Chapter 1410 The Nightmare of Dong Family


  What a fart!

   Lao Tzu is less than 60 years old, the old man who supports Nima!

  Dong Meng held back his swear words and wanted to scold him. He was so angry that his eyes were wide open, and he stared at Ruan Qi fiercely and panting.

   Ruan Qi didn't care at all, and still looked at him with a smile.

   "Mr. Dong, give you ten minutes to think about it. After ten minutes, if you agree to transfer the shares, sign this contract."

   Ruan Qi finished speaking and pushed a contract to Dong Meng.

  Dong Meng glanced down and couldn't help sneering, "Miss Ruan has prepared everything for the share transfer contract! Are you so confident that I will promise you?"

   Ruan Qi raised her lips sweetly, "Mr. Dong is a smart person, so he naturally knows how to choose."

   Dong Meng did not speak.

   He lowered his head and looked at the black evidence related to him, his eyes full of struggle.

   "If I give you the shares, this evidence..."

   "All the evidence is in this USB flash drive," Ruan Qi took out a USB flash drive from his schoolbag, "As long as you give me the shares, this USB flash drive is yours."

  Dong Meng raised his head and looked at her suspiciously, "You won't report to expose me?"

"Of course not." Ruan Qi blinked innocently, "I have nothing against you, so why should I report you? Don't worry, Mr. Dong, as long as you transfer your shares to me, I will never do anything wrong. Bad thing for you! I could swear to God!"

   The little girl raised her right hand, swearing, and speaking with sincerity.

   Although Dong Meng was still dubious, in order to get the USB flash drive, he could only choose to accept it.

   "Okay, I promise to give you the shares."


  Twenty minutes later, Ruan Qi took the fresh and warm share transfer contract and left Dong Meng's house satisfied.

  Bai Li watched the whole process of the little girl trapping Dong Meng in the system, and finally couldn't help but said, "Seven girls, are you really not going to expose Dong Meng?"

   Ruan Qi didn't answer, just said with a smile, "Guess what?"

   "I guess?" Bai Li stroked his beard and shook his head, "I guess you won't just let Dong Meng go. That old boy has done so many immoral things, and it's just unreasonable to let him go like this!"

   Ruan Qi smiled when he heard this.

   "The cycle of cause and effect in this world, as long as people do bad things, they will have retribution sooner or later. Uncle Bai Li, don't worry, Dong Meng's retribution will come later."

   After she finished speaking, she put Dong Meng's share transfer contract into the little white horse's backpack and put on her mask again.

   "Let's go, go to the next house!"


   On this day, all the Dong family members who have shares in Fengyu Group ushered in a nightmare for all of them.

  The Dong family is a century-old family with a large population. Naturally, there are a lot of dark things.

   Ruan Qi asked Wen Ran to dig out all the secrets of Dong's family, and then brought these evidences to visit them one by one.

The result of the    visit was very satisfactory.

  Those Dong family members who were cold-faced and resolute not to transfer their shares, all obediently signed the share transfer agreement after seeing the evidence.

   When Ruan Qi rode her little electric donkey home in the evening, her little white horse backpack was already filled with more than 30% of Fengyu Group's shares.

   Ruan Qi put these share transfer contracts together, took a photo, and sent it to Shen Wenqian via WeChat.

   Within two seconds, Shen Wenqian's video call came over.

  Ruan Qi pressed the connect button, and Shen Wenqian's screaming chicken-like voice immediately came from the receiver.

   "Fuck Ruan Xiaoqi! You really got all the shares of the Dong family?! Did you really get it?!!"

   giao, Shuanggeng did not do it. I don't believe it, I will set up a flag tomorrow.



   (end of this chapter)

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