Master Xi Wants To Make Official Announcements Every Day

Chapter 1400: Ruan Qi became popular in the family circle (one more)

   Chapter 1400 Ruan Qi became popular in the family circle (one more)

   All the aristocratic families did not expect that someone would deal with the Dong family so aggressively. Everyone secretly guessed who the Dong family had offended.

  Because Xi Jiu asked Bai Yuchen and the others to say hello before, some people have guessed that this matter should have something to do with the Xi family.

  But the Xi family and the Dong family have nothing to do with each other. Why does Xi Jiu deal with Fengyu Group?

   Many people are puzzled, but some who know the relationship between Ruan Qi and Xi Jiu have vaguely guessed the purpose of Xi Jiu doing this.

  Ruan Qi is in the entertainment industry, and Fengyu Group is also in the entertainment industry. This Dong Wei and his son are afraid that they will be revenge by Xi Jiu because they offend Ruan Qi?

   But it’s not quite right when you think about it.

   With Xi Jiu's behavior, it doesn't take so much trouble to deal with the Dong family. Although the Dong family is a wealthy family, in the eyes of the Xi family, it is only a meal. If Xi Jiu wanted to clean up the Dong family, he could kill them with just a few words, and there was no need to fight online public opinion wars.

  But if it wasn't Xi Jiu, who would deal with the Dong family?

  【It can’t be Ruan Qi himself, right? 】

  ——In the second-generation WeChat group of a certain imperial capital, this speculation was immediately ridiculed by everyone.

  【Amorous Ferrari: What are you kidding? Ruan Qi is only twenty years old! A 20-year-old girl who used her own power to move the entire Dong family? Brother, have you read too many Goldfinger novels? 】

   [I don't want to be the heir: emm... Actually, it's not impossible. Although Ruan Qi is only twenty years old, don't forget how terrifying her achievements in other fields are. As far as her brain is concerned, even Dong Wei is not necessarily smarter than her, right? 】

   [I have both cats and dogs: being smart can only mean high IQ, but the battle in the market relies on conspiracy and conspiracy. Ruan Qi is only 20 years old, how many conspiracies can be in his stomach? Dong Wei's old man is about to become an adult, how could Ruan Qi be his opponent? ! 】

  [I don't want to be an heir: The shopping mall does depend on strategy. But don't forget, in the face of absolute strength, all conspiracies and tricks are floating clouds. Although Ruan Qi is not involved in the business circle, her ability is enough to bring down a large company. 】

   [Staying up late to cultivate immortals: Agree. I have always been paying attention to the trend of public opinion on the Internet. The arrangement of this wave of public opinion wars is too meticulous, and the Dong family has no power to fight back. Such professional manipulation of public opinion is definitely someone from the entertainment industry! 】

  【I don’t love money: Even if you are in the entertainment industry, it’s not necessarily Ruan Qi, maybe it’s an entertainment company? 】

   [Stay up late to cultivate immortals: Do ordinary entertainment companies dare to deal with Fengyu? Looking at the entire entertainment industry, the only people who dare to challenge Fengqin are Qingshi Entertainment, which is Feng Qin, and Chinese film and television from Wang Leke's family. But neither the Feng family nor the Wang family have any grudges against Dong Wei and his son, and they have no reason to deal with Feng Yu. 】

  【My dog ​​is called A Nuan: That’s right. And one more thing, don't forget, this behind-the-scenes master can get evidence of the Dong family's crime. Just now I read the account contracts that Brother Cheng broke the news. The details are outrageous, and they are definitely Fengyu's most confidential documents! 】

The    group consists of the second generation of wealthy families, with countless family industries, so they naturally understand how important the most confidential documents are to a company.

   This kind of file is generally kept in the most secret place of the company, and will have the most high-tech defense system, which is difficult for even corporate or family insiders to access.

   Moreover, even if they are exposed, it is impossible to collect such complete evidence and materials in a short period of time.

   Except for one kind of person…

  【Baldhead Xiao Xianrou: ...I remember Ruan Qi was a special technical consultant of the Cyber ​​Security Center, right? 】

   Everyone: "..."

   The group was suddenly quiet and frightening.

   Obviously, everyone thought of Ruan Qi's identity as a technical advisor.

   How dangerous the global hacker network war was a few months ago, everyone in the group remembers it vividly.

  The global network was quickly paralyzed, the defense system of the communication base station was destroyed, and all mankind was caught in a new type of doomsday.

   For everyone, those few days were a lifetime nightmare.

  The one who rescued them from the nightmare was the hackers all over the world, the elites of the cybersecurity centers of various countries, and...the special consultant who led the Huaguo Cybersecurity Center to fight, Ruan Qi.

  The whole country knows that Ruan Qi is a very powerful computer expert.

   How strong is she?

   Strong enough to be qualified to be a teacher of all technical elites in the network security center, strong enough to lead all technical elites to fight for eight days and eight nights.

   Even if the people in the group don't understand computers, as long as they have a brain, they can infer that Ruan Qi's computer technology should be ranked first in the world.

   So, with such a powerful technique of hers... It should be more than enough to invade the core system of Fengyu Group, right?

  The WeChat group of the second generation of the giants was quiet for several minutes.

   After a long time, a person bubbling weakly.

  【Baldhead Xiao Xianrou: … capable of professionally manipulating public opinion, and able to obtain the most confidential evidence of Fengyu, able to meet these two requirements at the same time…]

  【Baldhead Little Fresh Pork: ...except Ruan Qi, there should be no one else? 】

   There should be no one else, right?

   No one else, right?

   Someone else?


   Everyone continued to be silent.

  Intellectually speaking, they knew that the mastermind behind the Dong family was Ruan Qi in all likelihood.

   But emotionally, everyone can't accept it.

   How old is Ruan Qi?

   Twenty years old!

  What did they do when they were twenty?

   Going to school, falling in love, spending family money, and being beaten by parents and men at every turn.

   But Ruan Qi's 20-year-old actually moved the entire Dong family by himself.

  Look at the Internet, what have the Dong family and Fengyu been scolded by netizens? It has been nearly four hours since the evidence was exposed, and Dong Wei and his son are still firmly hanging on the shame column of the hot search list!

   has been on the hot search for so long, is it because the Dong family doesn't want to withdraw?

  No, because they couldn't withdraw.

   Ruan Qi is so powerful that even the Dong family has nothing to do.

   Everyone is obviously young, Ruan Qi is a few years younger than them, why is there such a big gap in life?

All the second generation in the    group were hit hard, and they just wanted to shut themselves up if they didn’t want to chat.

   At this moment, a group member suddenly burst out with a swear word.

  【Goji berries with beer: **** me! The Dong family has another black material leaked! I fuck! I **** me fuck! Ruan Qi is so **** awesome, he can dig up things for so long! 】

   Everyone was aroused by the words of this group member, and opened their mobile Weibo one after another.

   On the Weibo hot search list, the topic that ranked first has been changed——

  #Dong Qi became a life-threatening situation#! ! !

   Everyone clicked on the topic and saw the third piece of news that Brother Cheng broke out at a glance.

   [Brother Cheng broke the news: Do you still remember the tragic car accident for a family of eight that happened in the imperial capital ten years ago? The perpetrator of the car accident was not a man surnamed Wang at all, but Dong Qicheng, who was only seventeen years old at the time! The man surnamed Wang is just a scapegoat, and Dong Qicheng is the real murderer! Everything I said is true, the evidence is conclusive, Dong Qicheng, Dong Wei, get out and die! 】

   (end of this chapter)

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