Master Xi Wants To Make Official Announcements Every Day

Chapter 1286: Let Ruan Qi be in the dark

  Chapter 1286 Let Ruan Qi be in the dark

"It should be." Miao Mengmeng replied unclearly, "Last time I saw her and her agent walking the dog in Yuyuan. Since it is a dog walking, it should be living there. Sister Zhang, you ask. What does this do?"

   "Naturally find someone to do it for you."

   "Top the pot?" Miao Mengmeng was stunned, but soon, she reacted, "Sister Zhang, you mean let Ruan Qi replace me..."


The corner of Zhang Yu’s mouth provoked a meaningful smile, “Living in Yuyuan, with long hair, good figure, young actress. The information picked up by netizens, Ruan Qi and you are in line. As long as we direct public opinion toward her Everyone will be misled."

  Mengmeng Miao thinks that Zhang Yu’s approach is feasible.

  She thought about it, and then she frowned again, “But Sister Zhang, even if the trouble is brought to Ruan Qi now, when that adult brother exposes my photos on Friday, everything we did will be in vain?”

  According to Cheng's previous behavior, all the materials he exploded were those with pictures and the truth. Even if the pot is buckled on Ruan Qi now, as long as Cheng Ge reveals the truth this Friday, Miao Mengmeng will still be finished.

  Zhang Yu obviously thought of this too, she laughed, and took out a lady’s cigarette from the cigarette case and lit it.

   "Mengmeng, you are still too young to understand how deep the water in the entertainment industry is." She spit out a smoke ring and narrowed her eyes, "I ask you, did you and Fang always wear masks when you went out?"

Miao Mengmeng thought about it seriously, nodded, "Sometimes I wear it. Even if I don't wear it, I will wear a hat."

   "Then it will be easy." Zhang Yu dusted the soot and straightened up, "I have a way to make the adult brother's revelation become fake."


  #成哥爆料# This topic continues to ferment on the Internet.

  Because of Yuyuan’s exposure, netizens began to investigate the home addresses of actresses in the entertainment industry, and it is bound to dig out the unknown actress in the photos.

  Ruan Qi swiped on Weibo for a while after dinner, and found it meaningless, so he turned to train.

   Tomorrow myq will have a game, and the opponent is a strong team. Ruan Qi didn't dare to underestimate the enemy, so he temporarily put Mengmeng's affairs behind his head.

  At this time, on Weibo, an entertainment circle broke the news and released a Weibo, which attracted everyone's attention.

  [Entertainment Thirteen Sister: #成哥爆料# I also know about it. Secretly tell you that this actress is very popular, and she can't imitate the usual actresses. And she debuted less than two years, very beautiful, very good acting, very good singing, and won awards. I have already told so many clues, you should be able to guess it? 】

  Entertainment Shisanmei is a blogger with millions of fans. As soon as his Weibo was posted, it became popular at an incredible speed.

  The people eating melons immediately gathered in his comment area.

  [The popularity is very high, the acting and singing are very good, and I have won awards, and I have less than two years of debut...There are not many actresses who meet so many requirements. 】

  【Focus on the point-the route taken by this actress cannot be imitated by other female artists. 】

  【Why can't imitate it? Is it the comedian route? 】

  【The most popular actress in the entertainment industry who debuted in the past two years, did not follow the comedian route. I am more inclined to learn to dominate the character of high-achieving students. 】

  【Emm...When it comes to learning dominance, I have a personal choice in my heart. 】

  【Upstairs should be the same person I think of. No one can imitate the route taken by the actress. And she has indeed won an award for singing, and the conditions are met. 】

  【? ? ? Who are you talking about? ? ? 】

  [Who else can it be? rq! She debuted less than two years ago, she is very beautiful, has good acting skills, and won awards in singing. She is the only young actress in the entire entertainment industry. 】

  【It's rq! Her academic magnate status is indeed impossible for other female artists to imitate. 】

  【Fuck! It turned out to be rq? ! Does she live in Yuyuan? ! 】

    Ruan Xiaoqi: After playing a few games, the days have changed again.

     I have something to do today, there is no way to change it. Tomorrow and Sunday, I will make it up for everyone.



  (End of this chapter)

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