Master Xi Wants To Make Official Announcements Every Day

Chapter 1404: Ruan's parents' company

   Chapter 1404 Ruan's parents' company

   After Dong Wei and Dong Qicheng and his son were arrested, the Dong family began to be in chaos, and the Fengyu Group was scattered.

   It stands to reason that Dong Wei, as the person in charge of the Dong family, had an accident, and his children should stand up and preside over the overall situation.

   But several of Dong Wei's children are not very successful, and the other members of the Dong family are making stumbling blocks, so the huge Fengyu Group can't even bring out a person who can be in charge.

  Many shareholders saw this situation and felt that the Dong family and Fengyu had run out of gas. They no longer hesitated and sold their shares to the outside world.

   The forces of all parties who wanted to divide up the Dong family immediately swarmed up, all wanting to take a piece of this big cake.

   However, they came a step late.

  —Someone grabbed ahead of them and bought all the shares sold by Fengyu Group at a very low price and at the fastest speed.

  The capital of all parties who were preparing to sharpen their knives to Fengyu was dumbfounded.

  Which **** is so fast?

   It was less than twenty-four hours after the Dong Jiacai accident. This person bought all the shares sold by Fengyu so quickly. This is clearly a premeditated plan!

   The big guys from all walks of life faintly smelled the taste of conspiracy. Everyone secretly investigates, but—to no avail.

   The person who bought the shares of Fengyu seems to have evaporated from the world, leaving no trace.

   At this moment, people in the capital circle can't sit still.

  Everyone is speculating in their hearts who this person is.

   Could it be which top family in China?

   But there are only a few top-level aristocratic families. Everyone observed it carefully, but did not find any top-level bigwigs who did something to the Dong family.

  But if it wasn't these big guys, who would it be?

   Everyone guessed and guessed, even the foreign wealthy families guessed a wave, and finally did not discuss the reason.

   At this time, as the core figure that everyone is discussing, Ruan Qi is carrying a small white horse backpack and riding a small electric donkey with eyelashes inserted upside down, driving quickly on the boulevard of the imperial capital.

   "Dad, turn right at the intersection ahead." Baby Damai's voice came from the Bluetooth headset.

   Ruan Qi nodded and controlled the little electric donkey to turn to the road on the right.

"At the end of this road is the Lihua villa area. Dong Qicheng's uncle and uncle are both here." After speaking, two beeps sounded in the Bluetooth headset, "Dad, give the house numbers of the two of them. Sent to your phone."

   "Okay, Damai has worked hard."

   The little blue and white electric donkey quickly drove to the end of the road, and the splendid Lihua villa area appeared in front of Ruan Qi.

   She unscrewed the brakes, landed with one foot, and stopped the little electric donkey firmly.

   Ruan Qi raised his head and looked at the gate of the villa area.

  The four security guards in charge of guarding also looked at her... The little electric donkey under the buttocks twitched at the same time.

  The owners of Lihua Villas are either rich or expensive, and most of the outsiders who come to visit drive luxury cars. Except for the deliveryman and the courier, these security guards have never seen such a person riding a small electric donkey here.

   One of the security guards stared at Ruan Qi for two seconds, then raised his feet and walked out of the guard booth.

   "Ma'am, what's the matter with you?"

   Ruan Qi retracted his gaze from the villa area and shook his head with a smile, "It's alright, I'll go home."

go home?

  The captain of the security was stunned for a moment, and looked around Ruan Qi's face with a mask without a trace, frowning slowly.

   "Ma'am, I don't seem to have seen you before."

"You really haven't seen me." Ruan Qi looked at him with a smile, "This is my boyfriend's house, and I'm here for the first time today. The house number of my boyfriend's house is No. 1, Building 17, you can call and ask. ask him."

   The security captain has worked here for five or six years, and he has long known the identity and background of every owner in the community.

   When he heard Ruan Qi say No. 1 of Building 17, his heart suddenly shook.

   Building 17 is the Louwang area of ​​Lihua Villas, and Villa No. 1 is the NO.1 in that Louwang area.

   The security captain remembered that the owner of that villa was surnamed ... Xi.

   The seat of the seat family.

   The security captain's face immediately turned serious. He gave Ruan Qi a straight salute and politely said, "Madam, please wait a moment, I'll call Mr. Xi to confirm."

   Ruan Qi gave him a gesture of 'please please'.

   The security captain quickly returned to the duty station.

Ruan Qi looked at his back, and whispered with frowning eyebrows, "Fortunately, Jiu Jiu has a house here, otherwise I would have to climb over the wall to get in. The more houses are, the better, I also want to buy a house. But the current price is so high. "

   Bai Li in the system couldn't help but let out a 'tui' when he heard this.

   "Ruan Xiaoqi, can't you die at Versailles? You count the savings in your bank card, and it's enough to buy several villas!"

   Ruan Qi: "Those are pocket money given to me by my parents and brother. How can I earn so much?"

  Bai Li sneered and said "Haha".

"You don't make much money yourself? I remember that Simon Austin just transferred you 100 million yuan in weapon design fees a few days ago, and Wen Ran also gave you 80 million last month, saying it was a 'Tianlu' one. Monthly profit. Oh, by the way, Cao Zhixing, the dean of the imperial university, called you yesterday and said that you had two patents and sold them. Ruan Xiaoqi, you don’t make much money? Not counting the sales of Qimu Pharmaceutical!"

  "..." Ruan Qi was a little cautious when he was said. She shrank her neck and was silent for a while, and defended herself in a low voice, "Compared to my brother and Jiu Jiu, I really don't earn much."

   "What do you compare to them?!"

  Bai Li couldn't help rolling his eyes, "How old are you? How old are they? They're almost a year older than you. How dare you compare with them? Besides, the Xi family's inheritance is ancestral, and you started from scratch. Can it be the same?"

   "Furthermore, if you compare your family business, you won't necessarily lose to Xi Jiu. What are your parents doing, you don't have any points in your heart? That company in your family is—"

   "This lady," the security captain's voice broke in suddenly.

   Bai Li's words were interrupted.

   The security captain walked in front of Ruan Qi, saluted her, and said politely, "I have confirmed my identity with Mr. Xi just now, you can go in. I'm sorry for the delay."

   Ruan Qi smiled and shook his head.

   The security captain pressed the remote control to help her open the door.

   Ruan Qi thanked him and rode a small electric donkey into the Lihua villa area.


  Lihua Villa District, No. 5, Building 9, the home of Dong Qicheng's uncle Dong Meng.

   Ruan Qi parked the little electric donkey outside the courtyard of the villa. She raised her head, took off her mask, stared at Dong Meng's villa for two seconds, and slowly raised her red lips.

  Bai Li saw her expression through the system, and couldn't help feeling sympathy for Dong Meng.

   "Dong Meng's good days are coming to an end, and the female bandit who robbed shares is about to appear!"

   Today is a bit calvin, more haha.



   (end of this chapter)

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