ge broke the news that the background of this photo is a bit blurry, but it can be seen that the outline is in full compliance with the gate of Yuyuan. It's a skin-scraping boss, this can be done! 】

   [So, the unknown actress and her sponsor live in Yuyuan? 】

  As everyone knows, Yuyuan is a well-known community for the rich, and generally rich businessmen simply cannot afford it.

   And even if you have money, but you don’t have the right to have no connections, you can’t live in.

  Anyone who can afford Yuyuan in the entertainment industry are all the actor and actress-level gangsters. And those who can reach this position are not young anymore. Ke Cheng broke the news in this photo, just by looking at her back and dressing style, we can see that the actress is in her twenties.

  So, she should not be able to afford Yuyuan.

  But if she appeared at the gate of Yuyuan, there was only one possibility-the host had a house in Yuyuan, and they came to Yuyuan for a tryst.

  【What came for a tryst? Seeing that the gold master is at least forty years old, he must have already married. What do you say that mistress Bao is so nice? This couple of dogs and men came to Yuyuan to have sex! 】

  【It hit the nail on the head upstairs. I've been playing in the hospital, is it true love? The word tryst is too nice to sound, not suitable for both men and women. 】

  [So, after so much analysis, has the identity of the actress been revealed? 】

  【The scope has been reduced. Which young female artists in the entertainment industry live in Yuyuan or have been in and out of Yuyuan? The answer is among them! 】

   Suddenly, netizens from all walks of life once again dispatched and began to work together to investigate the female celebrities living in Yuyuan in the entertainment industry.

  Shen Wenqian has been paying attention to the news on the Internet. After seeing these comments, he suddenly had an ominous premonition in his heart.

  A female celebrity who lives in Yuyuan, is a young female artist, has a thin waist, long hair, and a good body proportion. All these conditions are met...


  Shen Wenqian stood up abruptly from his chair, rushing into the public relations department like the wind.

   "Quickly start the most advanced public relations plan! Something is going to happen!"


  Meanwhile, Miao Mengmeng’s manager’s office.

   "Can you withdraw from the hot search? Can't withdraw? Can't add money?!"

   "The degree of online discussion is too high now. Except for Weibo, large forums such as Shuilu and Zhehu are all analysis posts! The public relations department can't hold it down anymore."

  "I sent a message to that brother Cheng, and he ignored me at all! Brother Cheng is notoriously unwilling to buy in. Last time the actor spent 20 million to buy the news from him, he did not agree."

  Mengmeng Mengmeng sitting on the sofa, watching her agent Zhang Yu call one by one, her face became more and more ugly.

  Zhang Yu called for nearly ten minutes. After hanging up, he let out a tired breath.

   "How's the situation? Can you withdraw hot searches on Weibo?" Miao Mengmeng asked immediately.

  Zhang Yu shook his head: "No. The heat is too high, even if it is withdrawn, netizens will post the topic again."

  Miao Mengmeng heard this, his facial features twisted severely.

   "What do you do then?! Did you just watch that adult break the news on Friday? If this incident is revealed, then I will be completely finished!"

  As soon as he thought of the situation he might face after the incident was exposed, Miao Mengmeng almost collapsed.

   She turned to Zhang Yu with red eyes: "Sister Zhang, you recommended me to Fang Zong at the beginning. Now that such a big thing has happened, you must help me solve it!"

  Zhang Yu has a headache.

  Mengmeng Miao is the most useful cash cow in her hands, and she naturally does not want to abandon it.

  But the adult brother didn’t add oil and salt, because he was determined to break the news.

  Once Miao Mengmeng bursts out of the adult brother, or netizens pick her out, then things will be difficult to handle.

  Unless...someone can put up this stigma for Miao Mengmeng.

   Zhang Yu's mind flashed, she looked at Miao Mengmeng, and suddenly got an idea.

   "Mengmeng," she stood up, her tone a little excited, "You said before that Ruan Qi lives in Yuyuan?"

    Ruan Xiaoqi:? ? ?

     Three shifts are over, and three shifts will continue tomorrow to let the storm come more violently.



  (End of this chapter)

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