Chapter 1300 Live broadcast without vest

  No one expected Ruan Qi to go online suddenly.

  From the beginning of this upbringing storm to the present, Shen Wenqian has always spoken for Ruan Qi, and Ruan Qi himself has not responded from the beginning to the end.

  But now, not only did she personally post on Weibo, she actually also sent Aite to the Thirteenth Sister Entertainment, as if she wanted to fight her directly.

  The people who eat melon are suddenly excited.

  【The home is coming to an end! Ruan Qi finally came out to speak! 】

  【Ruan Qi released the evidence? A link? What link is this? 】

  【No matter what the link is, click it in and have a look! I have a hunch, this time things will be reversed again! 】

  Ruan Qi’s sudden blog post immediately attracted countless onlookers.

  Everyone clicked on the link she sent out, and then—


  What the **** is this?

Studio? !

  Or is it a live broadcast room of an e-sports game? !

  Everyone looked bewildered, wondering what Ruan Qi's purpose was for putting this link.

  At this time, in the Rong Yao League live broadcast room, the myq team has just finished the duel with FG and won by a narrow 3:2.

  The fans in the live broadcast room immediately swiped the barrage to take off. Those who praise myq, those who praise Xiaoqinglong, all kinds of rainbow farts, dazzle the people watching.

  The melon-eating people who crawled along Ruan Qi's Weibo saw these, and their hearts were filled with confusion.

  【Did Ruan Qi misplace the link? This is the live broadcast room of an e-sports game. What does it have to do with her? 】

   [I remember that Ruan Qi met Liu Wanwan from the myq team, and the two of them also played "Pastoral Life" together. Is Ruan Qi helping Liu Wanwan pull traffic? 】

  【Exm? Ruan Qi's brain is okay, right? When is this, is she still in the mood to help Liu Wanwan draw traffic? 】

  【I don't understand Ruan Qi's operation very well. I'm looking at the evidence, and I don't want to watch e-sports games. 】

  【What the hell? Is Ruan Qi unable to produce evidence and start to divert everyone's attention? 】

  Netizens come here to eat melons, but now that they have not seen any melons, everyone can't help but feel a little dissatisfied.

  Some grumpy people started to spam in the live broadcast room. The black fans and the keyboard guys even unkindly hit the insulting words of Ruan Qi on the public screen.

  The e-sports fans who were watching the game couldn't help frowning when they saw the sudden addition of barrage.

  【Where do so many ky come from? This is an e-sports game live broadcast room, not an entertainment circle. If you want to get a celebrity and go to Weibo, ok? 】

  【Why do so many people scold Ruan Qi? Who is Ruan Qi? Can these people leave the live broadcast room? I don't want to watch you beep, I just want to watch myq and Xiaoqinglong! 】

  【Good e-sports live broadcast was made smoky by a female celebrity! Can Ruan Qi get out with your black material and fans? ! I don't care whether you are being taken care of or not, I only care about the next game of the Dragon God! 】

  E-sports fans just want to watch the game, and don’t like to eat melons in the live broadcast room to talk about topics that have nothing to do with the game.

  The people who eat melons just want to eat melons, and they don’t really like watching e-sports games.

  Both parties are a little irritable, and as soon as they are emotionally up, they are ready to roll up their sleeves and start struggling.

  But at this moment, a long row of [?] suddenly appeared in the barrage of the live broadcast room. ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ].

   Immediately afterwards, a bold red barrage flicked across everyone's eyes—

  【Don't scold me! Watch the live broadcast! ! 】

  The people who were about to pinch looked at the screen in the live broadcast room subconsciously.

  At this time, the camera in the live broadcast room happened to be aimed at the rest area of ​​the players at the game site.

  In the rest area, the little Qinglong who had just finished the game walked slowly to the chair and sat down.

   Then, he slowly raised his hand, in a very slow motion, under the gaze of the camera and all the audience—

   took off the hood on his head and the black peaked cap.

  In an instant, her long black hair fell on her shoulders like a waterfall.

    Ruan Xiaoqi: The live broadcast identity was exposed, and it was a heartbeat.



  (End of this chapter)

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