Master Xi Wants To Make Official Announcements Every Day

Chapter 1403: Grandpa Xi gave out a red envelope (two more)

   Chapter 1403 Mr. Xi sent a red envelope (two more)

  【My dog ​​is called A Nuan: To tell you the truth, I have never seen such a downfall like the Dong family. The common people scolded the Dong family, the entertainment industry scolded the Dong family, the academic circle scolded the Dong family, and all fields scolded the Dong family. Ruan Qi's connections are really scary. [covers face]]

  【Bald Head Xiao Xianrou: Compared with Ruan Qi's connections, I am more in awe of her methods. She can also get hold of the most confidential documents of the Dong family. The Dong family forged so perfectly in the car accident ten years ago that Ruan Qi was able to dig it out! 】

  【Do not want to be the heir: After all, she is a world-class computer expert, and there is no place in the global system that she cannot reach. It is estimated that the Dong family will be really cold this time. 】

   [Staying up late to cultivate immortals: It's not an estimate, it's definitely cold. Master Xi and Shao Bai have already spoken, and helping the Dong family is against them. In this situation, who would dare to help? 】

  【Baldhead Xiao Xianrou: My old man called me just now and told me not to have any contact with the Dong family, even if it was a side branch of the Dong family. The Dong family was really isolated this time. 】

   [Don't want to be the heir: Just wait, someone from the relevant department will go to Dong's house to investigate tomorrow. This time the Dong family was completely planted, but I always felt that Ruan Qi still had something to do. 】

  【Amorous Ferrari: What's behind? Does she have any other secrets from the Dong family? 】

  【Do not want to be the heir: not necessarily black material. I just felt that with Ruan Qi's skill, she definitely didn't just bring down the Dong family. 】

   [Staying up all night to cultivate immortals: Guess what to do, what a brain? Let's wait and see the result, Ruan Qi will definitely continue to make moves. 】

  【Baldhead Xiao Xianrou: …Speaking of which, we chat in the group like this, will the chat screenshots be passed on to other groups? Now it's not certain that Ruan Qi is the one who is involved in the Dong family. If this news spreads, will Mr. Xi think that we are spreading rumors? 】

  【My dog ​​is called A Nuan: Brother, why are you so innocent? Do you think that there is no one from Mr. Xi in this group? Both Gu Erye and Bai Shao's trumpets are in the group. 】

  【Bald little fresh meat: ? ? ? ? ? 】

  【My dog ​​is called A Nuan: And it doesn’t matter if other groups know about this. Ruan Qi dared to do such a flamboyant act, just because he was not afraid of being guessed. Otherwise, why do you think Wang Leke and Feng Qin Chenshi suddenly spoke up? 】

  【Bald-headed little fresh meat: …Isn’t it because the Dong family did so much evil that they couldn’t see it before they spoke up? 】

  【My dog ​​is called A Nuan: Pfft! Baby you are so innocent. 】

   [Staying up late to cultivate immortals: How many people from wealthy families have no family affairs? Everyone grew up in this kind of environment and has long been accustomed to these things. How could they criticize the Dong family online because they couldn't see it? Do you think they are all hot-blooded young people? 】

  【Bald little fresh meat: ...then Wang Leke and Feng Qin Chenshi...]

   [Staying up all night to cultivate immortals: They guessed that Ruan Qi did this, and they were cheering her on. Hey, by the way, do we want to go to Weibo to get involved? To be honest, I really like Ruan Qi's energy, and I want to be her fan. 】

  【My dog ​​is called A Nuan: take me one take me one! I just like Ruan Qi, a beautiful, sassy and ruthless young lady, she is so energetic! 】

   [Passionate Ferrari: Anyway, I have nothing to do at night, let's go to Weibo to play together. I've long been annoyed by the Dong family's offal, so I just took this opportunity to vent my anger. 】

   A group of the second generation who stayed up in the middle of the night clamored to go to Weibo for team building.

   At this moment, a very inconspicuous WeChat trumpet suddenly bubbled up in the group, and sent more than 20 big red packets in a row.

   Everyone was stunned by the sudden rain of red envelopes. After waiting for the response, I hurried to grab it.

   [Staying up late to cultivate immortals: Thank you, the big red envelope. I don't know which fairy the boss is? 】

   [WeChat trumpet: Gu Feiyang. 】

   Everyone: "…"

  【WeChat trumpet: The red envelope is rewarded by Brother Nine. Come on, let's talk. 】

   Everyone: "…"

  Gu Feiyang came and went quickly, leaving only a group of rich second generation holding red envelopes to act silly in the group.

   But soon, everyone came back to their senses, and they all ran to Weibo with excited ghost roars.

  Oooooooo! They even snatched the red envelope given by Mr. Xi!

   Take the short hand and eat the short mouth, they will go to Weibo to help Ruan Qi deal with the Dong family together!



   The public opinion fermented overnight, and there was no tendency to cool down until the next morning.

   Ruan Qi stayed up late last night before going to bed, and woke up late today, and sat up reluctantly from the bed just before ten o'clock.

   Shen Wenqian also called at this time.

"Ruan Xiaoqi," his voice was a little excited, and his words trembled, "Dong Wei and Dong Qicheng were taken away by people from the relevant departments! A special task force was set up above to investigate the matter of the Dong family, and we will never tolerate it! Lao Tzu's hatred is finally It's time to report!!"

  Dong Wei and Yao Xue made him miserable, and Shen Wenqian hated them both.

  If Ruan Qi hadn't helped him at that time, he and Xu Hao would have turned into bereaved dogs, and even the company would have been sold.

   Now, Dong Wei has finally been arrested, and the Dong family is about to end. Shen Wenqian finally vomited out the bad anger that Shen Wenqian had held back for a whole year.

   "If it weren't for the fact that fireworks are not allowed in the city, I really want to buy 10,000 firecrackers and run them downstairs to the Fengyu Group!"

   Ruan Qi thinks Shen Wenqian's idea is a good idea.

   This year, Dong Qicheng disgusted her many times, secretly and secretly, and now she wants to shoot.

   "By the way, Brother Shen, what about Yao Xue?"

"She?" Shen Wenqian sneered, "What can she do? She hides in the villa and doesn't dare to show her head. Dong Qicheng was arrested, the Dong family is over, and her biggest supporter has fallen. The resources Dong Qicheng gave her are also gone. She still wants to come back? Dream about it!"

   Yao Xue is just a clown, nothing to be afraid of.

   Now that the Dong family is over, Dong Qicheng has got the end he deserves, and Yao Xue's comeback dream has been completely shattered.

   Ruan Qi didn't want to waste energy on such a person, so he changed the subject and said, "How is the progress of Fengyu's stock?"

Shen Wenqian: "Everything is going well. Jinhua has acquired most of the scattered shares at a low price, but the shares in those shareholders' hands are the bulk. By the way, Xu Hao told me in the morning that Dong Jialiang is cold, and many shareholders of Fengyu want to sell the shares. The shares are sold. Xu Hao calculated, if all these shares are acquired, plus the scattered shares acquired before, all together, it can reach almost 20%."

   "Only twenty percent?" Ruan Qi raised an eyebrow.

"Yeah." Shen Wenqian sighed, "Fengyu Group is a family business, and most of the shares are controlled by the Dong family. Although Dong Wei is down now, there are others in the Dong family. They all want to take this opportunity to rise, naturally I don’t want to sell the shares. Moreover, Fengyu Group is too big, and with Jinhua’s current assets, acquiring 20% ​​is the limit.”

  Although the Dong family is not a top giant, the century-old family still has some foundation.

   In addition to Fengyu Entertainment, Fengyu Group has many other industries, and its financial strength is not comparable to a company like Jinhua Entertainment, which has only been established for six years.

   Ruan Qi understood Jinhua's difficulties.

   She comforted Shen Wenqian and said, "Brother Shen, don't worry. It doesn't matter if you and Xu Dong have no money, I have money.

   No matter how many shares of Fengyu, I can buy it back! You can watch the public opinion on the Internet with peace of mind, and leave other things to me.

   In two days, I will show you all the share transfer contracts of Fengyu Group! "

   Another two fat chapters.

Goodnight everybody.



   (end of this chapter)

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