Master Xi Wants To Make Official Announcements Every Day

Chapter 1405: Ruan Qi has no money and no status

   Chapter 1405 Ruan Qi has no money and no status

   At this time, in a detention center in the imperial capital.

  Dong Qicheng sat in the cold chair with his hands in handcuffs and a haggard face.

  Compared to his usual high-spiritedness, at this time, he was extremely embarrassed.

  The expensive haute couture clothes were replaced by the uniform uniforms in the detention center. Because of sleepless nights, his face was pale, his eyes were dark blue, and his meticulously groomed hair was in a mess.


  The door of the detention room was suddenly opened from the outside.

   A policeman walked in with a man in a suit.

   "Second Young Master." The man shouted.

   Dong Qicheng quickly raised his head when he heard the voice, struggling to get up.

   The police officer who was standing by and in charge of guarding immediately stretched out his baton.

   "What are you messing with? Sit down!"

   Dong Qicheng has been smooth sailing since he was born, and he is held by people wherever he goes. Even many dignitaries have to give him three points in the face of the Dong family.

   But now, a policeman from a detention center dared to yell at him.

   Dong Qicheng rushed up with a 'bass' of anger that had been aggrieved for a long time.

   He turned his head with a gloomy face, and stared at the policeman about to scold him.

   But as soon as the classic country scolded out a word, the man in the suit who had just entered the detention room hurriedly interrupted him.

   "Second Young Master, don't be impulsive!"

   Dong Qicheng's swear words suddenly got stuck.

   He turned his head and looked at the man in the suit with a bit of puzzlement in his eyes.

   The man in the suit gave him a wink, then pulled out the chair and sat down.

   Dong Qicheng had to suppress his temper and sat back in his seat.

   The detention room became quiet again, and the police officer in charge of guarding returned to the corner and stood up again.

Dong Qicheng looked at the man in a suit who was separated by a table from him, and angrily tapped the table with his finger, and asked impatiently, "Zhang Lu, when can you get me out? This place is a mess. The smell is not inhabited by humans at all!"

   Zhang Lu glanced at him with a complicated expression when he heard this.

   "Second Young Master, you may not be able to get out in a short time."

   Dong Qicheng's fingers that kept tapping on the table suddenly stopped.

   He raised his head in disbelief, "What did you say?! I can't get out?! Zhang Mingfan, are you kidding me?!"

"Second Young Master, you'd better calm down now." Lawyer Zhang's face was very solemn, "The person who exposed you has collected a lot of evidence, and the police have already received this evidence. The current situation is very unfavorable for you, and the evidence provided by the other party is very sufficient. . If nothing else, you should be convicted."

   Dong Qicheng heard this, his head suddenly 'hum'.

   No one knows better than him the deplorable legal nature of what he himself has done. If convicted, a life sentence is not run away.

   As soon as he thought that he would spend more than ten or twenty years in prison, Dong Qicheng's clothes were instantly soaked with cold sweat.

He grabbed the edge of the table and said to Lawyer Zhang in a panic, "Hurry up and find a way for me! I can't go to jail, I am the Dong family, how can I go to jail! Yes, Dong family, you go to the person in charge of the relevant department. , you mention the Dong family to him, no one dares to provoke the Dong family!"

   In Dong Qicheng's mind, the Dong family is the spokesperson of power. No matter how much trouble he got into, as long as he took out the name of the Dong family, he would be able to settle it.

   But this time, he was destined to be disappointed.

Lawyer Zhang shook his head slowly, "Second Young Master, it's useless. In order to thoroughly investigate the Dong family, the top set up a special task force. This time, it doesn't matter if anyone's name is moved. What we can do now is to find a way. Reduce your sentence in court..."

   "I don't want a commutation!!!" Before lawyer Zhang could finish speaking, he was rudely interrupted by Dong Qicheng.

He grabbed the table in a broken way, and roared hoarsely: "I want to go out! Can you understand what I said? I want to go out! I don't want to go to jail!! The Dong family has raised you for so many years, not for you to help me commute my sentence. !!!”

   Dong Qicheng's emotions were out of control, and his whole person looked a little crazy.

   When the policeman standing in the corner saw this, he quickly stepped forward and pressed him onto the chair with a big hand.

   "Sit well and don't make noise!"

   Dong Qicheng, whose emotions were out of control, struggled to resist.

  The policeman immediately took out his electric baton and slapped him on the shoulder.

  How could Dong Qicheng, who only knew how to drink and play with women on weekdays, could stand this stick, his face was pale in pain, and he collapsed on the table.

   "Second Young Master!" Lawyer Zhang shouted in a hurry.

  Dong Qicheng was speechless in pain, panting hard like a dying pig.

   Attorney Zhang's face turned cold, and habitually wanted to take the posture of the chief lawyer of the Dong family to condemn the policeman. But as soon as the words came to his lips, he remembered the current situation of the Dong family.

   Even Dong Wei can't protect himself, what qualifications does he have as a small lawyer?

   Attorney Zhang pursed his lips, and the words of condemning the police turned into an apology.

   "Sorry, comrade police officer, Er Young is a little impulsive, he didn't mean it."

   The policeman was not moved by Zhang’s apology.

   He let go of Dong Qicheng's hand and said expressionlessly, "There are ten minutes left for the visit. Talk well, or I'll take him back now!"

   Attorney Zhang quickly thanked him.

Then, he pulled the chair forward, put his upper body on the table, lowered his voice and said to Dong Qicheng: "Second Young Master, the current situation of the Dong family is not very good, you must be patient inside. I will find a way to help You reduce the sentence, and if you can spend money, I will do it. As for the police, don’t admit it no matter what you ask, I will find a solution for other things.”

   Dong Qicheng slumped on the table and did not speak.

   Attorney Zhang looked at his unsupported A Dou appearance and felt a little helpless in his heart. He pushed his glasses and suddenly remembered something.

   "By the way, Second Young Master, do you know Ruan Qi?"

  Dong Qicheng turned his head with difficulty, "Ruan Qi?"

   "Yes. It's Ruan Qi from the entertainment industry, do you know Er Shao?"

   Dong Qicheng let out a weak 'um'.

   "A little star, looks very good-looking, what's the matter?"


   Hearing Dong Qicheng's evaluation of Ruan Qi, Lawyer Zhang's expression was a bit indescribable.

   He glanced at Dong Qicheng and said in a complicated tone, "Second Young Master, the matter of the Dong family may have been caused by Ruan Qi."


   Dong Qicheng raised his head in disbelief, "What did you say?! Who did it?!"

   Attorney Zhang: "Ruan Qi."

   "It's impossible!" Dong Qicheng immediately denied it loudly, "Ruan Qi is a little star, at best, she has some other skills. But she has no money and no status, how could she have managed the Dong family?!"


   Attorney Zhang suddenly felt a sense of despair towards this second young master of the Dong family.

  No money and no status? Little star?

   Distinguished consultant of Huaguo Cyber ​​Security Center, Distinguished Professor of Imperial College, world-renowned talented pianist, do you call this a lack of money or status?

  You are the second generation of the dude who is almost thirty years old and still eating old, where did you get your face?

   Yes, where did the face come from?

   Today is also an update. There is indeed something going on in the past two days. I didn’t write too much on purpose. It should be updated normally tomorrow.

   Happy Valentine's Day, everyone!



   (end of this chapter)

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