Master Xi Wants To Make Official Announcements Every Day

Chapter 1408: take care of wife and children

   Chapter 1408 Love his wife and children

  Dong Meng rushed up with a single stride and roughly snatched the document bag from Ruan Qi's hand.

   He took out the document inside, opened it quickly, and when he saw the content inside, his expression changed suddenly.

  Ruan Qi smiled softly when he saw his reaction.

"Others say that Mr. Dong Meng has a clean style and loves his wife and children. He is a rare good man in the Dong family. But I didn't expect that such a good man not only sings every night outside, but also has that kind of shameful hobby. Mr. Dong, You should be a regular customer of Dong Qicheng's industrial chain, right?"

   Dong Meng's face turned pale in an instant.

   Everyone says that Dong Meng is a good man who takes care of his family, but they don't know that he likes extreme violence in intercourse.

   Dong Meng's wife is a wealthy lady, so he naturally dare not use this hobby on his wife. Therefore, Dong Meng raised several lovers outside, specially for him to vent his emotions.

   It's just that when he first started taking care of these lovers, Dong Meng still felt quite fresh. But over time, he got tired of it.

  So, in pursuit of a higher sense of excitement, he invested in Dong Qicheng's industrial chain.

  The artists in the industry chain who provide services are all artists of Fengyu Group, and their appearance and body are naturally not to be said. And the contracts of these artists are in the hands of Fengyu, they dare not resist, Dong Meng can do whatever he wants.

  Because of the big tree of the Dong family, everything Dong Meng did was well concealed. Even if you play too crazy and kill people occasionally, you can easily fool them with money.

   Therefore, Dong Meng never dreamed that his secrets would be discovered.

   Looking at the photos in the file bag, Dong Meng's brain was dizzy and his body was shaking.

   He clutched the file bag tightly, held the sofa with the other hand, and squeezed out his voice with difficulty: "You... Who are you? How can there be such things?"

   "I'm Ruan Qi." The little girl looked at him with a smile, "I just introduced myself, Mr. Dong, have you forgotten? My name is Ruan Qi, and I'm an artist."


   How could an artist have such a great ability to dig out his secrets?

   Dong Meng had a look of disbelief.

He looked at Ruan Qi coldly, and was about to speak when he heard Ruan Qi say again: "Oh, I forgot to tell you, in addition to the profession of an artist, I am also a special technical consultant of the Huaguo Cyber ​​Security Center. The last global cyber war , the Huaguo combat team is led by me!"


  In an instant, Dong Meng's eyes suddenly widened in shock.

   Dong Meng is nearly 60 years old and doesn't usually surf the Internet very much. Even though he is a shareholder of Fengyu, he doesn't know much about the entertainment industry.

   He had never heard of Ruan Qi, a popular female artist, but he had heard of the Internet war that caused a sensation around the world.

   How terrifying that cyber war was, Dong Meng, who was in the aristocratic circle, knew better than ordinary people. It is precisely because of his deep understanding that he is more aware of the special status of the Cyber ​​Security Center in China.

  Network Security Center, it is a place where the top computer elites in China are assembled, and it is a weapon of God to maintain China's network security.

   And Ruan Qi, if she is really the leader of this team, then her strength and power... will be unimaginable horror!

  The cold sweat on Dong Meng's forehead instantly fell.

   He didn't care that Ruan Qi was still there, he took out his phone with trembling hands, opened Du Niang and typed in the word 'Ruan Qi'.

  The mobile phone page flashed, and everything related to Ruan Qi appeared on the page——

   Ruan Qi, 20 years old, a popular female artist in Huaguo, a talented pianist, a famous female singer, a famous scholar, and... Huaguo Internet Security Center! special! Hire! Skill! technique! Gu! ask!

   (end of this chapter)

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