Master Xi Wants To Make Official Announcements Every Day

Chapter 1301: The world view is being reorganized

  Chapter 1301 The world view is being reorganized

  Everyone watching the game: "???"

  Little Qinglong... how does it have long hair?

  The netizens in the live broadcast room were stunned, and the fans following the scene in the studio were also staring.

  The noisy auditorium quieted down in an instant.

  The director sitting in the background saw this scene, keenly aware of something wrong.

  He hurriedly said to the headset: "Quickly, quickly! Take a picture and aim the camera at Xiaoqinglong!"

  The camera immediately steadily aimed the lens at the player’s rest area and zoomed in focus.

  Little Qinglong's figure instantly became clear in the lens.

  Through the big screen of the stage and the live game room, everyone can clearly see the black waist-length hair of'his'.


  Everyone looked confused.

  At this moment, Little Qinglong, who had just taken off his hat, raised his hand again.

  Everyone's hearts immediately followed.

  In the eyes of the camera and countless spectators, Xiao Qinglong slowly raised his hands and took off the black gloves on his hands.

  The camera immediately zoomed in and gave the hands a big close-up.

  Slim and slender, delicate and white, soft as boneless, scallion-like fingers, fingertips glowing with attractive and healthy pale pink.

  The audience saw these hands, their heads buzzed, and they were completely bewildered.

  If we say that the waist-length hair just now can be interpreted as a man can also grow long hair. Then there is no way to explain the current hands.

  As long as it is a person with eyes, even a three-year-old child can recognize it-this is definitely a pair of women's hands!

  So... Xiao Qinglong is not a man, but a woman? ? ?

  The worldview of countless e-sports fans is completely shattered at this moment.

  Little Qinglong has been in the e-sports arena for four years. When encountering gods and killing gods, encountering Buddhas and killing Buddhas, countless players cried and **** off. Especially his ultimate ultimate move is scorching sun down, murderous, and extremely overbearing. None of the e-sports players who had survived this trick fell on their knees, crying to Xiao Qinglong to call his father.

  However, this is such a mighty, domineering, arrogant, and all ace players called the ‘Psychological Shadow’ the pinnacle king of the Rong Yao Alliance. He turned out to be a...woman? !

  All e-sports fans, as well as all e-sports players on the field, are all crazy.

  It’s not that everyone looks down on women. There are many female e-sports players in the Rong Yao alliance circle, and they are very admired, such as Liu Wanwan.

  However, everyone never thought that Xiao Qinglong would be a woman.

  Because her attack style is too strong and cruel, just like a tiger going down a mountain, roaring and tearing the bodies of all enemies.

  No one would associate Xiao Qinglong with a gentle woman.

  So now, everyone is stupid.

  The live broadcast room, the game site, all the audience and the players of other teams, looked at Xiao Qinglong's direction dumbly, all quietly acting like a pantomime.

  However, the stimulation is not over yet.

  After taking off his gloves, Xiao Qinglong rubbed his fingers slowly, and then stretched his hand to the mask on his face.

  At this moment, everyone seemed to hear their own crazy heartbeat.

  The next second, when everyone's nervous heartbeat was about to get out of control, the mask on Xiao Qinglong's face was finally taken off.

  The camera immediately moved forward, and Xiao Qinglong's face appeared in everyone's sight through the camera.

  The scene of the game: "..."

  In the live broadcast room: "..."

  Kacha—It's a little bit shattered!

  The worldview is broken.

  Everyone’s heart is also broken.

  (End of this chapter)

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