Master Xi Wants To Make Official Announcements Every Day

Chapter 1401: Ruan Qizhengang (two more)

   Chapter 1401 Ruan Qizhengang (two more)

  Ten years ago, there was a tragic car accident in the imperial capital that caused a national sensation.

  A blue Porsche snaked on the road, smashed dozens of vehicles, and finally crashed a black Volkswagen SUV into the river.

   A family of eight sat in the SUV. An old man, a middle-aged couple, a young couple who just got married, and two children still in the womb of their mother.

   A family of eight, happy and happy, was about to drive to the park for an outing, but all died in the car accident.

   After the car accident, the Porsche owner fled directly. Unexpectedly, two days later, he ran to the Public Security Bureau and turned himself in.

  According to his description, he drank a dozen beers on the day of the car accident and hit the SUV in a trance. After the car accident, he was delirious, drove the car home in a daze, and only remembered the crime he had committed after sobering up.

  The police found the blue Porsche based on the clues provided by the man surnamed Wang, the perpetrator.

   Porsche's dash cam has been damaged and cannot obtain relevant images. However, after some evidence collection, the fingerprints of the man surnamed Wang were indeed found on the steering wheel. In the road surveillance video from the Traffic Bureau, the escape route of Porsche is roughly the same as that described by the man surnamed Wang.

   All the evidence is complete, the police convicted the man surnamed Wang - ten years in prison!

  This car accident caused a stir in the imperial capital and even the whole country. Many people rushed to the imperial capital from all over the country to personally mourn the poor family of eight.

   But I didn't think about it, ten years later, this case has turned a shocking turn!

  The perpetrator was not a man surnamed Wang, but Dong Qicheng? !

   All the netizens were stunned by this violent material.

   Someone who responded quickly opened the evidence provided by Brother Cheng at the first time. There were eight pictures in total, which recorded all the information about the man surnamed Wang, his relationship with Dong Qicheng, and the follow-up financial transactions between the Dong family and his wife and children.

   In addition, the evidence also released all the video chat screenshots of Dong Qicheng's hit-and-run, asking Dong's assistant to contact the relatives of the family of eight, coercing and enticing him!

   After watching all this, netizens were full of anger like a volcano that exploded, banging, banging up.

  【The man surnamed Wang turned out to be a distant relative of Dong Qicheng's mother? ! 】

  【Summary of the evidence: The man surnamed Wang is the distant nephew of Dong Qicheng's mother, adopted and has no registered permanent residence. After Dong Qicheng hit and killed someone, his mother gave the man surnamed Wang 10 million and asked him to help face the crime. 】

  【In the family of eight that was killed, the old couple actually had a daughter who was working abroad. After hearing the bad news, her daughter immediately returned to China and wanted to find out the truth, but was coerced and lured by the Dong family. She couldn't resist, and the Dong family tied her up and locked her up for three days. Three days later, the daughter mysteriously disappeared and her whereabouts are unknown. 】

   [According to Brother Cheng's last piece of evidence, this daughter escaped secretly while the Dong family was not under strict supervision. She spent ten years incognito abroad, always looking for a chance to get her revenge. 】

  【…Is this news that will appear in modern society? Kidnapping, top crimes, and sloppy lives, is the Dong family lawless! 】

  【Hell is empty, the devil is in the world! 】

  【Lawless! Treat human life like a mustard! The Dong family must fall! 】

  【@ Imperial Police, please thoroughly investigate the car accident tragic ten years ago and give justice to the poor family of eight! 】

   If the previous social situation and industrial chain, stealing and leaking s just made everyone angry, then this tragedy ten years ago made everyone feel extremely chilling.

   A family of eight was buried in the icy river, but the perpetrators relied on their wealth to do whatever they wanted for ten years!

   Is there any justice in this world!

  Can money cover up all evil!

  In the eyes of the rich, isn't the life of an ordinary person not a life? !

  Because they felt the same way, the angry netizens broke out completely.

   Everyone has done everything possible to report and denounce Feng Yu and the Dong family, hoping to get justice for all victims.

  The Internet is completely messed up.

   Even if the Dong family's money is spent like water, it cannot control the speed of the fermentation of public opinion terror.

   However, the Internet has become such a mess, and in the most noisy entertainment circle on weekdays, no one has made a sound.

  Fengyu's artists are not allowed to speak out. Artists from other companies are afraid of Dong's family and Fengyu, fearing that they will settle accounts in the autumn, and dare not speak out.

  The entire entertainment industry is in a mysterious silence, in stark contrast to those netizens who frantically denounce the Dong family.

   However, just when the entire entertainment industry was preparing to be a tortoise, a female artist surnamed Ruan suddenly appeared and swaggered forward to Brother Cheng's Weibo.

  【Ruanruan Ruan Qi: Request a thorough investigation of the Dong family and Fengyu Group, and give everyone justice! 】

  All entertainers in the entertainment industry: "!!!"

   This female artist surnamed Ruan felt unsatisfied after reposting one, so she reposted the two previous revelations from Brother Cheng.

  [Soft Ruanqi: @ Imperial Taxation, taxation is a matter of people's livelihood, and all legal citizens should pay taxes on time. Wind entertainment knows the law is breaking the law, it should be investigated! 】

  【Ruanruan Ruanqi: In a society ruled by law, everyone is equal, and everyone's life is equally precious. If you have money but no conscience, you don't deserve to be human! 】

  The female artist surnamed Ruan posted several articles in a row, scolding Feng Yu and the Dong family from head to toe several times.

  Other entertainers in the entertainment industry were scared to death when they saw what she did.

   Ruan Qi What evil is this?

   Does she know who she is scolding?

   Isn't she afraid of offending Fengyu Group and the Dong family? Isn't she afraid that the Dong family can get through this and make a comeback? !

  … Of course Ruan Qi is not afraid.

  The whole thing was made by her, afraid of a ball?

   Not only is she not afraid, but she also has an unprecedented speed of blogging, and reprints the black material of the Dong family crazily, and she can't stop at all.

   Marshmallow and Xiaolong people saw that their idols were crazy, and immediately went crazy.

  Everyone likes, reprints and comments one-stop, and within two minutes, Ruan Qi was sent to the hot search.

  # Ruan Qi denounced Dong Jia# in six big characters, and hangs high in the top ten of the hot search list.

   Shen Wenqian, who was in Jinhua Entertainment, saw this hot search, and his head suddenly buzzed and went numb.

   The staff of the public relations department peeked at his face and asked cautiously, "Brother Shen, do you want to withdraw this hot search?"


   Shen Wenqian did not speak.

   He rubbed his face in pain, took a deep breath to suppress the anger in his body, and then gritted his teeth and said, "Withdraw your ass! It's useless to withdraw!"

   Employee: "...What then?"

   "What else can I do?" Shen Wenqian's face turned green with anger, and his back molars were about to bite. "Guide the public opinion and buy me a hot search!"

   After a minute, a fresh topic appeared on the hot search list——

  #Ruan Qizhengang#

   As we all know, the stars in the entertainment industry dare not speak out when something like Fengyu Group and the Dong family have an accident.

  Because the thin dead camel is bigger than the horse, even if the Dong family collapses, they have the ability to kill these artists.

   Therefore, every time there is a scandal in the capital, the artists will keep silent and never make a statement.

   And Ruan Qi became the first and only artist who dared to express his attitude and speak out against the Dong family in this shocking scandal.

   The Dong family's incident is too big, as long as people with brains can't come to take the heat.

   Therefore, Ruan Qi speaks out completely because he can't see it and wants to seek justice for the victim.


   Ruan Qi is indeed very rigid.

   Shen Wenqian: Let’s die together.

   Two fat stamps, alright, good night.



   (end of this chapter)

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