Chapter 1409 Want money or death

   The black text on a white background on the web page is blowing through the mobile phone screen.

   Ruan Qi is actually a special technical consultant of the Cyber ​​Security Center!

   No wonder she can get these pictures, no wonder she knows her secrets!

  Dong Meng's legs suddenly softened.

   However, unlike Dong Qicheng, who is stupid, Dong Meng has always been very knowledgeable about judging the situation and weighing the pros and cons.

   If Ruan Qi said that she exposed all the black stuff in the Dong family, then this 20-year-old girl would definitely not be able to offend him.

  Dong Meng weighed in his mind at the fastest speed. Then, he forced himself to suppress his panic and sat back on the sofa with his weak legs supported.

   "Miss Ruan," Dong Meng's attitude was much more polite than before. He looked at Ruan Qi and asked in a hoarse voice, "What on earth are you trying to do? I didn't offend you."

   Ruan Qi raised his lips and revealed a pure smile when he heard this.

   "Mr. Dong really didn't offend me, so I didn't break out the information. I have a grudge against Dong Wei and Dong Qicheng, the rest of the Dong family, I'm not interested."

  Dong Meng: "Then you still..."

"Mr. Dong, I haven't finished speaking yet." Ruan Qi interrupted him and said with a smile, "Although I am not interested in the Dong family, I am very interested in Fengyu Group. Especially in your hands shares, I am particularly interested.”

  Dong Meng: "..."

   Dong Meng wanted to vomit blood.

   He looked at Ruan Qi with an aggrieved expression, his voice squeezed out of his teeth, "I can't give you the shares!"

   "What kind of person does Mr. Dong take me for?" The little girl looked cute, "In a society governed by the rule of law, it is illegal to rob someone or something. Mr. Dong, I didn't want to rob you of your shares. I'll pay for it, okay?"

  Dong Meng remained ashen and did not speak.

  Although the Dong family has collapsed now, the thin dead camel is bigger than the horse, and the foundation is still there.

   As long as he survives this period of time, Dong Meng believes that Fengyu Group will be able to make a comeback. By that time, Dong Wei was in prison, and he was the largest shareholder of Fengyu.

  Thinking of the days when the wind and rain will be windy in the future, Dong Meng does not want to sell his shares at all.

   He looked at Ruan Qi with a livid face, and was about to say no when Ruan Qi interrupted him first.

   "Mr. Dong, you have to think carefully before making a decision. Whether you want money or death, you can decide for yourself."


  Dong Meng prepared a belly of refusal words that all got stuck in his throat.

   His complexion turned from blue to white, from white to black, and after holding it for a long time, he finally said something vicious, "Even if you buy my shares, you can't control Fengyu! Dong Wei is the largest shareholder of Fengyu!"

"I know." Ruan Qi replied with a good temper, "Dong Wei owns 43% of the shares. But so what? The remaining 57% of Fengyu's shares are not in his hands. ."

   Dong Meng sat up abruptly when he heard this, and asked, "Do you want to acquire all the fifty-seven percent?!"

   Ruan Qi nodded with a smile.

   Dong Wei's eyes widened suddenly.

   "It's impossible! Do you think Fengyu is a small company like Jinhua Entertainment? With fifty-seven percent of the shares, do you know how much it will cost to acquire all of them?!"

"I knew."

  Dong Wei: "Then you still—"

"I don't need Mr. Dong to worry about this for me." Ruan Qi interrupted him and said with a smile, "I can eat as much as I want. I can still eat Fengyu's meal. Dong Don't worry about these trivial matters when you are old, sir. Sell your shares to me, and then take the money to retire with peace of mind, how good?"

   Dong Meng: Good you have nn legs! Pooh!

   Ooooooooo, even less these two days, make up for it tomorrow!



   (end of this chapter)

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